South Africa has employment programs THAT SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDE WHITES (funded by white taxes.)

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

We told you that "The African National Congress" (ANC) is blatantly Communist. This isn't, AT ITS VERY ROOTS, even really a racial struggle in South Africa. Although, that is certainly how it looks, AND FEELS, to the unfortunate EARLIER SETTLERS from Holland who are now bearing the brunt of the COMMUNIST TAKEOVER of a formerly thriving nation-- a nation that is now nearly a complete basket case.

We've done previous articles discussing the ANC, warning over their NOW OPEN plans to seize all white-owned lands and property. That comes in the wake of what can only be described as batches of pre-planned MURDERS and a mini-genocide (mini, for now) against white farmers. That, has been going on for years now.

Sadly, the U.S. government TO MY CURRENT KNOWLEDGE (despite Trump noises in this general direction) has done nothing to ease immigration requirements for WHITE CHRISTIAN refugees from South Africa, while Russia is taking them in by the busload.

Here is a link to the new type of TRUE APARTHEID taking place against the South African minority:

Here is an excerpt from the link above:

"YES was the brainchild of South African president Cyril Ramaphosa. In March, he boasted about the idea, stating 'we will be coming up with further initiatives to address youth unemployment.' However, South Africa's trade union, called 'Solidarity,' stated that white South Africans were 'unwelcome,' while calling the exclusion 'part of a long list of policies obsessed with race.' Paul Maritz, coordinator of Solidarity Youth, told RT: 'It is as if the President is saying to white candidates: ‘You are unwelcome and on your own!'"

Let me just come out an say it...anyone supporting such BLATANTLY RACIST policies is A REAL RACIST. That includes America government officials. I am ashamed that we are not offering asylum to South Africans--white, Christian, English-speaking, hard-working-- that are EASILY ASSIMILABLE, while we continue to welcome non-christian, non-European-heritage, non-English-Speaking, ANTI-AMERICAN unassimilables by the thousands every day.


This whole swamping of majority Christian, freedom-loving, anti-Communist Western nations with COMMUNISTS who have only one goal in mine...i.e. a GLOBAL COMINTERN and the destruction of all national borders, is NOT ACCIDENTAL.

I hate to say this too, but if you think it's not planned...




From this Black man's perspective, the White folk are feeling sorry for themselves because they seem to be facing the same mal-treatment that their ancestors inflicted on the non-White peoples of the world throughout history. They now want justice from the victims of racial oppression who are tired of waiting for the White race to atone for their sins. Communism is just modern -day Orwellian word play that negates the root of the word. Communicate and community are good concepts that become over shadowed by the ism. Once you place the ism in there, there goes community and communication. Now we just have division. Those who run mass media use their power to divide us in any way they can. Just as they use racial politics in America to divide us, they use racial politics in South Africa to divide us. Isn't it a shame that in 2018, human beings are not utilizing the principles of conflict resolution that are available to us all. Name calling is also a tool of division and uncivil dialog that mitigates the communication necessary to solve problems between different groups. From this Black man's perspective, the communist have nothing to do with the oppression that I face as a descendant of African chattel slavery. In America , Blacks don't have the will or ability to fight back against historical racism. The South Africans have the numbers. So white South Africans must atone. It has nothing to do with communism. And since their were no borders when the conquistadors from Holland set up shop way back when, history seems to tell us that they exploited the situation through forceful means. Thus, history is repeating itself. Now look who's the victim.


Communism is not about "communicating" it's about REDISTRIBUTION of wealth from those who have earned it to those who have not, PERIOD. I am sorry that you have bought the leftist lies. Communism has killed hundreds of millions of people, worldwide, since the time of the Russian Revolution. It is a FAILED, RAPACIOUS, EVIL system, and the ANC is openly Communist (or very near openly) at this point, and needs to be brought to heel by the good people of all races.

In South Africa, the lands the Dutch settlers took up after being forced into the Transvaal by the British were VACANT. Most whites in South Africa were there long before most of the blacks who are there now.

From this white man's perspective, TRUTH is far more important than dogma. What you seem to be supporting is a leftist dogma that says that people must pay for the mistakes of their ancestors, (which doesn't even really apply in the current context.) The truth is there is NO MORE REASON or EXCUSE for the treatment the majority COMMUNIST government is meting out on the non-communists of all races in South Africa, than there was for the Southern elites (including free blacks) to own slaves 150 years ago.

Anyone leaning on ancient disputes and ancient evils as an excuse for current evil treatment of others is sorrily misguided, and not acting in the best interests of HUMANITY.

I believe that we must remember our history or we are doomed to repeat it. Don't we know that Rothschild had a vendetta against the Tzar of Russia because they protected America from the French and the British who were controlled by Rothschild bankers? Don't we know that Rothschild vowed to destroy the Tzar and his future progeny. So this is exactly what Rothschild accomplished.

Aug 3, 2018 - Jacob Schiff, was born in the Rothschild house… ... spent $20 million to bring about the Bolshevik Revolution Source February 3, 1949 issue of ...

