History of Deception

in #informationwar7 years ago (edited)


The main thing that you realize once you become an adult is that you realize that adults are all liars. Everyone has been lying to you, both in the present and in the past. History is a history of deception.

It starts with the Santa Claus, and the Toothfairy or whatever mysticism is in the culture. Then of course Religion. Public school is a massive brainwashing operation. And then after you become an adult you are constantly deceived by Politics and the Media.

There is a massive mist of deception surrounding the entire human biosystem. Deception is literally everywhere.

Everyone is a liar, everyone is distorting reality to some degree, or “personalizing it” at the bare minimum. And reporting events become nothing less than fairytales and colorful imagination.

It’s almost like people love to be deceived, because subconsciously everyone is distorting reality to some degree.

It’s all the way from small everyday lies, to massive ones that are used by institutions for nefarious purposes.

History is Deception

Most of human history is deception. Certainly anything written that has been tainted by a human corruption is not really as it seems.

We have archaeological evidence, which can be retro-verified. But testimonial and written evidence is probably inaccurate to say the least.

There was no freedom of speech in the past (I still wonder whether there is today), but in the past certainly a person writing the truth could have been executed very easily.

So historians were coerced to write the bare minimum, and royal historians were definitely adding propaganda into the mixture as well.

Anything that can’t be backed by archaeological evidence is most likely false, just for this simple reason.

Let’s see what kind of events are we talking about:

And there are smaller ones that come to my mind like:

  • Columbus, who was a total fraud, he didn’t discovered America, it was already discovered way before him (not to mention he literally massacred many indigenous people there).
  • Galileo was also a fraud, the Ancient Greeks knew thousands of year before him that the Earth is a globe (yet another religious deception).
  • Edison might have stolen a lot of his work from Tesla and other unknown scientists, there is plenty of evidence to suggest this.
  • Charlemagne the revered emperor of Europe whom the EU loves very much that they give out a Charlemagne prize, was a vicious tyrant who massacred many people (it’s like giving out a Hitler prize).
  • Mother Theresa was a viciously evil person, not a saint
  • Karl Marx, the hero of the Communists, lived an extremely immoral lifestyle, totally contrary to his work. He literally criticized wage slavery, yet he barely paid his own housemaid, and allegedly raped her….

There are just the things that quickly came into my mind, I am sure the deception is much deeper than this. It’s like how Orwell described the Spanish Revolution (and served as inspiration for his 1984 book ).

Orwell literally noticed that the Western Media totally ignored important battles during the revolt that didn’t suit their narrative, and literally invented battles and confrontations that never existed.

So I would not be surprised at all if half of the wars recored in the past, never even happened. How the hell can we know what the hell happened in Ancient Egypt or Babylon other than some text fragments that claim that things did happen, when they might have not.

Orwell famously said that:

”Those who control the past control the future, and those who control the present control the past.”

Any tyrant with sufficient influence (like the church for example) could have rewritten the entirety of the Ancient World in the Middle Ages to suit their agenda. And anyone (like the Brits) during in the Enlightenment could have rewritten a lot of things from the Middle Ages to suit their agenda.

So as I said, if it can’t be deduced from archaeological evidence, it might as well just didn’t happen.

Small Lies to Big Lies

And it’s not just these big institutional lies, but it goes down even to everyday conversations. I mean come on let’s be honest. How many of you have lied on a consistent basis to your friends, spouse or other family members?

I know I did, it’s kind of shameful to admit, but you really realize that that is just basic human nature.

For example my wife once tried a new makeup and hairstyle, she dyed her hair blonde and made it curly and put on a very colorful lipstick, painted her eyelashes and eyebrows, and the powder thing on her face, it was very weird.

She literally looked like a scarecrow, it was very ugly and repulsive, but we were going out dining in a restaurant, so what should have I said to her?

  • Should I have admitted to her that she looks very ugly like that, and thus, she would be probably mad at me and not speak with me for a week?
  • Or should I have lied to her and say that she looks very well?

Well as you guessed I choose the latter, I lied to her, and told her what she wanted to hear, and not the truth. The waiter in the restaurant also looked strange at her. Now maybe it was only strange for my taste, but definitely I didn’t liked her outlook in that form.

She has a beautiful brunette long natural hair, and I like her like that. There was no reason to dye it blonde, it was just very unpleasant for me.

Now I know that she doesn’t read my blog so I can admit this now. But really these are just small things and it happens every day. It happens to everybody.

So will people always tell the truth, or will they tell what others want to hear?

So the lies really spread like this, everyone lies something small, but often, and then sooner or later people will have a total distortion of reality.

Like if you lie to your wife or girlfriend once about her look, it doesn’t change much, but if you do so always, then she will have a total distortion of reality where she will think that she looks good in one way, but everyone else will not but only pretend that they do.

So if a woman that puts too much makeup on herself because everyone around her told her that she looks good that way, she will be much less attractive as a result of those lies.

The lies add up, and sooner or later people will live in a fantasy world as a result of it. Social Media just sped this up, as now every woman is being lied to there by potential courters.

Women are being totally deceived on Social Media, especially hot women, where ever male lies to them just so that they can get in their pants. It’s obvious.

And then males lie between eachother, especially in business relations. I don’t have to explain how many scammers there are in cryptocurrencies…


So deception is everywhere. Seeking the truth is probably the highest virtue out there. Uncovering the truth from the mist of lies and misdirections is definitely virtuous, especially if those lies are implanted there for nefarious reasons.

