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RE: Down comes the Pike


There were no Nazis in 1871. Either Pike was so prophetic, or well informed of the machiavellian plans afoot that were so competent and precise as to specify the name of the political party that would arise to stop the Communist revolution in Germany and end the Weimar Republic, or that letter was written up to ~50 years later. I haven't researched the letter, so cannot credibly say. I find the latter more likely just because I don't think overlords so competent.

Is there a modern equivalent of Enki, to oppose the flood of rabid riots subsuming civilization today? If so, that party is distributing 3D printers, plans for aquaponics, CRISPR, and other vectors of freedom and prosperity competent to persist after barbaric empires have been captured once the Luciferians have won.

Is it remotely possible the Luciferians themselves seek to promote that freedom and prosperity of humanity distributed means of production deliver? I have seen comparisons of Enki to Lucifer, but find the machinations of such as the Lucis Trust and Fabians insuperable to Enkian purpose of saving mankind from those machinations of Anu/Enlil.

I see them always growing the power of overlords, and acting as only psychopaths could. Rather Anu/Enlil than Enki.

I do not see much division at the top, despite the ruthless internecine competition for power, but rather cementition, and coordinated purpose in their division of humanity preparatory of conquest. If we are to seize freedom, to leave prosperity to our posterity, to prepare the way for them to the stars, it is we ourselves that will do it IMHO.

As free people should.


There were no Nazis in 1871

Really? Is that because we weren't told of this word yet, or because there were literally none who ascribed to the ideology? With the content of what I have written, and who it is about, do you really think this would be a 'used' word for the public? How did Goebbels land on that word 45 years later?

Food for thought, regarding 1871:

Prussia, the largest of the German-speaking kingdoms, was the driving force behind a unified Germany. Comprehensive victories in wars with Austria (1866) and France (1871) affirmed Prussia as Europe’s foremost military power. The other Germanic kingdoms, once hesitant about joining a confederation and surrendering their own power, began to see the advantages in unification. The creation of Germany was formalised in the Palace of Versailles in January 1871.

I do not see much division at the top

I find this surprising since you are versed in Enoch.

Is it remotely possible the Luciferians themselves seek to promote that freedom and prosperity of humanity distributed means of production deliver?

Maybe, but I personally cannot entertain that the Lucys are promoting freedom and prosperity, until they bring in a completely different method of verbal/written communication. Our Lan-Gu-Age is our chains. Definitions are currently for DeafPhoenicians. When I see a revolution in 'language', I will then raise an eyebrow to the lucys. Currently however, all I see is a dysgenic devolution of our language, to the point that we are losing the ability to ever emerge from the chains it will place us in. (100 word vocabulary - orwell)

Is that because we weren't told of this word yet, or because there were literally none who ascribed to the ideology?"

It may have been something in the works of them as plot, but that is not revealed in my feeble grasp of history. Unless Mazzini was a Freemason privy to such depth of detail, how could he have even understood what Nazism referred to?

I am often accused of supposing malice where but incompetence operates, but it is beyond my suppositions to suppose a full 50 years before the end of the Weimar Republic that the Nazis were planned to end it.

Regarding the unification of Germany in the 19th Century, I once owned a Cram's Unrivaled Atlas of the World, 1911, with 250 color plates. I distinctly remember poring over the political maps before I gave it away, marveling at the hundreds of principalities in the many European nations. The execrable education I have undertaken does not grant me understanding of whether those were similar to American States today in their legal form, or were more akin to allies. Certainly there were German peoples in the German nation comprised of those principalities, but my assumption at the time that WWI was what transformed nations into countries, instead of leagues of countries comprised of a people.

I often point out that in 1911 there were a thousand princes in Russia, but in 1921 there were none.

That's why.

Unless Mazzini was a Freemason privy to such depth of detail, how could he have even understood what Nazism referred to?

