Christine Blasey Ford- The CIA & MK-Ultra

in #informationwar6 years ago

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I don't like to write articles like this without any concrete evidence to back it up, but at this point all we have to go on are some facts that lead to a fairly logically consistent conclusion. After watching the way that Dr. Ford acted, it was almost like watching two different people testifying. When she was asked a direct yes or no question she answered like an adult... but when asked about a memory, she reverted to the little girl persona and voice. This makes me believe that she might have been subjected to MK-Ultra programming and a member of one of the "sleeper cells" alluded to by James Comey... and then there's the paper she co-authored about using self-hypnosis to create "artificial situations."

One thing we are certain of is that Dr. Ford (who, by the way, doesn't have a license to practice in CA where she teaches) comes from a CIA family. Her father is a CIA elite banker who replaced Nicholas Deak- the "James Bond of money"- as the head of the Sun Trust, the CIA bank used to control dark money used to fund black ops. We also know that the CIA is not averse to using their children in their operations, as evinced by the Maccoby (Pizzagate) family and their ties to Haitian orphans.

Blasey is still involved with the CIA through cutout companies Redcoat Inc., Admiral Securities, and Datawatch. Redcoat and Admiral provide security for prominent Deep State personnel. "It is also important to note that Blasey Jr. did, in fact, know of a researcher while at the CIA, Stanford University Psychiatric Professor Dr. Frederick T. Melges, who helped craft the highly publicized and widely controversial MKUltra Program. Christine, to reiterate, is a professor at the same university working in psychotherapy, especially the effects of psychotropic drugs on children." It is well documented that Stanford is a major recruiting ground for the CIA. In fact Dr. Blasey Ford is currently a recruiter... 'Current Job – Dr Christine Blasey-Ford is a Professor at Stanford University – who Mentor’s a College job title Program named “CIA Undergraduate Internship Program.'"

I believe that it's not only possible, but extremely probable that Christine Blasey Ford was assaulted in her teen years, which probably had a lot to do with her history of alcohol and drug abuse and promiscuity. I also believe that she underwent Mk-Ultra programming and the assault (s?) were a crucial part of it and she became a "sleeper" whose memories of abuse- fuzzy as they are- are genuine... all they had to do was plug in a name. That came about as part of her self-hypnosis. It also explains how she passed a polygraph- that coupled with the fact that the test consisted of two questions.

As I watched her testimony, what struck me more than anything else was her behavior- which can only be described as bizarre... switching back and forth from a normal voice to the childlike. It was almost like watching two different people... and this woman has a Ph.D. in psychology making it all the more bizarre. I'm sure that much of her act was deliberate, designed to elicit sympathy- but there was another element at work... her disheveled appearance coming from a professional woman belied some mental disconnect. Something just wasn't right.

It's unlikely that any connection between Dr. Ford and MK-Ultra is ever going to come out, but given her family background it's as likely an explanation for her behavior as any. It's already been well established that she's a left-wing activist taking part in marches and protests. There's also information beginning to surface about her connection to another activist named Rebecca White who may be another important piece of the puzzle. One thing is for certain, the charade that played out in the Kavanaugh hearings had nothing whatever to do with justice.





This woman is a CIA hack - but MKU would suggest her being not culpable.

I am convinced that evil Beastley Ford is guilty of sedition, treason, fraud, lying under oath.

I want to learn more about this Rebecca White woman... I've scoured the net and nothing has come up yet. You're right about MKU- this woman is consciously doing this. I haven't reconciled the two yet!

I couldn't access that article some big orange box that wants me to deactivate my ad block pops up

I copied it here for you. Search for White

It's beginning to look like the whole Blasey Ford issue is a part of a left-wing conspiracy concocted by a group of friends all running cover for each other and the #metoo movement! Thanks!!!

mk/ultra victim who has been activated ! I am sure she has been subject to sexual abuse, but certainly not at the hands of Kavanaugh , more the people that sit behind pushing her buttons !!

Childhood sexual abuse is often part of MKU programming!

correct @globocop they are all members of the same club of Evil, that woman likes children too, for sure !! Its painful to watch open liars do what they do !

