The Hillary Clinton/Huma Abedin Sex Tape- No End To This Evil: An Addendum

in #informationwar7 years ago

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I got several comments yesterday calling my post a "rumor," "allegations," etc. and I'd like to point out that I don't make these things up, nor do I post rumors (and neither does Liz Crokin)... Actually, anybody that read my book knows that I do make this kind of stuff up, but I always tag it #fiction. This is not fiction people- this is a partial result (I'd like to say culmination, but this is far from over) of over a year's worth of research, and what I wrote yesterday is just the tip of the iceberg.

This morning as I went to turn on my morning Charlie Chan movie, I saw something in my video feed that caught my attention, something that helps greatly to substantiate what I wrote yesterday. But before I get to the video, I'd like to make a quick observation. Several days ago I wrote a piece on child sex trafficking in which I mentioned (also mentioned in the video)- what I was unaware of at the time was that was involved in up to 73% of human trafficking worldwide- including child trafficking for purposes of sex. What I find peculiar in this is the association between and the Democratic Party. Among others, Backpage donated to former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi ($10,000) and over $95,000 to Democrats in Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico. Of course there were contributions to Hillary's failed 2016 Presidential bid and the Clinton Foundation as well. This is much bigger than I thought.

In addition to the Clinton/Abedin sex tape the video addresses pedophilia in general and an even more despicable offshoot- people (elites) known as "Pedovores." The name should be self-explanatory. Also, the ties to the British Royal Family and specifically two events in Canada where the Royal Family has been linked to this heinous practice. Is it any surprise that Hillary, who considers herself "American royalty," would indulge herself in the same practice. This is horrible and I understand why people don't want to believe it- I don't want to believe it... But it happens. Most of what's in the video are things I've written about over the last year and a half and the last part of the video addresses the Clinton/Abedin tape in more detail than I wrote about yesterday.

Many thanks to Sean at the SGT Report for uncovering this.




This is horrendous. Who the fuck are these people? And why do they do this? :O :/ Really turns your stomach.
I truly hope that time comes (when they can't walk down the street).
They deserve to be punished so bad..

You know, although the video is horrible and terrifying, what scares me most is the moment when he asks if it can't be worse. :/

It is worse... This is just the tip of the iceberg. In the grand scheme of things Hillary is small potatoes- The Rothschilds, the ones behind it all are like the royalty of these sickos along with the Royals. Hillary and others here in America are just wannabes!

I suppose you are right :/ I'd add more but all I got in my head right now are questions, which I guess no one can answer, probably not even these degenerates, so..

I've probably written 50 posts about this or more, so I probably couldn't put enough in a comment to answer them. There's a hierarchy with people like the Royals (not only the UK) and families like the Rothschilds at the top. It's like a pyramid that spreads out as it goes down. There are people like those in the video in all walks of life. When my mother died I was 5 and a pedosadist named Willie had me and he would have parties for his friends and they did stuff to me. He would rent or lend me out. These were just regular people as far as I know, not elites. I'm not sure how the whole thing works- there are Satanists who use kids for sacrifices, but that didn't happen to me. All I know is it happens and when I find stuff out, I expose it.

And God bless you for this work that you do, my dear friend <3
I read your posts with a heavy heart and half-open eyes, but I still read them, because I think what you do is important. It's hard to open the eyes of people, but it's an amazing thing to do.

Sometimes I wish I had taken the blue pill and stayed asleep. BUT- knowing what I know, I can't allow evil to exist without trying to do something about it. I'm not fooling myself into thinking I'm going to make a difference, but I still have to try! Thank you for all your support and kind words and thoughts- it's what gives me strength!

I just watched that last night - think of what happens to the bald guy who turns evil and desires to get back into the Matrix, I felt very sad and disappointed at his decision. Stay strong, my friend. I learn so much from people like you <3
So, you do make a difference, at least to me. And I'm sure that's not where it ends.

What a time to raise kids, there's no one in power left to trust. Feels like us parents have to sit on our kids like a bunch of chickens just to keep them safe, how ironic....

