Regular people and politicians who advocate that the government control more of our lives are against freedom and are immoral. Universal Basic Income offers incentives in such a way that it plays to human nature's need "to feel safe and secure", but in reality this is just a "feeling" and not a logical longterm plan that will happen. Utopia never happens and the religious cultists who insist on UBI being your salvation are lying to you in order to gain political power(power over everyone).
Centralized world's last ditch effort to continue your enslavement
Something that SJWs/Communists keep raising the alarm on is that we are going to all lose our jobs and AI/Robots will take over leaving us with nothing to do. The SJW/Communist class is the loudest voice advocating for money to be taken away from those who are productive and given to those without jobs. This plays well with big government and beuacracy minded politicians, who see a way to setup a brand spanking new voting farm(similar to how people on welfare largely vote for bigger govt).
The goals of the the citizen SJW/Communists are in line with the goals of the "grow govt at all costs"politicians and we find a synergy in this regard. Both sides get stuff in this exchange, though it is parasitical/vampirism that will eventually destroy both sides.
Spoiled rotten propagandized idiots want to continue to play video games and beat their dicks to porn
If you are an SJW video gamer who fucking sucks at video games and are into cuckold porn, why wouldn't you want to be paid thousands of bucks a month to just sit around and do what you like? The mentality of these people is they want to have EASY mode turned on permanently in their video games, in their women, and in real life(and yes I know people who are exactly like this in real life).
They don't want to work hard to make themselves better and learn skills. They don't want to work hard and grow as a person with upstanding morals so that women find them an attractive suitable loving husband. They don't want to be bothered with going grocery shopping and making their own food to save on money(they want delivery!!!) If the porn isn't streaming in 4K HD 60 FPS they aren't interested. If they can't play their video games and sleep 12 hours a day they aren't interested.
Cultural rot due to excess is one of the largest problems we face as a society. There are not enough role models teaching sustainable long term thinking. This naturally leads to people turning towards solutions "that sound like it is the correct thing to do" like Communism or Universal Basic Income.
A lot of us grew up spoiled and lived in un-reality, now reality is biting back
It is scary for those of us who grew up spoiled, given everything, decisions made for us, etc. Remember watching the show Survivor and seeing the epic meltdowns the spoiled rich brats have when they demand someone catch a fish and cook it for them? Our world is transitioning to that.
Universal Basic Income is the exact wrong approach to everything. For starters it is taking money from productive taxpaying population. Taxpayers never signed a contract with the government saying they would pay taxes, literal force is applied to taxes. You cannot opt out of paying taxes. You cannot opt out of paying property taxes on land you own, this is one of the ways govt keeps you in debt to the government. Every year you pay taxes on land you owe to the government, its an unlimited money farm of your resources for example. Since you have no choice in the matter at any level, it is a form of enslavement.
UBI proposes to further take more money from productive people(which escalates enslavement), in order to give it out to those who will vote for the politicians offering to be their King. This creates a more centralized government who controls more of your life than before. Now you are fully dependent on the government for your survival, thus enslaving you to them(you can't live/exist without govt).
What should we do instead of UBI? Thinking would be a great first start
Thinking. Done any of that lately? ;)
So let us consider 100,000+years of human history. Did early humans and later civlizations need their iPhone to order takeout? How the fuck did they survive without their 2 day shipping from Amazon?
Over the last few hundred thousand years people survived and thrived by growing their own food. A survival strategy that is tried and true, THIS ONE WEIRD TRICK WILL KEEP YOUR BELLY FULL!!!
So why all of a sudden in this modern day an age, when it is the easiest to farm, do we find everyone turning to taking money from others as the solution? Why is the solution not to becom self sufficient as has been the proven strategy all throughout time?
Our culture is turning into bullshit, it is spoiled. Westerners think their standard of living MUST be maintained and that we must steal from others to maintain it.
Microfarming and self sustainability looks to be the great solution
Looking around on YouTube and watching more and more microfarming videos, I am seeing how you really only need about 1 to 2 acres of land to be self sustainable.
X number of chickens will lay X number of eggs weekly, or when you want chicken you would eat the older ones later. Goats are fun and have great milk/cheese you can make. Raising cows and butchering for beef is pretty straight forward and easy. Growing massive amounts of veggies/potatos on a small plot of land is very doable via tiered farming(even inside a small house basement or apartment you can do something).
The universal income is great for you, and you will see me as a meddling, selfish ignoramus when I try to explain its failings to you.