He was head of the Italian "Illuminati". I am quite sure he would be privy to 'the plan'. These 'plans' I fear are laid out millennia in advance. And probably 'fine tuned' as the time get nearer for specific event.

Another thing that always strikes me, is the 'AshkeNAZI' "race". I don't exactly know how long they have been called that, but, there seems to be a connection, and not just by the catchy name.

but it is beyond my suppositions to suppose a full 50 years before the end of the Weimar Republic that the Nazis were planned to end it.

For me, it seems like nothing. 45 problem. A tiny spec of time. I am always impressed by their 'long game'.

Regarding the unification of Germany in the 19th Century, I once owned a Cram's Unrivaled Atlas of the World, 1911, with 250 color plates.

Impressive, I would LOVE to have one!

I often point out that in 1911 there were a thousand princes in Russia, but in 1921 there were none.

Thanks to the Bolsheviks. Or should we say, AshkeNAZI?

I have not considered the coincidence of the Nazi in Ashkenazi. How strange!

I cannot still consider the letter entirely of reasonable content, as if Mazzini was leader of a regional branch of the Illuminati, why did Pike need to carefully detail the plan? It seems a literary device to explain the intended propaganda, rather than an excerpt from a conversation between two men discussing things they both well understood.

Neither do I know when and how the letter surfaced, so I just can't assume it's legitimate. I will grant that Pike was a sketchy character, from the little I have read of him.

Thanks for stretching my understanding.

It seems a literary device to explain the intended propaganda, rather than an excerpt from a conversation between two men discussing things they both well understood.

I agree, and the masons also say that the letter was a hoax perpetrated by Leo Taxil sometime between 1876-1890. Which was why in my original post I said "That was one hell of a hoax!". Which tells me that Taxil may have become privy to 'the plan' and penned a hoax letter with their plan in it, as 'correspondence'.

The mason have tried to debunk the letter as a 'hoax' put out in the late 1800s. If they wanted to really put it to rest, they could go for the low hanging fruit, and say "There were no nazis in the 1800s". But they didn't choose that point to make a debunk. The ashkeNazi have been pulling strings from the shadows for a very long time. It does not strike me as odd that there was a nazism reference, due to that. was hitler after all that made the deal "The Transfer Agreement' with the askenazi, to send them to Israel. Still 99.99% of everyone knows not what a Havaara Coin is.

havaara coin.JPG

Thanks for stretching my understanding.

Feeling is mutual.

It's really strange how the Havaara Agreement is obscured.

However, I have to concede your point regarding Nazism, and this kinda blows my mind, because it means the overlords are more competent than I have thought.

Not good news to me.

I may have to rethink all my plans, because if they have so much precision in their foreknowledge, dislodging them is going to require more innovation than I previously thought necessary.

It is a terrible feeling to know how deep the plan goes. How far back... It is disheartening to say the least, when you know the pulse of our current populace's pineal

When you can find things like this in the congressional record (I have been collecting many proofs such as this that explain our 'now'), it is hard to imagine a humanity breaking free, without some kind of 'divine' intervention... :

"If for the sake of Communism it is necessary for us to destroy 9/10ths of the people, we must not hesitate." "We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause." Israel Cohen, A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century, 1912. Also in the Congressional Record, Vol. 103, p. 8559, June 7, 1957"

@logiczombie you may want to see this too ;)

I may have to rethink all my plans, because if they have so much precision in their foreknowledge, dislodging them is going to require more innovation than I previously thought necessary.

That was the same feeling I had too.. And I am afraid it goes so deep that there are those that walk among us who are part of it and do not even know. I think the bloodlines are being spread secretly for the 'future'.

Something I just noticed....showing the 'Gods, Enki's children'...
Interesting synchronicity with our conversation.


This little tidbit is now causing me to re-order my previous knowledge....

