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RE: Universal Basic Income = Enslaving Yourself Willingly To Government

in #informationwar6 years ago

Very good point but with the amount of automation being deployed there really is a problem for people to find work. There really need to be a new equilibrium that the energy and machine cost is high enough that human labor have a place. UBI destroys people's motivation to work, look at China when they did the equal pay thing and everyone did the minimum.


I would argue that the jobs that didn't exist for 100,000 years of human history are a fad. They popped into existence in the last 50 to 70 years due to technology and will just pop back out of existence again. When I go to Walmart or Mcdonalds now I can order my own food and pay for it on a touch screen, or check myself out at a self checkout. I can order stuff on Amazon with 2 day shipping. All of these things have a purpose and function right now because we depend on them.If more people grew their own food and cooked at home they wouldn't be working at Mcdonalds or going to Mcdonalds. The farmers who grow for Mcadonalds would just sell to someone else or locally. For all intents and purposes modern things like Mcdonalds are a middle man that is only needed for people pressed for time and who want convienence. If you run a small farm and cook for yourself you aren't pressed for time anymore and can eat better quality food.

Most people used to work on an estate or have their own. There were cooks employed at the states who also lived there. Farmers lived there and farmed.

The more realistic thing I see happening is transitioning back to that. Stealing people's income and redistributing it only works until you run out of other people's money. If we all truly lose our jobs, our job then is to feed/cloth/build/farm instead of going to work in a cubicle. I think we would all be much happier.

Human labor might not have a place working for a business or corporation, but you can always feed yourself and your family with your own labor. I expect population numbers to drop down over time due to humanity has expanded too much and relied on centralized solutions which will fail(govt goes bankrupt and million starve). It happens in many other countries and will happen here again, like it previously happened.

And yes UBI will also destroy anyone's incentive to work. They will do the bare minimum or nothing at all, as UBI plans Ihave seen don't require any actual effort or work. UBI is a more satanist message as it focuses on "giving a man a fish" instead of "teaching a man to fish". I think our new slogan for the future should be "teach a man to microfarm" and we will be good :)