You seem to have a disconnect in understanding the consequences of overprinting a currency. I don't know how to get you there. The collapse is coming, and the program you want to see will get us there faster. Not only will it get us there faster, but it will also create a whole class of individuals who will feel extra entitled by the time the collapse hits. They'll feel extra entitled because of the "free money" that worked for a very short period of time before ultimately triggering the end of the dollar as we know it. You seem confident in your misunderstandings and that's fine, we can certainly agree to disagree.
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The fed has U.S. in perpetual servitude. It's literally impossible to pay them back. The only way to pay them back would be to borrow from them enough money to do so, and then we'd be in even more debt. The fed is the epitome of modern high tech slavery. The federal reserve owns the country and everyone in it and can willy-nilly make or break us with a simple hike or drop in the interest rate. Your worship of their system seems so strange. I think you've tipped your hand with the below statement.
If you get the chance, please watch this and share your thoughts about it.
I don't even know what your quoting. It's common sense that money printing leads to devaluation of the dollar. When exactly it leads to hyperinflation is any one's guess. The world is already turning away from the petrodollar and every time they try the U.S. tries to reign them back in with threats of warfare. It'll only work for so long before something wicked this way comes. The U.S. couldn't even make good on the "free health care" pipe dream which turned into "affordable health care" and that wasn't even affordable and you're going to trust that a UBI will work out? Once these hustles get into place it's almost impossible to undo the damage done, and to roll it back. In fact, it takes an act of congress. Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.
Argumentum ad populum doesn't do it for me. It hasn't for anthropogenic global warming and it won't for UBI. You have to understand that if UBI came anywhere near to the desert of the real that everyone would be doing it. However, because of whatever, this or that, it is not feasible. You have to understand if your theory came anywhere close to working I'd be down for it, but don't try it here first. Your ambitions are like Icarus flying too close to the sun. I know you don't have any malintent. However, you do not know what it is that you're getting yourself into. Affordable experiments on a small scale do not equate to unaffordable experiments on a larger more ridiculous scale. Governments want to be wanted and needed to be needed and what's more desirable than a fucking pipe dream. I'd extend myself so far as to say nothing is on par with that kind of wishful thinking. That said if it was possible; a nation-state would be doing it as we speak.
That's argumentum ad populum if it's even correct, you may have been making a gross generalization. Besides, the Austrian school of economics makes a helluva lot more sense than whatever drivel is taught in school nowadays. Thomas Jefferson said it best: "Never spend your money before you have earned it." However, that's just common sense, or it should be anyhow.
Why don't you show me how it's done? I'll give you a bitcoin address, and you can send me a UBI. We'll try it out for a year or two and I'll get back to you with the results. Surely if you expect it to work on a grand scale, we can prove it on a smaller scale first, right? Watch the video below, it's anchored to a specific time. It seems our little debate can be summed up as a Monetarist vs. Keynesian view of the economy.
P.S. I'm not saying that I subscribe fully to monetarist theory, just the one aspect with respect to unchecked inflation.