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RE: Fakenews? Florida Public School Teacher Has A White Nationalist Podcast. My 2 cents on this story.

in #informationwar7 years ago

cant agree there. Tribalism is a learned behavior taught by society and peers. Bring someone up in a mixed race society and they will not have the same preference for "their own tribe" because their definition does not include race.

As for Islam vs Christianity, there are plenty of violent examples when Christianity interpreted scripture to back their own agenda against other religions and also women. There are also plenty of peaceful Christians. To lump all believers into one group is ridiculous.

Whether or not the above article is fake or not, the arguments don't stand up to rational analysis imho.


If you live in America you live in a mixed race society. Are you arguing that the vast majority of Black people don't go to Black churches, Whites White Churches, and Latinos Latino Churches? They do. The more I am around coloreds, the less I want to be. I would suggest you are sheltered or want to be.

As for violence and religion, so what? Those Jewish born Atheist Communists who took over and ran Russia at least through the Stalin error killed at least 60 million. Mankind wages violence and war. Did you know the Crusaders were running a counter-strike into Islamic territory after the Muslims struck into Europe? The Inquisition? Catholicism was the religion of the Roman Empire: "The Holy Roman Church."

Christianity is bad for women? Women have their natural and proper role as a mother. It is written a mother is redeemed through her children. A woman who wants a career wants to free herself from her natural role. If that's what she wants, let her be free and alone. Cats can be her family. She is out only for herself so maybe the cats aren't the best idea.

She can see how good of care she gets from the island girls when she needs to go into a home after living for herself.

Maybe you personally should study the natural order of things. Dogs don't have bunny ears even if you put ersatz bunny ears on them.

Women have their natural and proper role as a mother??? ffs what country and era are you from? do you know the percentage of women who never marry? 17-20 percent. how many women never have children? almost 50 percent. women actually have friends, projects and careers. not all of them have cats. lmfao. percentage of people who go to church? 20%. Wonder what the other 80% do... hang out with their friends? My white mother hangs out with her black boyfriend. My mixed race cousin is marrying his Guatemalan fiance. MY best friend is Mexican. I suggest its you who are not only sheltered but ignorant of the facts. Maybe you should open your eyes.

I feel bad for you.

The problem with your Christianity vs Islam argument is that Christianity has and will reform it's behavior when culture norms change.

Islam refuses to reform and that's why women are forced to wear burkas and hijabs.

I disagree. I think that norms are changing now, but like any change, its slow to be perceived and accepted. And despite changing norms, hate crimes against LGBT groups by Christians are still a thing. There's no black and white where Christians are always the good guys and Islamist's are always the terrorists.

You should do some research and find out how many Christians majority nations have laws against being gay vs. Muslim majority nations that have laws against being gay. Hint it's quite shocking.

i'm not unaware of the facts. I'm just saying it's the pot calling the kettle black. I don't support discrimination based on race or religion. and as long as you make an argument based on those factors, I cannot agree.

there's very sharp contrast between the two hence why I think you should do more research.

She's just a postmodern problem. Very dense, very self-righteous. She doesn't realize she's part of a "permanent revolution" culture. Possible reprobate.

dude im discussing my viewpoints rationally and objectively. you are just name calling.