Excellent reply! I wish you had made a post of it, as well!
I will NEVER use any pronouns but the ones I grew up with.
I will refuse to even associate with anyone who asks otherwise.
Excellent reply! I wish you had made a post of it, as well!
I will NEVER use any pronouns but the ones I grew up with.
I will refuse to even associate with anyone who asks otherwise.
I wrote a freewrite about an experience my cousin had that you might appreciate:
I think if I am ever in that position I will answer that my preferred pronoun is whichever pronoun the speaker would like to use to refer to me. They'd all choose female of course, unless they were idiots.
Ok. Thanks!
I write about this nonsense in my fiction all the time. I mock the preferred pronoun BS every chance I get. Here's another freewrite I wrote about it