It's been that way for a long time. I pulled my kids out of public school back in the 90's and homeschooled. I had to fight the govt every step of the way, but it's the only way to keep them safe. This system is rotten and corrupt from top to bottom. Don't even trust teachers- or should I say especially teachers. I was invited to a party at the teachers fraternity in college and if you saw what those people were into you wouldn't want your kids within a mile of them!

The first time I ever saw my son sad was after his intake meeting for public school. I instantly knew they wanted me to break his spirit and maybe even drug him to quell his love of life. That was all I needed to see, once and only once did these people get my kid alone and never again. I'm homeschooling all 5 of them now. My kids test in the 99th % for scholastic achievement. My oldest, the one I mentioned, is reading at a level 4 years ahead and his math is 2 years up on the public school kids. I'm stressed out and broke but feel better about life than I ever have so I'm sticking to it.

Welcome to parenthood... It's now your duty to be broke and stressed out. When I homeschooled I had to fight CPS all the way- at the same time I was teaching college! They wanted to drug my oldest son. I questioned the teacher's qualifications to make medical diagnoses- she said I was "threatening" and called security. So I just pulled all of my kids out of school.

I'll admit I have it easier than you did, I had to go through school in the 90s so figured it was going to be bad for this generation. That and I have unlimited resources to pull lessons from with just youtube, let alone all the co-ops providing free help. I hope I don't come across sour, right now there's a puppet teaching my kids the 7 continents for free on a 60" hd tv while I get to sneak a smoke and chat. My time is up though lol, 3 minutes is a blessing still.

It is because of the level disregard of these people that "the good guys/gals" have to proceed slowly. I'm shocked by what some of the stories....the sheeple won't be able to process the level of evil people like Killery. These elites know of or are knee-deep involved in these travesties against humanity.

Well, I did a little more "investigation" overnight and it's even worse than I imagined. Watch for my post today (if I can bring myself to write it)

Poppy bush called it in his wapo interview that has been cleaned from the web.
'If they knew they'd chase us down the street with torches and pitchforks.'

I'm wondering how long this video stays up!

Too bad dtube is temporary.
I dont think vimeo or bitchute are censoring at this point.
Does's wayback machine store video?

I'm not sure but RealVideo is getting set to kick off June 1, I think the email said. It's run by Mike Adams, I wonder if it's the Health Ranger Mike Adams?

Id bet, didnt utub screw him just recently?
Blocked him, then let him come back minus 100k followers.

If it's the same guy yes.

This is the email I got (sorry, I'm not very good with the snipping tool yet

Well, there you go.
Free markets in action.

My Dad was in the Air Force, he was a captain. My Mom told me several stories that lead me to believe there is a grooming network for prostitution and pedophiles within our armed forces.

One of my fathers commanders would come over when my Mom was pregnant with me, My Dad was on a Mission over in the Middle East, he would try and get my Mom to have sex with him. He said pregnant women turned him on.

Another story, there are women who groom families that are in trouble, like my Mom, we didn't have a lot of money when Dad died from cancer. She arranged dates for my Mom and I would stay at her house when Mom went out...I have vague memories of men walking around in their underwear. I was 3 or 4 years old at that time....These memories predate my understanding of pedophiles.

There are throughout the govt, not just the military. The military is tied to the CIA, who run cutouts like DynCorp and Deagel Inc, "private" companies that are into human trafficking, prostitution (mostly forced), organ harvesting, drug running, you name it!

Yeah I read about Dyncorp and their trafficing, I wasn't kidding when I said about a year ago here on Steemit there is pedo-dealers on every street corner. When killing kids in the womb is okay, we all know life is only worth what you can sell it for on the markets.

That's exactly what I've been saying! Either all life is sacred or none is. Mother Teresa said all of America's problems stem from abortion... it shows absolute disrespect for human life. These people are monsters- abortionists and their supporters too.

Evil personified: CLINTON

Unbelievable! Yet I know is is true. I don’t want o no how someone’s heart turns so dark. Or the need for power becomes so great. It’s horrifying to think people walk amongst us that would derive pleasure from such evil.
I pray that Trump stays the course and these pedovores are locked up forever. This is what I believe is at the true center of the deep state. Who in the media is afraid of bein exposed? 🐓🐓

It's all a part of the same cabal, media included. There are 6 companies that own all media outlets in the US and they're also all deep state. They use blackmail to keep people in line. I understand that when all of this comes out and the arrests are made, over 25% of MSM people will be gone.

