Herbals have given me relief where drugs could Not! I am improved now over where I was 15 years ago on prescription medicines.
My Daughter is a Pharmacist, so she doesn't like Daddy's herbal heresy; but I keep using it anyway. :)
I have been trying to eat a lot more fermentation based foods recently. So many health benefits, and I like the tastes too.
I will look for that book, good reference books are a real asset if the Grid Down event Occurs; and they are fun to read.
Wow! This is wild- my oldest daughter is a pharmacist in Michigan. My herbals help, but the condition is worse. I have RA in my hands and feet and osteo everywhere else. The more active I am the more my joints seem to deteriorate. Anyway, I just keep plugging!
So You are an herbal heretic too, ROFLOL! The best thing for RA and osteo; is comfrey. That is what they list as it's best use! I drink the tea, and use the grounds for an overnight poultice. I prefer a fomentation with the tincture, as it is less bulky.
I take MSM and glucosamine to help repair my joints, and they are quiet now, and don't hurt me any more. Chrondrotin is suppose to help too, but I don't need it so I didn't add it.
BTW, Steve is the one who told me to bother you....
I figured... welcome aboard! I take you use comfrey raw. I looked it up and found ointment, tincture and capsules. What do you reccomend?
The tincture is strongest, and needs no refrigeration. They have used it for 2500 years, and used to call it bone knit, and they used it to speed healing of fractures. The Romans used comfrey to close sword cuts with out using stitching.
Tea, and using the grounds for a poultice is good too. This penetrates deeply, and so external use is pretty effective.
Sold! I'm ordering today.
You will NOT regret it! I have had a fomentation of comfrey tincture on my hand for 12 hours now, and tehe hand feels a lot better! All that typing on Steemit, ROFLOL!
I will re-wet it again tonight, and re apply for a couple of days. It is raining here, and I need the help.