There are of course institutions active who’s entire business-model is based on deception. One being the media, the other being a political movement, and so on.

From the education system, to the TV, to the politician’s monthly speeches, it’s all deception.

So I admire and respect anyone who honestly seeks the truth, it is very honorable and virtuous to do so in my opinion.


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Decided to turn this reply into an article:


I appreciate your response and the earlier comments you made about libertarianism , but I don't have time now to respond, maybe another time.

Well, religion and science (different power) have always been above truth...
By the way, nowadays society wants to control and have the best economic growth, this only can be reached by lies (not always). Therefore we wont change ideas.

From my point of view, economic growth have a big barrier, such as the environment, followed by health, wealth, and equal distribution. However, its very difficult to tell the truth when politicians and The Establishment depends on the actual strategie, economic growth over all.

The media is making so much damage... I agree, I respect people who honestly seeks the truth.

History by itself is not a deception - the official narrative is. You don't seem to understand. Education is part of official narrative and supports propaganda and marketing. Now, I don't say the education is something we should throw away, simply, because then how would the society function? But we should care to take time to disentangle the traps set in and don't get enraged by what we find.

I am not anti-education by any means, I am anti-government education ,and specifically against mandatory schooling.

I would want a voluntary education system with caring teachers who would have the patience and aptitude to explain to kids how things work and the classroom would look more like a conversation rather than an indoctrination.

Great article, I absolutely agree with you. Upvoted and followed.

The sad thing about lies is that so often people we trust are not even aware of that they are spreading them and do it with their best intentions. Your parents tell you about sweet baby Jesus and they believe everything they say, because they were told from their parents or their lovely priest whom they trusted...
So in a weird way an initial lie becomes somehow some strange kind of truth with some perceived value in it.

If my wife decides to wear something funny, my usual response is:
Baby, I love you very much and your happiness is more important to me than your looks. So, if you enjoy looking like a clown, that is alright, I love you anyway. You have to like the way you look, my opinion is secondary.

That usually gets me only one or two nights on the couch...:)

If my wife decides to wear something funny, my usual response is:
Baby, I love you very much and your happiness is more important to me than your looks. So, if you enjoy looking like a clown, that is alright, I love you anyway. You have to like the way you look, my opinion is secondary.

Haha I would like to say something like that, unfortunately she doesn't take criticisms about her looks too kindly, she will probably not talk with me for a week for this.

Deception is theft of truth. "They" rely on deception to continue the purpose, human slavery. We are supreme beings who forgot what we are, being harvested for energy by a dark religion who wishes to see man and society transform into what they think is the next step. "They" think that the only way to solve humanity's problem is to lie and completely control a population over thousands of years. This is not eugenics this is DISgenics. Their motto when it comes to this is "Let them who are able to be deceived, be deceived." This idea as permiated all of society to the point where no one wants to be the guy to tell someone an uncomfortable truth like there is something in your teeth. Upvoted, resteemed and followed.

It's more lik a bending of truth. There is always a little bit of truth in every lie, but it makes it look like something which is not.

It's like a magician's trick, while everyone is looking at his left hand, he is doing the magic with his right hand.

It is NOT ok to LIE at ALL.. like you said about your wife, one lie then another pretty soon a lie to cover other lies. I am 47 years old, and I do not think I realized that literally almost EVERYONE was lying to me until age 46. That i when I woke up.

Lying is a sin for a reason, and even though I still freaking LIE EVERYDAY and it makes me crazy, I try and point out WHILE I am lying that I am doing it to who ever is there.

I am going to do a video on how we lie soon also. It is pervasive and extremely corrosive to understanding each other on a level where there is no ego and judgement. Yike, long way to go.

Sometimes it's inevitable, some people are too sensible to the truth, so people tell them what they want to hear, and not necessarily what is the truth.

It's almost impossible to court a woman without lying to her, and it's likewise true, most women will lie to their partners.

If people are unable to accept the truth, then they need a lesson in reality and how their ego controls them. I cannot deal with it anymore. I see liars pretty much everywhere, it has become the norm. Most people are almost hopeless zombies I know this because I was one. By the way I believe earth is flat haha so lying to me is the baseline. Pretty much EVERYONE does it. I think the problem is pretty much nobody seems to care when stuck in a zombified state.

As I've let my voting power go below 75% I can't vote right this moment, but the question is; are you lying now? Well of course not, the example with your Wife and make up is a good one, but only applies to social interaction. The biggest lies are printed and almost impossible to read; try reciting/quoting the Federal Tax code from memory, good luck. I don't know anyone who can do it, even if, as they say: ignorance is no excuse. ...Another lie!

Well my wife is a self-respecting intelligent woman, but there is 1 line you can't cross with her, and that is to criticize her looks. She is very sensible with that, I noticed. She works at a beauty salon so she very obsessed with her looks, and she is good looking, but sometimes she takes that a bit far. So what can I do?

The biggest lies are printed and almost impossible to read; try reciting/quoting the Federal Tax code from memory, good luck. I don't know anyone who can do it, even if, as they say: ignorance is no excuse. ...Another lie!

The "Ignorantia juris non excusat" concept is a total fraud.

The law is literally designed so it will be broken, and then people could be coerced.

As you can see in the US petty crime related laws are very harsh, and about 80% of the criminal cases are settled with a plea bargain. It's total intimidation and coercion.

Relevance:Discussion of truthCurated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)