I wish I could see their faces when the walls come tumbling down. 25% is such a small price to pay. 🐓🐓

I got several comments yesterday calling my post a "rumor," "allegations," etc. and I'd like to point out that I don't make these things up, nor do I post rumors

I researched into this after your last post and based on what is available am not sure how you can say this isn't a rumor. Of the few things I found was a site that was also trying to claim that Hillary is really Shirley Jones and her mother is Shirley Temple. Now while it may be possible, I find that there is little to support any of this and has to be thought of as a rumor, and one that sounds farfetched.

Some of this feels like that reptile crap that was claiming Bush and many others are reptile people. It seems like this stuff is made up to discredit the things we can establish as either truth or more likely than not.

Also, I am guessing this new cause Trump has taken on to battle the Pedos is really more about justifying clamping down on our freedom more, as I have gotten notices from many businesses such as Microsoft and my email company letting me know I am going to be censored soon and every move I do with them monitored for violations. Normal citizens are once again the targets of this, not the boogeymen they always claim it is for.

In your research did you consider Dutroux, Haut de la Garenne, the Praesidio, the Franklin/Boystown scandal, the Catholic Church, the Finders, Dyncorp, Halliburton, the various Haiti matters, McMartin, Saville, Hastert, and so forth? How much research into this do you think you have achieved?

Given the active suppression of such information, how easy do you expect it to be to validate claims of horrible crimes by the most powerful people in the world?

You are naive if you think that less than years of digging will reveal the truth about how brownstone blackmail captures the rulers of your media.

Not naive at all. In fact, it is my lack of naivete that keeps me from just blanket accepting when claims such as these are made. The burden is on the shoulders of those insinuating, and there were no credible links offered with the claims. I will be the first to concede that information is controlled, but when I look and the only sites talking of it make other claims that seem beyond belief, also with no proof, then it is safest to ignore and focus on what is provable.

I have felt for many years now that there are a host of leaders in the alt info arena who sow the wildest nonsensical crap, serves only to discredit the whole arena for most. The truth of the matter is most of what goes on behind closed doors will never be openly known and it seems a waste of energy and time to focus on that when there is clear evidence of other crimes that could/should be focused on.

Wasn't that long ago that the huge push was on that Bush and most of the world leaders were really alien reptilians who were poisoning the atmosphere so they could breathe easier. Normally I don't comment on these type of threads and move on. I chose not to this time because I respect richq11 and his claim that he doesn't post rumors doesn't jibe with the fact that this is indeed a rumor. I do not wish to see him lose credibility he has built up by stating something is not what it obviously is.

Being a rumor does not make it untrue, it means that it is unsubstantiated. But until I see some substantiation I find this a little hard to swallow. Do I know Hillary is a self centered narcissistic liar who wants power? Yes. Do I think that makes her some kind of cannibal of children that makes them watch her wear their flesh she has cut off of them? I lean towards that being more likely than not untrue. Could be true, but I think it best without proof to focus on the myriad of crimes that have been documented.

Edited to add: Thanks for the areas you mention to look at. I have not looked at many of them and will as time allows.

I concur that there are many and much propaganda and disinfo curdling our cheese.

Reptilians being one of the more laughable. Another is Flat Earth.

Aliens too.

But, I could name as many more horrifying cases of coordinated child abuse networks I have researched, and still not have to consult my notes. The blackmail power such networks create is unimaginable, and that proof, almost certainly video, of those crimes used to blackmail is probably better guarded than Fort Knox.

It has more power.

Thanks for having the unmitigated gall to investigate further. There is little I respect more.

I do caution you. You will encounter horror you don't want to, and what you see you will never be able to unsee. Please proceed with caution.


Firstly, I have no doubt that SRA is a real thing, and I would not at all be surprised if I learned that HRC is doing that kind of crap. I watched the SGT report. The man narrating the video made verbal claims about the existence of a video, while displaying headlines and internet user comments in the background.

He finally displayed an image which showed the name 'Rhonda Sparkman', and he called her a researcher. The claims in the text displayed seemed to mirror the kinds of things he was talking about earlier while showing irrelevant articles.

