I personally am leaning to, these 'events' taking place are simply to usher in their new age. And, I am not talking about a Yuga cycle, or Aquarius.
The Technocratic Age is here. Replacing the Industrial. We are simply looking at the forest from the trees.
I see this their purpose because it is able to aggrandize them almost unimaginably. Their genetically modified slaves could consider them gods, and they'd certainly have godlike abilities compared to slaves.
I see this as dramatically contrasting the deprivation their forebears would have suffered during the Bronze Age collapse, however.
It's ineffable yet, to me, whether such covert powers have always been behind the thrones of civilization. I have supposed they caused the Younger Dryas to prevent the distribution of the means of production to the people and civilizations now relic beneath ~100 meters of sea. The Mahabharata seems a history to me, not spiritual in nature, but a description of that war to reduce mankind to chipping rocks and rude survival because nothing else could prevent the covert elite from being reduced to equality with them they intend to rule.
I agree. And this would be why they are attempting to make mongrels out of everyone. One race, a sub-race, serving the 'Gods' who did not allow dysgenics on their own kind, but instead, Eugenics. Eugenics for the 'rulers', Dysgenics for the masses...
I would say that not always no. I think there is something to the nag hammadi translations, although I don't trust any one translator. I think that before a certain period, there were no rulers. "Archons" changed that. Archon 'infestation' if you will.
That, or possibly, the "Saturn Death Cult" theory. The 'Golden Age' that was lost, but some handful of survivors, have created an artificial 'golden age', for themselves, at the cost of humanity.
Perhaps that was the hubris laid at the feet of Atlantis, justification of their destruction by the gods.
I would see free people across the planet have this level of technology, that the impetus to gain the stars and infinite universe come to fruition, and our felicity endure beyond the insignificant resources of Earth and days of our span unto our penultimate posterity. I have loved the explorations of what might be possible science fiction writers have undertaken, and confess my expectations colored, but my grasp of physics remains my guide in their plethora.
The policies of the overlords seem so shortsighted. What they deprive themselves of is the ingenuity of 10 Billion minds questing for improvement in the circumstances of humanity, and they cannot relinquish their stations even to enjoy orders of magnitude increase in their quality of life, though only in the company of peers, rather than subjects.
Such a shame we allow them license to have the wealth to implement even a fraction of their nefarious conspiracies. Reckon it's time to out produce them, and retain the fruits of our endeavors rather than deliver our wealth to our enemies. Fortunate that 3D printers, aquaponics, mesh networks, cryptocurrency, CRISPR, and all the permutations those concatenate to produce, that, because we produce them ourselves, engender no sales tax, require no licensing or payment to investors in industrial manufacturing, or taxed income to buy.
Distributed means of production bring the rewealthing of humanity, and the relative penury of extant overlords as they become equals dependent on their own devices, rather than vampires extracting our life's essence.