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RE: The Hillary Clinton/Huma Abedin Sex Tape- No End To This Evil: An Addendum

One of the problems you face validating the claims is the variety of sources of similar claims that mutually support a central thesis, from the use of blackmail on politicians such as Dennis Hastert, through the Haut de la Garenne scandal on the Isle of Jersey.

Consider the Dutroux criminal investigation in particular, and the number of people that were arkancided and otherwise removed from the case. Or the Franklin coverup, or the Praesidio, or... well, you get the picture.

It isn't a matter of verifying one particular source, but of comprehending the global evidence not only of the crimes, but those crimes undertaken to conceal the crimes. It takes a vast amount of research to encompass the totality of the issue, and due to the nature of the matter, that research is of information actively and thoroughly suppressed.

Credible and identifiable sources don't last long. Eyewitnesses are either compromised, dead, or scarce as hen's teeth.

If you want the direct proof of the HRC/Abedin video, it is said to be on the Deep Web.

It is facile to criticize those daring to report on this topic given the demonstrable danger of doing so, while being unwilling to dare to research it yourself.

All that being said, I recommend you DO NOT look for that video. God help you if you find it.


I have no desire to see it, only for those responsible to be given proper punishment... Although I can't think of any punishment grave enough for torturers of children. I know the videos exist. For one thing, Liz Crokin is a very reputable journalist. She lost her career for reporting on this whole Pizzagate/Pedogate thing. She's also gotten numerous death threats. I also have friends that are former Military Intel who do computer security & verification for the DOD now. That's all the proof I need.

Well, I found where it appears that Liz Crokin is claiming that a video exists. From what she says it doesn't sound like it's something that she's witnessed first hand. She says she has gotten this confirmed by "very respectable and high level sources"...

I don't know much about Liz, but I do think if this video existed on the dark web that it would have been released by now onto the internet by someone either on 4chan, or by Wikileaks.

This kind of thing, if it exists, it most certainly cannot be suppressed. Even the powerful interests working for UK royalty were unable to stop the 'Unlawful Killing' documentary from leaking onto the internet, and that effort, was probably the best, and most concerted attempt at censorship that I've ever seen before.


@valued-customer I should add that I am not unwilling to dare to research it for myself. Part of the reason why I am looking for credible sources is to see if there is any veracity to the claims being made. Until there is something credible to go on, I feel as if though trying to research this, is like trying to research a nothing burger.

Unfortunately, Liz is a bit of a dead end. She doesn't seem to have seen the video evidence herself, and she's citing unknown sources. If this is true, it's incomprehensible that it will remain a secret for much longer.

For example if wikileaks got their hands on it, they could censor whatever needed to be censored whatever parts needed to be censored, and then release the censored tape to the public, and the uncensored tape to any and all relevant agencies that would prosecute the alleged crime.

I reckon the voluminous evidence globally of child sex trafficking is overwhelming. That these folks wouldn't video their crimes, like pedos so notoriously seem to do, is not very credible. Given the various and sundry connections between HRC and allegations of such crimes, through things like her rides on Lolita Express to Epstein's pedo island, her direct personal involvement in Laura Silsby, and much more, I find the allegation credible, if not proved at all.

Proving it would almost certainly involve arkancide. I reckon if the NYPD has leaked this tape, they have had to carefully consider means of being unidentified. That takes time. Those that have the tape also have to consider their safety too, and they will take their time to make sure they live through it.

Trump has an unshakable bond with the NYPD. You can research this. If such a tape exists, he'd know. He'd have to consider that such a tape doesn't exist in solitude. There are innumerable reports of similar evidence of most world leaders being used as blackmail.

This means there is a highly effective mechanism in place to prevent that evidence from being used by anyone besides the blackmailers.

Just gaining access to that tape might be fatal for most anons. Few that have seen it might have lived to tell the tale already. It could be firmly stuck in a honeypot. I dunno, but I do see there are a lot of reasons why this kind of thing isn't going to surface lightly, won't be allowed to be available, and that almost every law enforcement agency in the world will prosecute anyone that can be proven to have it, since they'll be guilty of kiddie porn.

There's only one reason to risk all of that danger, and that is because of an overriding need of the person to prove HRC did it. Not a lot of people are that dedicated to that goal. It's very literally a life and death matter.

The way I look at it, once something has been leaked online it's impossible to contain. Just look at all of Snowden's leaks about the spying programs. I don't think the spying agencies in question wanted that information in the public domain.

Yet after Wikileaks got their hands on it, it was impossible to unring that bell. I'll illustrate a scenario; if a tape exists, all it would take is for one well-intentioned person to edit the video so as to remove any child nudity.

Then, and obviously this person would have to be some kind of hacker or good with computer security so that they don't get arkancided, then the person would encrypt the edited video onto a file, and securely submit it to Wikileaks.

Once Wikileaks has it, they could feign that it's another insurance file, leak it, and wait for about a week or so, so that the edited file has been downloaded by their many followers.

After waiting so that enough people have downloaded the file Wikileaks could simply release the key, and simultaneously many people, and news organizations will have seen a version of the video that doesn't depict pornography.

That kind of move in combination that the NYPD is already supposed to have this alleged video, that should cause enough public outcry for them to act on it. Like I said before I don't think that there is anything to this.

I don't think that a leak happened, I think it's likely that these creeps do have blackmail on each other, and maybe some of it is video tapes. However, in this case with these buzzwords pedovore, and frazzledrip.

I think it's a concerted effort to gaslight otherwise generally unaware people that pedogate isn't a real thing, by twisting the whole thing into some kind of vampire story.

More specifically I think they are setting up a strawman to knock down, and if they can successfully do what they are attempting to do. It will condition people to believe that SRA doesn't exist, it's just a wild internet rumor.

Except in their minds it won't be SRA it will be 'The Pedavore Conspiracy' and the talking heads on the news will laugh while they talk about child eating zombies, or however they try to spin it.

I'm open to being wrong about this topic, if proven wrong. However, I'm a strong believer that if this topic is true then people would have already released stills from the video. Stills that depict some of the wild claims that were made.

E.g. HRC, or HA, or some Hannibal Lecteresque imagery. I'm not trying to make light of the subject, but most people are not finding any evidence that this alleged HRC/HA tape claim is true. If it does turn out to be true, i'll be the first to admit that I am wrong.

Pretty hard to argue with your assessment.


You're welcome. If it does exist, I truly do a hope that a white hat read that, and is making that move as we speak. Even if they didn't read it, I can only imagine that they would have thought about it.