Problem is who is this "researcher", and why should I believe her? I would challenge you to try and identify a real source for the claim. The claims made are awful and they spark deep emotion, but before getting caught up in the emotion, I think it's smart to verify that the claims are at least coming from a credible source.

If you can find a credible source making this same claim, I would challenge you to link to it, so that I can go read the article. It's like his entire video is designed to covertly, and strongly imply a certain specific message. Yet when it comes time to pony up the evidence, he fail spectacularly, and I'm only looking for evidence of a credible source.

One of the problems you face validating the claims is the variety of sources of similar claims that mutually support a central thesis, from the use of blackmail on politicians such as Dennis Hastert, through the Haut de la Garenne scandal on the Isle of Jersey.

Consider the Dutroux criminal investigation in particular, and the number of people that were arkancided and otherwise removed from the case. Or the Franklin coverup, or the Praesidio, or... well, you get the picture.

It isn't a matter of verifying one particular source, but of comprehending the global evidence not only of the crimes, but those crimes undertaken to conceal the crimes. It takes a vast amount of research to encompass the totality of the issue, and due to the nature of the matter, that research is of information actively and thoroughly suppressed.

Credible and identifiable sources don't last long. Eyewitnesses are either compromised, dead, or scarce as hen's teeth.

If you want the direct proof of the HRC/Abedin video, it is said to be on the Deep Web.

It is facile to criticize those daring to report on this topic given the demonstrable danger of doing so, while being unwilling to dare to research it yourself.

All that being said, I recommend you DO NOT look for that video. God help you if you find it.

I have no desire to see it, only for those responsible to be given proper punishment... Although I can't think of any punishment grave enough for torturers of children. I know the videos exist. For one thing, Liz Crokin is a very reputable journalist. She lost her career for reporting on this whole Pizzagate/Pedogate thing. She's also gotten numerous death threats. I also have friends that are former Military Intel who do computer security & verification for the DOD now. That's all the proof I need.

Well, I found where it appears that Liz Crokin is claiming that a video exists. From what she says it doesn't sound like it's something that she's witnessed first hand. She says she has gotten this confirmed by "very respectable and high level sources"...

I don't know much about Liz, but I do think if this video existed on the dark web that it would have been released by now onto the internet by someone either on 4chan, or by Wikileaks.

This kind of thing, if it exists, it most certainly cannot be suppressed. Even the powerful interests working for UK royalty were unable to stop the 'Unlawful Killing' documentary from leaking onto the internet, and that effort, was probably the best, and most concerted attempt at censorship that I've ever seen before.


@valued-customer I should add that I am not unwilling to dare to research it for myself. Part of the reason why I am looking for credible sources is to see if there is any veracity to the claims being made. Until there is something credible to go on, I feel as if though trying to research this, is like trying to research a nothing burger.

Unfortunately, Liz is a bit of a dead end. She doesn't seem to have seen the video evidence herself, and she's citing unknown sources. If this is true, it's incomprehensible that it will remain a secret for much longer.

For example if wikileaks got their hands on it, they could censor whatever needed to be censored whatever parts needed to be censored, and then release the censored tape to the public, and the uncensored tape to any and all relevant agencies that would prosecute the alleged crime.

I reckon the voluminous evidence globally of child sex trafficking is overwhelming. That these folks wouldn't video their crimes, like pedos so notoriously seem to do, is not very credible. Given the various and sundry connections between HRC and allegations of such crimes, through things like her rides on Lolita Express to Epstein's pedo island, her direct personal involvement in Laura Silsby, and much more, I find the allegation credible, if not proved at all.

Proving it would almost certainly involve arkancide. I reckon if the NYPD has leaked this tape, they have had to carefully consider means of being unidentified. That takes time. Those that have the tape also have to consider their safety too, and they will take their time to make sure they live through it.

Trump has an unshakable bond with the NYPD. You can research this. If such a tape exists, he'd know. He'd have to consider that such a tape doesn't exist in solitude. There are innumerable reports of similar evidence of most world leaders being used as blackmail.

This means there is a highly effective mechanism in place to prevent that evidence from being used by anyone besides the blackmailers.