So we can blame communism for the deaths of all those people who died in Russia and thus, let the criminal Bankers, who promote false history to divide and conquer us, off the hook. As a Black man, living in a segregated community, everything I see is a reflection of my slave history. 5G, chem trails, and mind control are silent weapons that my fellow Southsiders in Chicago are totally Ignorant of. Who is paying for these sinister silent weapons of mass destruction? The same people who destroyed the Tzar and their citizens. This city is the Clinton, Obama, Emanuel strong hold? My community doesn't seem to be aware of their crimes such as helping George H. W. Bush destroy the Chicago community with their cocaine trade and their war on drugs. who are these people beholde to? The same people who Killed the Tzar and his family.
Do we here seem to care about these continuing injustices? How could we if we keep voting for them. as you said in your comment above

In South Africa, the lands the Dutch settlers took up after being forced into the Transvaal by the British were VACANT.

That there is a clue that Rothschild was involved in this situation. The fact that the African National Congress are just some communist who want to kill the Whites sounds like divide and conquer propaganda, Rothshid's favorite tool. I wrote a post about Hillary and Albert Pike illustrating Pike's third world war.

It got two votes and no comments. No one seems to want to connect the dots. They don't want to tie the history of yesterday to the ills we face today. If Hillary was to escape accountability, as she does to this day, are future generations affected by her malice supposed to give her a pass just because the crimes occurred during the times of their parents and grandparents. Will or descendants hold hold us accountable for allowing these injustices to go unpunished. We should hold the past accountable for their crimes by reflecting truth and banishing the lies. Then, maybe we all can heal and grow. Until then we are still under the consequences of injustice of the past.

Thanks for your comment.

Sure wish my upvote was worth more than a lousy penny. I agree with much of what you've posted.

The ANC IS communist though, that is very clear.

@shockleftmedia You are right, "Isms"; are a blight on this World, and we are better off without them!

I pray for South Africa, for enlightenment, and return to a better form of government! They have chosen the very worst!

The main thing that bothers me there today, is the government not allowing people to leave for their own safety. Then not protecting them either. This haunts my soul!

My Ancestors were with Sherman when he cut the South in half; and further back some came here as indentured servants (AKA Slaves). I understand the evil of one group oppressing another; and the violence it ferments.

ANY TIME one group elevates themselves, by standing on the heads of another, it is counter to GOD's will, and we must not accept it!

In Kenya, today, there are tribes trying to destroy other tribes, for perceived differences, to gain local power. Lots of machete murders going on! I am trying to bring one Lady, who is from the "wrong" tribe in her area; here to the USA. I have formally offered a place for her in my house. I pray I am fast enough, and she is not murdered before I get her here! All involved in Kenya, are people GOD saw fit to wrap in skin darker than my own, but they are still killing one another to gain political power!

They will not allow them to move, within Kenya, to a safer location! It is apparently, easier to come here, than to move in with family elsewhere.

@mepatriot Man uses History to justify Evil today; and Evil breeds Evil! Most of the violence is intended to gain political power over others, and not to correct some perceived wrong. At some point, we either say ENOUGH; or we slide into oblivion, and civilization stops!

Support the oppressed, and pray GOD protects those being wronged ; from evil from others! GOD does not see skin color, and we also must not!!!

Be blessed!


thank you for your kind words

No problem, we all need to grow up, and learn that all people should to be treated fairly!

If we could just stop trying to push others down, to raise ourselves up; the World would be a much better place!

Be Blessed, and stay safe!


Then why is the Zulu Nation standing up for the white farmers you stupid fuck???

From what I have been reading, NO ONE is standing up for the white framers in South Africa. I have not even seen anyone doing lip service to protecting them down there.

This is a great Evil, that shames all involved!


I had a video... I'll see if I can find it again about the Zulu standing up for the farmers.

I would like to see that, all I have seen is extreme violence with no protection. Truly a country destroying itself!


This is the only encouraging thing I have seen from South Africa, Thanks!

Before they moved in and began farming there, this area was just hunter gatherers and supported a population about a tenth of what it is today. Most of this area was fallow, and pretty useless scrub.

When the Men that made this into farms, that supported the influx of population were displaced or murdered; the land began to revert to the natural state.

The leader of the Zulus understands, that for this land to revert, 90% of the population must either starve or leave. His People are the ones most likely to be able to revert to hunter gatherers successfully. When they murder the white farmers they hate, that same hate will kill themselves just as surely, only at a much slower pace!

It is good to hear some sanity for a change!


Why are you so deragatory?
Grow up and show some manners

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COMMUNISM IS THE SOLUTION... the depopulation agenda of the elites.

sir mepatriot! brilliant analysis and comments. I'm recharging my vote today but will resteem at least.

Thanks, buddy! God has really been putting the plight of these poor people on my heart lately.

It's a horrible situation and I wish the U.S. government was putting more pressure on them and then do like you said about letting the white farmers come here.

It is Apartheid in reverse at the moment. As a white South African we are not stupid as the racism is in our faces everyday. The laws since the ANC came into power have been blatant enforcing BEE status on all companies.
They had an opportunity to sort this out once and for all and chose the route to create divisions instead of uniting. The laws are a joke and it will only back fire on them. There is a list of employment that is an unspoken law as it was removed. Black male, Black female,Black disabled male.Black disabled female then Indians and Whites. That is how companies are supposed to hire in the New South Africa. Bit sick but they are chasing people away and then maybe they will regret it.

Hope you stay safe, my and yours.

Have you thought about getting out while you still can?

I think it will definitely backfire on them, completely, as all Communist dictatorships eventually do.

Stay safe and well!

It has crossed my mind and will most likely come to it one of these days.

Have you heard of anything the U.S. is doing to accept refugees? I haven't been able to find anything. I think we are already secretly communist at the top, also, unfortunately.