One of us is horribly wrong here :)
But you don't have to do all that - just name ONE location where a nuke has been detonated - just one, even a test site - that PDF I linked to exposes that angle as well.
One of us is horribly wrong here :)
But you don't have to do all that - just name ONE location where a nuke has been detonated - just one, even a test site - that PDF I linked to exposes that angle as well.
I am not going to address that. I am going to address those videos. If they are real then something happened.
You really shouldn't be in the habit of dictating what type of proof you will accept.
My main point is I don't think they could have made those videos with special effects when they made them. You could make them today if you spent an insane amount of money and time (more than they spend on big budget film special effects) because the tricks that are used to make special effects reveal their fingerprints if you know what to look for. So could it be done today with our massively powerful render farms, and the evolution of video tech. Yes.
Yet those videos existed long before any of that stuff was in existence. Even though it is POSSIBLE to make that today, like I said it has qualities that are beyond the tricks used to make such things in the top end effects these days.
So that tells me that those videos are very high probabilty real.
Where they occurred. I can't prove that as I am not a rich globe trotter with geiger counters, access, etc. So you ask for proof and then you start dictating the type of proof I must provide. That's called rigging the game. Kind of like Global Warming switching to using Climate Change. Everything is Climate Change. Global warming was specific. When they switched to Climate Change the rigged the game as they can say "See climate change" as everything is climate change. Yet every climate change is not global warming.
What I can do is try to prove the high probability those videos are real.