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RE: South Africa has employment programs THAT SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDE WHITES (funded by white taxes.)

I believe that we must remember our history or we are doomed to repeat it. Don't we know that Rothschild had a vendetta against the Tzar of Russia because they protected America from the French and the British who were controlled by Rothschild bankers? Don't we know that Rothschild vowed to destroy the Tzar and his future progeny. So this is exactly what Rothschild accomplished.


Aug 3, 2018 - Jacob Schiff, was born in the Rothschild house… ... spent $20 million to bring about the Bolshevik Revolution Source February 3, 1949 issue of ...

So we can blame communism for the deaths of all those people who died in Russia and thus, let the criminal Bankers, who promote false history to divide and conquer us, off the hook. As a Black man, living in a segregated community, everything I see is a reflection of my slave history. 5G, chem trails, and mind control are silent weapons that my fellow Southsiders in Chicago are totally Ignorant of. Who is paying for these sinister silent weapons of mass destruction? The same people who destroyed the Tzar and their citizens. This city is the Clinton, Obama, Emanuel strong hold? My community doesn't seem to be aware of their crimes such as helping George H. W. Bush destroy the Chicago community with their cocaine trade and their war on drugs. who are these people beholde to? The same people who Killed the Tzar and his family.
Do we here seem to care about these continuing injustices? How could we if we keep voting for them. as you said in your comment above

In South Africa, the lands the Dutch settlers took up after being forced into the Transvaal by the British were VACANT.

That there is a clue that Rothschild was involved in this situation. The fact that the African National Congress are just some communist who want to kill the Whites sounds like divide and conquer propaganda, Rothshid's favorite tool. I wrote a post about Hillary and Albert Pike illustrating Pike's third world war.

It got two votes and no comments. No one seems to want to connect the dots. They don't want to tie the history of yesterday to the ills we face today. If Hillary was to escape accountability, as she does to this day, are future generations affected by her malice supposed to give her a pass just because the crimes occurred during the times of their parents and grandparents. Will or descendants hold hold us accountable for allowing these injustices to go unpunished. We should hold the past accountable for their crimes by reflecting truth and banishing the lies. Then, maybe we all can heal and grow. Until then we are still under the consequences of injustice of the past.

Thanks for your comment.


Sure wish my upvote was worth more than a lousy penny. I agree with much of what you've posted.

The ANC IS communist though, that is very clear.