Further elaborating:

We are heading right into a Grand Solar Minimum. This is cyclical process which the deafPhoenicians are not privy....yet. Instead they are bombarded with indoctrination of the opposite of reality (Global Warming). The reason? They don't want us prepared and taking the correct measures to minimize the impact. They are using this time to usher in this new era, completely.

I think that the powers that should not be, have plans for these cyclical events, centuries in advance.

On this matter, astronomically calculable, and not subject to the vagaries of human culture and the emergence of individuals impelled by their will, I agree that foreknowledge is operant.

But was the collapse of the Bronze Age empires in the 12th Century BCE their doing? Such would seem contrary to the interests of the overlords of the day, and it was a grand solar minimum that made famine ubiquitous then. Certainly that much later collapse of the Mayans due to drought would also have discomfited their ilk overseas. If they indeed are privy to a history that extends many more millenia back than that the public is aware of, perhaps to the LGM, surely they have had covert presence in all notable societies.

I dunno if they were extant then, or so immune to poverty and disarray as they would have had to be to allow those empires to collapse. It is interesting that the first eight names on the Sumerian King's List are Semitic, and only thereafter do Sumerian names appear on the list, though. My take is that the heritable psychopathy that seems to mark the families that have generationally wielded covert power over societies of late would not engender their suffering the poverty such collapses of civilization would subject them to.

I suppose it's possible they could have prepared for such collapses in advance, perhaps prefiguring the Iron Age which followed. That would make an interesting fictional tale. However, if they did recall the heights of the megalithic civilizations from the LGM, why did they not simply maintain enclaves with those technologies? Why plunge themselves into relative penury?

I would say that most, if not all empires and advanced societies suffered/fell due to the minimums. I think that this is the main factor that 'they' keep from the public. We have spent the last half century funding their underground escapades. For what? A nuclear war or solar minimum where famine is the order. Gives a whole new meaning to "Control the food, control the people"....what is left of the people that is. Most advanced societies I look to in the past had a very unstable system regarding food. As in any disruption in the food supply causes the empire to crumble.

My take is that the heritable psychopathy that seems to mark the families that have generationally wielded covert power over societies of late would not engender their suffering the poverty such collapses of civilization would subject them to.

Spot on. I agree.

if they did recall the heights of the megalithic civilizations from the LGM, why did they not simply maintain enclaves with those technologies? Why plunge themselves into relative penury?

Zone changes due to solar minimums. They ebb and flow. "Grow zones". A place that is prime, can be rendered sub-prime in a matter of years. Magnetic shifts and precessions just totally changing landscapes. For example, was south america (mayan/Aztec lands) really always so much insanely dense forest/jungle? Or was it far more habitable before a previous zone shift?

Good stuff. This is exactly the kind of talk I look for thank you!


I personally am leaning to, these 'events' taking place are simply to usher in their new age. And, I am not talking about a Yuga cycle, or Aquarius.

The Technocratic Age is here. Replacing the Industrial. We are simply looking at the forest from the trees.

I see this their purpose because it is able to aggrandize them almost unimaginably. Their genetically modified slaves could consider them gods, and they'd certainly have godlike abilities compared to slaves.

I see this as dramatically contrasting the deprivation their forebears would have suffered during the Bronze Age collapse, however.

It's ineffable yet, to me, whether such covert powers have always been behind the thrones of civilization. I have supposed they caused the Younger Dryas to prevent the distribution of the means of production to the people and civilizations now relic beneath ~100 meters of sea. The Mahabharata seems a history to me, not spiritual in nature, but a description of that war to reduce mankind to chipping rocks and rude survival because nothing else could prevent the covert elite from being reduced to equality with them they intend to rule.

I see this their purpose because it is able to aggrandize them almost unimaginably. Their genetically modified slaves could consider them gods, and they'd certainly have godlike abilities compared to slaves.

I agree. And this would be why they are attempting to make mongrels out of everyone. One race, a sub-race, serving the 'Gods' who did not allow dysgenics on their own kind, but instead, Eugenics. Eugenics for the 'rulers', Dysgenics for the masses...