Disclaimer - I don't live in the USA so whatever happens is not going to affect me.
From across the pond I'm just wondering what's so special about this guy that is worth all of this hassle to get him in to office. It seems like an extremely partisan political situation i.e. Reps want him in office just because he's Trumps pick and are willing to ignore any allegations.
Dems want to bring him down because he's Trumps pick and will blow up any situation to stop him getting in to office.
It just seems to me like they should just send this guy back to his rather good job as a judge and just pick somebody else who has a completely clean past.
Surely there are other Republican judges that Trump could pick who are equally capable of doing the job and divide opinion less.
It looks like your country is very divided at the moment (as is ours over Brexit) but surely the majority of people can see the good and bad on both sides of the political spectrum and maybe some less divisive characters in office would help bring the country together.
Maybe I'm naive and need a dose of realism but I'm guessing when it comes down to the important things in life we/you have more in common with each other than we have differences.

It has nothing to do with him... the Democrats will do the same thing no matter who is selected. Most of them are guilty of numerous crimes and once a new justice is in place Trump will declassify the FISA docs and begin with unsealing the indictments

It's pretty obvious even from Canada, that the accusations against Kavanaugh are nothing but a desperate ploy to keep an honest man off the supreme court bench. I hope enough Americans can see that.

People are leaving the Dem party in droves... they're stupid, playing to 10 -15% of the population.

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Interesting, I did NOT know abut this possible link, and what you write makes a lot more sense than anything I have heard from the left! I found something else that is (Yeah right) just a coincidence I am sure, ROFLOL! Who would believe that her criminal background would be cleaned up on July 7th, after she called the liberals on July 6th; it must just have happened that way accidentally. It couldn't be a pay-off, or cover up...not with our ultra honest liberals in congress! They would not attack their betters for political reasons...Oh wait...Never mind!

I am waiting for them to declare moral bankruptcy!


You have to have a conscience to declare moral bankruptcy... we are talking about soulless demons- pure evil! Thanks for the info!

Point taken, they sold their immortal souls, and are owned things now!

It is sad, that we are being led by minions, but it is needed to complete His Plan for this World! I just wish I was smart enough to understand it, ROFLOL! But Trusting is a close second.

Be blessed, and watch to the East!


I believe the Bible and according to what I've read, these are the easy times- things are going to get a whole lot worse! I cry for my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren... I've lived through Hell and am ready to go, I've made my peace. I only wish I could have left them a better world than I inherited!

We are in the end times, and tribulation must happen to complete GOD's plan. You are right, it will get worse! We are moving out to the country, before the worst begins.

But GOD has promised to be with us, and to bring us through! I count on that.

I plan to be able to feed my entire family, including the new Grandson; on the homestead, with 12 month produce growing, and poultry.

That said, I think we BOTH will see Christ return soon, so watch to the East!


I'm 73 and not in very good health, so I may not be here. I would love to be a part of it though!

It will be soon! This old World will not last much longer....

Look into Herbals, they can help restore health. I am 64, and in better shape than I was 15 years ago when I started using herbs to treat myself!

Be Blessed, and stay safe!


I made a post on this farse and open smear campaign by the "left" for want of a name other than Evil ! This is the last stand, when and I pray he does Kavanaugh is instated as POTUS has asked for then we can see whats in all the inditements that till then remain sealed ! !

Evil is exactly what it is. I pray that Trump blows the lid off of everything before the midterms!

I noticed that little girl voice right off. Wasn't behaving like she was in the now. Like she was reliving something in the passed. Strange. Combo of hit job and hypnosis to me.

Like a split personality!

Whatever the actual “truth” is here, it has been an absolute disgusting process of trial by social media and skewed media presentation.

I do hope ALL OF IT is unearthed and all those involved get exactly what’s coming to them...

This will be a very interesting month. The Democrats are stupid- by trying to thwart Trump they're poking an angry bear with a stick. He has the goods on all of them, including the DNC server. If they were smart they'd play ball, but they seem determined to self-destruct!

I saw the hearing too. It seems the left are panicking and do not want the judge to be installed. They will go to any extreme. Yes you may be well right about the sleeper cell thing. Thanks @richq11

Comey brought it up during one of his tweets and given her behavior it makes sense.

Always fascinating and informative, @RichQ11. Thanks!!

Thank you my friend... a lot of guesswork in this one!

Sometimes deductive reasoning is the best though. Sherlock Holmes-style...

Well, I'm no Sherlock Holmes, but some things look pretty clear to me!

LOL...Well, my official story is that you're just pretty danged smart, and I'm sticking with it!

And I most certainly appreciate that... I definitely try!!!

This swamp should be finally eliminated!!!! Thanks for your great article.