Just gaining access to that tape might be fatal for most anons. Few that have seen it might have lived to tell the tale already. It could be firmly stuck in a honeypot. I dunno, but I do see there are a lot of reasons why this kind of thing isn't going to surface lightly, won't be allowed to be available, and that almost every law enforcement agency in the world will prosecute anyone that can be proven to have it, since they'll be guilty of kiddie porn.

There's only one reason to risk all of that danger, and that is because of an overriding need of the person to prove HRC did it. Not a lot of people are that dedicated to that goal. It's very literally a life and death matter.

The way I look at it, once something has been leaked online it's impossible to contain. Just look at all of Snowden's leaks about the spying programs. I don't think the spying agencies in question wanted that information in the public domain.

Yet after Wikileaks got their hands on it, it was impossible to unring that bell. I'll illustrate a scenario; if a tape exists, all it would take is for one well-intentioned person to edit the video so as to remove any child nudity.

Then, and obviously this person would have to be some kind of hacker or good with computer security so that they don't get arkancided, then the person would encrypt the edited video onto a file, and securely submit it to Wikileaks.

Once Wikileaks has it, they could feign that it's another insurance file, leak it, and wait for about a week or so, so that the edited file has been downloaded by their many followers.

After waiting so that enough people have downloaded the file Wikileaks could simply release the key, and simultaneously many people, and news organizations will have seen a version of the video that doesn't depict pornography.

That kind of move in combination that the NYPD is already supposed to have this alleged video, that should cause enough public outcry for them to act on it. Like I said before I don't think that there is anything to this.

I don't think that a leak happened, I think it's likely that these creeps do have blackmail on each other, and maybe some of it is video tapes. However, in this case with these buzzwords pedovore, and frazzledrip.

I think it's a concerted effort to gaslight otherwise generally unaware people that pedogate isn't a real thing, by twisting the whole thing into some kind of vampire story.

More specifically I think they are setting up a strawman to knock down, and if they can successfully do what they are attempting to do. It will condition people to believe that SRA doesn't exist, it's just a wild internet rumor.

Except in their minds it won't be SRA it will be 'The Pedavore Conspiracy' and the talking heads on the news will laugh while they talk about child eating zombies, or however they try to spin it.

I'm open to being wrong about this topic, if proven wrong. However, I'm a strong believer that if this topic is true then people would have already released stills from the video. Stills that depict some of the wild claims that were made.

E.g. HRC, or HA, or some Hannibal Lecteresque imagery. I'm not trying to make light of the subject, but most people are not finding any evidence that this alleged HRC/HA tape claim is true. If it does turn out to be true, i'll be the first to admit that I am wrong.

Pretty hard to argue with your assessment.


You're welcome. If it does exist, I truly do a hope that a white hat read that, and is making that move as we speak. Even if they didn't read it, I can only imagine that they would have thought about it.

If you have a list of "acceptable" sources please forward it. Look, it doesn't matter who I cite- your mind is closed and you wouldn't accept it if Moses himself brought it down from the mountaintop. So please stop bothering me with your tedious nonsense.

Normally when someone makes a claim they back it up with a news article. If you had a link to a news article that I could visit that said there is a Clinton/Abedin tape then I could look at the authors’ name. I could look at other articles penned by the same author, I could use my judgment as to whether the person frequently posts unproveable things or not. That's how I determine if someone is an acceptable journalist.

Then I would look at the source name that the author cites, and if it's an unnamed source the claim is more credible in my mind if their previous publications don't resemble the work of Sorcha Faal or other internet bullshit artists.

Look, I was not trying to pick a fight with you. I thought my last comment was respectable, but then you went ahead and copped an attitude. So, it's whatever. The fact remains that there is no there-there in your claim about the tape. You are making a sensational claim that many people will believe, because our class of politicians are on par with a poorly delivered aristocrats joke.

Yet that doesn’t let you off the hook with respects to trying to pass these kinds of things off as fact. I don’t know if you are familiar with poisoning the well or not, and I do not know if you are doing this intentionally. Many times legitimate conspiracy theories are hijacked by unprovable claims so that the legitimate conspiracy becomes less believable.