It's ineffable yet, to me, whether such covert powers have always been behind the thrones of civilization.

I would say that not always no. I think there is something to the nag hammadi translations, although I don't trust any one translator. I think that before a certain period, there were no rulers. "Archons" changed that. Archon 'infestation' if you will.
That, or possibly, the "Saturn Death Cult" theory. The 'Golden Age' that was lost, but some handful of survivors, have created an artificial 'golden age', for themselves, at the cost of humanity.

Perhaps that was the hubris laid at the feet of Atlantis, justification of their destruction by the gods.

I would see free people across the planet have this level of technology, that the impetus to gain the stars and infinite universe come to fruition, and our felicity endure beyond the insignificant resources of Earth and days of our span unto our penultimate posterity. I have loved the explorations of what might be possible science fiction writers have undertaken, and confess my expectations colored, but my grasp of physics remains my guide in their plethora.

The policies of the overlords seem so shortsighted. What they deprive themselves of is the ingenuity of 10 Billion minds questing for improvement in the circumstances of humanity, and they cannot relinquish their stations even to enjoy orders of magnitude increase in their quality of life, though only in the company of peers, rather than subjects.

Such a shame we allow them license to have the wealth to implement even a fraction of their nefarious conspiracies. Reckon it's time to out produce them, and retain the fruits of our endeavors rather than deliver our wealth to our enemies. Fortunate that 3D printers, aquaponics, mesh networks, cryptocurrency, CRISPR, and all the permutations those concatenate to produce, that, because we produce them ourselves, engender no sales tax, require no licensing or payment to investors in industrial manufacturing, or taxed income to buy.

Distributed means of production bring the rewealthing of humanity, and the relative penury of extant overlords as they become equals dependent on their own devices, rather than vampires extracting our life's essence.

The war at the top...........
The New World Order VS the Newest

The victor will be the one with the most innovative technology.
As this fine cartoon chap so eloquently puts it:

I think they are utterly ruthless competing for power amongst themselves - except that they do not ever do what will reduce their power over plebs as a group.

Not five years ago one of the billionaire class (a Getty maybe?) was killed by being anally raped to death, in or near LA as I recall. Unless that was just what they do to their weaklings for fun, I suspected it was for letting that veil of power slip, or threaten to. IIRC, that crime remains unsolved.

I think they are utterly ruthless competing for power amongst themselves - except that they do not ever do what will reduce their power over plebs as a group.


I suspected it was for letting that veil of power slip, or threaten to. IIRC, that crime remains unsolved.

Yep, sounds exactly like a 'this is what happens to you if you spill beans, no matter how much money you have'




That's exactly what I was thinking.

When did this "secret document" become part of the public record?

Don't get me wrong, it's very impressive, but the "nazism" sticks out like a sore thumb.

Yikes the only thing I don't like about this layout is that it is difficult to see when folks branch off on convos. I covered that a bit under valued-customer's comments.

Ok found some:

...Another thing that always strikes me, is the 'AshkeNAZI' "race". I don't exactly know how long they have been called that, but, there seems to be a connection, and not just by the catchy name.

but it is beyond my suppositions to suppose a full 50 years before the end of the Weimar Republic that the Nazis were planned to end it.

For me, it seems like nothing. 45 problem. A tiny spec of time. I am always impressed by their 'long game'.

Regarding the unification of Germany in the 19th Century, I once owned a Cram's Unrivaled Atlas of the World, 1911, with 250 color plates.

Impressive, I would LOVE to have one!

I often point out that in 1911 there were a thousand princes in Russia, but in 1921 there were none.

Thanks to the Bolsheviks. Or should we say, AshkeNAZI?

I am not sure if you are familiar with this channel, but this is live now, and will still be available recorded after. It seems something you would enjoy listening/analyzing.