How Facebook’s Rise Fueled Chaos and Confusion in Myanmar
The social network exploded in Myanmar, allowing fake news and violence to consume a country emerging from military rule.
Author: Timothy McLaughlinBY Timothy McLaughlin
Mochtar Riady is the Indonesian billionaire who was a joint investor with Little Rock billionaire Jackson Stephens in Worthen Bank when an investor group that included Jackson Stephens took over First American Bank in Washington, D.C.
Stephens, with the help of Bert Lance and others, brought in BCCI (Bank of Credit and Commerce International) to wrest control of the bank from that group, and to put it into the hands of friendlier partners.
The Stephens' software firm Systematics was to become the nation's biggest supplier of back-office banking software, and would eventually work closely with the National Security Agency to facilitate intelligence monitoring of banking transactions.
Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction
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and then the
Fake news is for Mockingbird state birds, bluebirds and an act of misprision