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RE: Technocracy II: Brave New World... FVEY-5G-AI

"Anytime man takes what God has created and tries to make it better it usually fails."

This is really ignoring how technology does actually improve our lives. Things like fire, the wheel, and chipped rocks are improving on the natural provisions of the world. While pointy rocks can be used to hurt people, and certainly often were, it's also pretty clearly an improvement over just using our teeth and fingernails to do stuff.


Does technology improve our lives? It has made some things better, some things worse. Look at today’s modern family, most sit in the same room engaged in some form of electronic engagement all the while not interacting with those around them. When the first response from someone is let me google it instead of trying to recall from memory. This stymies free thinking, using Gods creations like fire to make steel is a good technology. Thinking man made aspartame is better than sugar is bad technology. Technology is a double edged sword good/evil depends how it is used.