
Point taken, they sold their immortal souls, and are owned things now!

It is sad, that we are being led by minions, but it is needed to complete His Plan for this World! I just wish I was smart enough to understand it, ROFLOL! But Trusting is a close second.

Be blessed, and watch to the East!


I believe the Bible and according to what I've read, these are the easy times- things are going to get a whole lot worse! I cry for my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren... I've lived through Hell and am ready to go, I've made my peace. I only wish I could have left them a better world than I inherited!

We are in the end times, and tribulation must happen to complete GOD's plan. You are right, it will get worse! We are moving out to the country, before the worst begins.

But GOD has promised to be with us, and to bring us through! I count on that.

I plan to be able to feed my entire family, including the new Grandson; on the homestead, with 12 month produce growing, and poultry.

That said, I think we BOTH will see Christ return soon, so watch to the East!


I'm 73 and not in very good health, so I may not be here. I would love to be a part of it though!

It will be soon! This old World will not last much longer....

Look into Herbals, they can help restore health. I am 64, and in better shape than I was 15 years ago when I started using herbs to treat myself!

Be Blessed, and stay safe!


I take quite a few already. Berberine for diabetes- I haven't had to take a shot of insulin in months. Fermented skate liver oil, curcimin... I've just had a rough life and about used this poor old body up. I'm in constant pain... I'm kind of looking forward to graduating.

I know pain too, and the curcumin is good! I add boswellia to it, with a small amount of black pepper (to help absorb the curcumin); and the combination is MUCH stronger.

The other herbal that is amazing is comfrey, which I use in tincture form. It is a healing accelerant that has helped me enough that I cancelled a planned shoulder surgery.

I have just started into fermenting myself, and have great hopes for it here.

I know about using it up, LOL! I have had 3 back surgeries with two fusions, two hand surgeries, and a closed reduction on my wrist; mostly from car wrecks.

Wonderful that you have the blood sugar under control! That is a blessing for sure! I will look into the berberine for my Sister!
