Well my wife is a self-respecting intelligent woman, but there is 1 line you can't cross with her, and that is to criticize her looks. She is very sensible with that, I noticed. She works at a beauty salon so she very obsessed with her looks, and she is good looking, but sometimes she takes that a bit far. So what can I do?
The biggest lies are printed and almost impossible to read; try reciting/quoting the Federal Tax code from memory, good luck. I don't know anyone who can do it, even if, as they say: ignorance is no excuse. ...Another lie!
The "Ignorantia juris non excusat" concept is a total fraud.
The law is literally designed so it will be broken, and then people could be coerced.
As you can see in the US petty crime related laws are very harsh, and about 80% of the criminal cases are settled with a plea bargain. It's total intimidation and coercion.