The people planting the seed, they know what they are doing, but the useful idiots who take it an run with it, they don’t have a freaking clue. Both of these types of people do harm not only to legitimate conspiracy theories, but also to the movements that they associate themselves with.

If you want a topic to discuss at the next meeting, I would propose, that we figure out a way to productively address members that associate disinformation with the #informationwar tag. I could foresee it becoming an even bigger problem in the future as the group grows in size.

Poisoning the well, in the sense that I am using it, is an attempt to smear the reputation of a conspiracy theory by adding to it, or sprinkling bullshit atop of it. For example, if someone with clout believed your story about the existence of a tape. Lets say this person is a media personality, and then they started talking about it on air. What would happen is they would be sued, news outlets would pick up on the lawsuit, and the next thing you know the spin is that pedogate doesn't exist, it's a vicious conspiracy theory invented by the sucker who believed your post, and tried to pass it off as truth.

Then when other well meaning people attempt to try and expose #pedogate, they'd be laughed out of the room, by people who think that it's just a "conspiracy theory", as the word is used in the derogatory sense.

Last week someone confronted Biden in public. The audience stuck up for Biden. All these "Q drop" people are pissing me off. Eyes on the prize, folks. Trump has not done SHIT about THIS.

How do you know what Trump has done?

I reckon we are incapable of knowing much about what is actually done when cameras held by folks without agendas aren't rolling tape.

That's why the 'Q drop' people piss me off: they assume they know what they cannot.

Point taken.

Who do you think is behind bring down

Who set up Bringing down the minions of the elite is not helpful. New minions are a dime a dozen.

HRC = FFFFLOTUS = Face Fileting Former First Lady Of The United States.

And it's even worse than that!

(you hear an engine rev and horn honk)
(the window on the humvee rolls down to reveal a warm smiling face)
"Hello! I'm @shadow3scalpel and with the help of my protege, @chairborne, we are actively assisting veterans, retirees and active servicemen and women here on Steemit. We feel it is our 'duty' to support each other. Any questions or comments you may have, simply respond to this comment, thank you!"
(the window rolls up and the engine roars as it drives to the next person on the list)
Comment by @killerwhale. This is a opt-in bot.

We need to develop a vaccine that prevents psychopaths from being conceived 😈

There's a kind of candy that prevents it- it was designed for terrorists but it works fine on pedos...


I have an idea for a TV show kinda like Dexter, but the hunted are pedofiles, the ones that fund the white slavery networks. I wouldn't mind hunting pedos but I know how this can cripple a mind, one has to go through extensive training to protect one's mind from the trauma seeing this horrible evil visited on the weak and innocent.

I reckon it would kinda comparable to dogs chasing things. Catching the paperboy might not be so bad, for the average dog. Catching something substantial would be fatal.

Those of us who've known have been mentally preparing ourselves for the worst. I heard rumours about the contents of the video found on Weiner's laptop and it is truly nightmarish if true--something right out of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Based on all countless threads of evidence, I would tend to believe the abolute worst at this point. These fiends have not given us any reason to think otherwise. Their game is inversion and if you 'can see', it's very transparent.

The US has very strong libel laws and I believe that if they don't exist, someone would have filed suit. What people fail to understand is that this isn't just one isolated incident but a pattern of behavior that is pervasive throughout the elites. If the suit was to be filed all of the evidence would be brought to light.

Absolutely. Just look at any leak, they condemn the whistleblower for doing it, but never address the contents of the leak.

Hate to tell you this but What do you think Trump was doiing when he was running the Miss America Pagent? He was using those girls to sex traffic look it up. The human race is fked nothing will change , no one will go to jail, this is just a distraction till the war starts

First of all Trump ran the Miss World Pageant. Second this is about pedophilia and all of the women were just that-WOMEN- all over 18. I also said look at the guest list of Epstein Island- Trump was on it. There are no good guys here.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

There are people that won't believe it until it's in the MSM I guess- although anybody who would believe them is a complete idiot. Believe me it's real- for one thing, Liz Crokin wouldn't have reported on it if it wasn't. Also I have friends in Military Intel and DOD contractors that affirm its authenticity... I'm not going to expose them to satisfy a few hacks!