I think you are right, turkey has become the muslim brotherhood state, or at least the same model (wait for the slave sex harems to open for it to be completed).
I still believe it would have been better for everyone in the area if assad and his people had done a mubarak or ben ali... it would have been possible to partition syria along ethic/tribal line, israel annexed the golan, and even if painful to move the population around, it would have been way way way less costly.
and the partitionned area would have been sovereign and backed by the usa/israel as long as they all recognized eretz borders.
I know it was very hard to think through the conditionning at the begining when a few kids wrote down with the regime on walls...
but maybe a few years later and untold suffering, you are slowly realizing that it was the best option...
now what will the kremlin do? who knows... but be assured they fear way more an american retreat than they express... of course they have the confidence to be able to occupy the middle east and play god master of energy... but this place is vicious...
and as you seem so keen, the men coming from the ice... that's not the people of arizona... just saying...
and you know, a partionned syria along ethnic lines, could have reunited in peace and free will... after a while...
that's the thing that most forget, let them go, because if they wish to return, they will....
like cats :).
I know it sound too candid maybe for you, but deep inside you know it...
please revert to your duties...
have a nice day-