You will start off by laughing at me, then move to yelling at me, and then you will lynch me. Anyone who stands against the universal income will be standing against the robots and ultimately against the entire civilization. There will be no place for people like me.
I'm ready for that eventuality, because I have thought it out. And I will forgive you, because you know not what you do.
"You" in this case obviously doesn't refer to the OP. Just to the reader who will fall into the trap.
love the comment and the username, we used to meme around in real life by yelling out Thomas Aquinas" randomly :)
Very good point but with the amount of automation being deployed there really is a problem for people to find work. There really need to be a new equilibrium that the energy and machine cost is high enough that human labor have a place. UBI destroys people's motivation to work, look at China when they did the equal pay thing and everyone did the minimum.
I would argue that the jobs that didn't exist for 100,000 years of human history are a fad. They popped into existence in the last 50 to 70 years due to technology and will just pop back out of existence again. When I go to Walmart or Mcdonalds now I can order my own food and pay for it on a touch screen, or check myself out at a self checkout. I can order stuff on Amazon with 2 day shipping. All of these things have a purpose and function right now because we depend on them.If more people grew their own food and cooked at home they wouldn't be working at Mcdonalds or going to Mcdonalds. The farmers who grow for Mcadonalds would just sell to someone else or locally. For all intents and purposes modern things like Mcdonalds are a middle man that is only needed for people pressed for time and who want convienence. If you run a small farm and cook for yourself you aren't pressed for time anymore and can eat better quality food.
Most people used to work on an estate or have their own. There were cooks employed at the states who also lived there. Farmers lived there and farmed.
The more realistic thing I see happening is transitioning back to that. Stealing people's income and redistributing it only works until you run out of other people's money. If we all truly lose our jobs, our job then is to feed/cloth/build/farm instead of going to work in a cubicle. I think we would all be much happier.
Human labor might not have a place working for a business or corporation, but you can always feed yourself and your family with your own labor. I expect population numbers to drop down over time due to humanity has expanded too much and relied on centralized solutions which will fail(govt goes bankrupt and million starve). It happens in many other countries and will happen here again, like it previously happened.
And yes UBI will also destroy anyone's incentive to work. They will do the bare minimum or nothing at all, as UBI plans Ihave seen don't require any actual effort or work. UBI is a more satanist message as it focuses on "giving a man a fish" instead of "teaching a man to fish". I think our new slogan for the future should be "teach a man to microfarm" and we will be good :)
While I agree that UBI is not the way to go (at least forced UBI delivered by the government). I don't think the days of everybody growing their own food to provide for themselves is the way to go either. You have to wear some seriously rose tinted glasses to look back on times where most people grew their own food (and really, there was never such a time anyway) and believe that the world was better off than it is today. The world still needs people to make clothes, build houses, generate electricity (unless you want to go back to a time before electricity anyway), and numerous other things. It's hard, if not impossible for an individual to do all of that. The fact of the matter is that large farms dedicated to the task are far more efficient and can produce far more and more cheaply than every individual trying to do it. There are huge advantages to specialization. People today are far better off than they were in the middle ages in just about every way imaginable.
I don't think anybody should steal anything but technology provides a far higher standard of living without stealing anything. Jobs operating a backhoe haven't been around for thousands of years but why would we want to go back to everybody using a shovel?
We don't have to chose between UBI and being luddites. Automation is not the enemy.
in 2019 automating tasks like automatically feeding chickens/pigs/cows/etc saves time. You can still have all the same tech you currently have, I am not advocating we all become Amish and stop using technology.
Yes, but my point is that someone has to work to make and maintain all that technology. That technology likely would never have existed if not for specialization. Even before the industrial revolution there was specialization and it generally improved life for everyone. Not everyone is going to have the time to maintain a farm sufficient to feed yourself and your family and work another job on top of that. It's far more efficient for some people to produce extra food while others work to do other things. Even within farming, it is more efficient to specialize with certain crops or animals. I'm not saying it's impossible to do what you are suggesting but I think it's pretty impractical, especially for the size of population that exists today. Plus it just creates other problems. If your primary source of nutrition is from your own farm, what happens when some unforeseen or unavoidable event ruins your crop or kills your animals?
It is Ironic that those you have so aptly described, will be the first to die WHEN the system they have voted into power fails. They will not have the ability to feed themselves, and when the government spends itself to death, they will soon follow.
Now a nice concept, but the liberal voting rolls will be empty soon after that failure occurs! On the plus side of things, the Conservatives will survive, and a lot will thrive....
BTW government theft (even if you clean it up by calling it taxes) is still Theft!