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RE: Topkek of the day 2019-09-24: Grumpy Greta Thunberg at the UNGA

Regarding the forces in play, rather than the individuals used to effect them, is instructive in the operation of the Hegelian Dialectic, which is based on the adage 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend'.

That adage is not true. Both are the enemies of freedom, and that makes them your enemies. How hard is it to grasp that neither of the mobsters fighting for control of the gang are advocates for the innocent victims of gang violence? Apparently, pretty hard.

It is the show itself that is the enemy of freedom. If you don't want to be fooled, don't watch the magic act. People want to be members of society, and this is understood by the powerful who seek to subjugate them. All the players in their show are vectors of subjugation. The only shows that don't funnel people into the necessary opposing factions of the Hegelian Dialectic control mechanism are those not featured in enemedia broadcasts.

That's the side to be on if you want to be free.


Too many big words. Tell me like I am a college dropout (which I am). Actually I don't think a College graduate could understand all them big words! Thank G-D for Wikipedia. 👀

why do you keep writing G-D instead of God? You know it's His job title, not His name, right?

Because I want to do it that way. Why do you ask a question totally off-topic? I guess because you want to do so.

answers like that will make me unfollow. 'because i want to' is not a reason, it's bullshit. you are an adult and there is a reason you do that.

I type G-D the way I do because I am a Noachide by faith. It is my way of expressing my awe at who I perceive to be the King of the Universe.

Follow/Unfollow that is your business. I only answered your question because you seemed frustrated at my first answer which I will admit, was a bit sarcastic and short. I ask your forgiveness for being rude.

no problem, and it wasn't too hard was it?

you also asked why i asked it, and i kind of told you in my last comment: i understand why you do that, but i don't think you've ever really thought about it 'skeptically' - if you want to show respect to the Father, then show respect to the Son, to whom He has bequeathed all things.

God is His description/ job title. His name is YHVH (for want of a better anglicisation) - and it is this name you should be 'feared' of writing. if it was not meant for His children to utter or pronounce His name then it would not be written down at all would it?

for myself, i prefer to do the opposite, like david of bethlehem, and proclaim His name, title and majesty as much and often as possible. peace :-)

I am a former Christian (Independent Baptist) and spent a short time studying for the ministry. I am also a former member of a Messianic Jewish congregation. While I respect and understand your views, I do not share them. I am a Monotheist. I do not believe in the Trinity.

In your honoring and proclamations you may not want to do like David and proclaim nude. You may get arrested.

This is why I did not want to answer your question directly. I do not wish to participate in hijacking @drakos post and turn it into a religious debate. You have the answer you requested. I thank you for your advise.

I have no college of note, so none of the words I write are limited to college edumacated academics. The internet includes plenty of free dictionaries.

The point I was making is that the employers of Greta Thunberg and Donald Trump are opposed to one another, but both seek the same thing from us: more power. Neither are our friends, and you have implied that being opposed to one is tantamount to being our friend. They are not.

Both are our enemies, like lions seeking our lives for their sustenance.

The techniques used I have provided the specific name Hegelian Dialectic for. That makes it easy to research and understand. You are being lied to for very bad reasons, and the enormous expenditure of media exposure of the shills reveals the import of those lies. It is not only in your best interest to grasp the truth, but necessary to society, and all life itself, of whom you are an essential part.