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[The more I look into this, the more convoluted and complex it becomes. What I thought was going to be a two or three part series looks like it could prove to almost become a lifetime project]
When I started researching this particular aspect of technocracy it was to trace logically- in terms of logical outcomes- the evolution of the surveillance society facet, from what we have now in terms of technology, to what's on the immediate horizon, to what we can reasonably expect in the future. What I found out about the latter category is disturbing to say the least... at least from the perspective of an application of sound scientific application. What I'm seeing in fact looks more like the dystopian future described by a science fiction novel. So let's begin with what we currently have (which is disturbing enough) FVEY (Five Eyes) the least insane part of the formula.
Five Eyes, for anyone still not aware from Qanon's posts, is an intelligence sharing agreement between five countries- The US, Uk, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Although originally designed to share intel gathered on common enemies such as North Korea. It, like most other arrangements of its kind, is being misused as a method that allows countries to spy on their own citizens. It was by employing FVEY that the Obama administration was able to "farm out" the intel gathering on the Trump campaign beginning as far back as 2015 to GCHQ, the British cyber spying network. This way, at least in theory, it couldn't be traced back to Obama. GCHQ provided the NSA with information- mostly fabricated- to avoid the NSA having the appearance of interfering in the election... still illegal.
5G, is the next step (if that's the right word) down the rabbit hole. According to Deborah Tavares, in an interview with the SGT Report (link at the end), 5G is a weaponized microwave network that can be used to "fry us all." Whether this is true or not remains to be seen, but one thing we can certainly be sure of is that it will greatly enhance the surveillance capabilities of the government in terms of intel gathering and data mining. In an article for Technocracy News: "The revolutionary 5G technology for cellular connections is inert as any other technology, but Smart-City planners see the opportunity to use it for total surveillance and micro-management of society. As Michael Bloomberg said, “It you cannot measure it, you cannot control it.” ⁃ TN Editor" This is what we most likely have to look forward to. The US security agencies are telling us that the technology will be used to protect us from our "enemies" such as the Chinese, but will more likely be used to spy on our own citizens. According to a senior security official: "We have to have a secure network that doesn’t allow bad actors to get in. We also have to ensure the Chinese don’t take over the market and put every non-5G network out of business.” Bad actors indeed!
Another concern attached to the 5G network is the relationship it will have with Palantir- the "tool" being employed in New Orleans for pre-crime predictive programming... Minority Report come to life. Palantir technology is now being installed in Los Angeles and when the 5G gris is complete, the technology can be used nationwide... bigger, quicker, faster. One of the things Palantir technology depends on is a species or strain of AI. Logically, some sort of statistical analysis based on various predispositional characteristics (God only knows what) must be programmed in to allow the algorithms to have predictive potential... something akin to AI that allows the computers to "think" and formulate "criminal tendencies" among various populations- the technological counterpart to "the black guy did it."
This brings us to the most disturbing facet, AI... and more disquieting- transhumanism... the Brave New World, a combination of genetics, robotics, biotics and ultimately nanotechnology. This is the endgame envisioned by the technocrats... an elite, their army of technicians and a few slaves (of course they won't be called that) to do the "grunt work." The "scientists" behind transhumanism- most of whom make Dr. Frankenstein look like the picture of mental health- are claiming that we are in the process "of redefining what it is to be human," that we "can do better than what nature has done." This begs the question, why do we need to do better than what nature has done? This whole branch of science, which we will develop further in the next post, is all predicated upon one thing... the same theme of Mary Shelley's classic Frankenstein- not improving mankind, but the fear of death.
Relevance: Fighting Against Technocracy
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Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)
they can surveil us all in a way already that would put big brother to shame what is real sketchy is the AI analyzing all that data and then directing a response. Most likely they already know about most of the crimes you commit now and don't care.
Either don't care, or are happy you're doing as they expected under the institutional controls they've established.
Surveillance is pretty much ubiquitous already, although it will certainly become more so after 5G rollout.
The real concern for me is that microwave beam weapons are essentially torture devices that can be dialed up to actually kill anyone that won't submit to torture, and are going to be mounted on poles so that pretty much the entire population will have no place to hide from them.
About our only option to mitigate the problem is to adopt defensive clothing and construction materials. Fortunately, the ability to impede microwaves isn't either mysterious or hard. We just need to do it. I have zero expectation that begging the slavers not to implement their improved slaving technology will do anything but keep us from doing actually useful mitigation.
perhaps thin sheets of metal to block the microwaves, if only there was some readily available metal film we could fashion into helmets.
I have found some copper flashing, and molded it to the shape of my head with a hammer.
Kinda hurt.
Wish there was something thinner...
I would be lying if I said I never actually bought various copper products in an attempt to make a device capable of blocking cell phone signals.
What bothers me is two things... The first is I don't like being surveilled by the real criminals... Also the direction this AI is going is more than scary- it's absolutely insane!!!
yup, what we really need to be working on are DIY EMP devices.
Lots to worry about.
But there is some hope from unintended consequences. Case in point: TOR was developed by the U.S. Navy. Now, it's used for anonymizing - and not just for sick stuff. Political dissidents have used TOR.
I know... but these guys are talking about some bizzare stuff with a gleam in their eyes! Mixing the genomes of different species until we all (every species that is) has the same DNA- that way parts will be interchangeable. Now add nanotech into the mix. Human beings don't need to be "improved." We do not need to be immortal, except in an intellectual sense... Plato once wrote that if someone thinks enough of your ideas to quote you, you've achieved immortality. That's good enough for me (although I haven't come up with any ideas worth quoting yet).
One of these maniacs says "we have shaped the world's societies- now we can reshape ourselves." I hope we do a better job that we did with societies (but I don't see it happening). I don't know what your view of the Bible is but here's my take. From an historical standpoint- God created everything and put us in charge... we made it all the way to page 3 before we started fucking it up... Brave New World?... No thanks!!!
This reminds me of the show Person of Interest. It’s not unlike Hollywood to tell us what they’re doing through their shows and movies.
Will there be a way to not go on 5G?
That's exactly what it is... predictive programming
Personally having 5G service isn't the vector for harm. The fact that microwave weapons will be widely dispersed across the landscape is. Just personally not using 5G won't protect you from being burned, or suffering having your skin microwaved by such weapons once they are mounted on poles around our communities.
There are fairly simple ways to protect yourself from being irradiated by microwaves. You can insulate your clothing and your home. I reckon we're either gonna do that, or just obey, because if we don't comply when they make it feel like our skin is being burned off, they can actually burn it off, or cook us to death.
I think researching and studying 5G and trans-humanism are incredible scary topics. I am no expert by any means but I do not see much good when I look into these issues. I appreciate your posts and getting the word out. Keep up the good work.
And this was just the lead in to the really scary stuff!!!
Cripes! Were I a Christian I'd be praying just about now for Christ to return. The sleeping masses will not do anything and then it will be too late. Thanks for the post... along with AI, Virtual Reality, Enhance Cyborg Humans, and everything else there is nowhere to hide, no refuge. What to do?
Rich - Very interesting post, I’m freaking out about weaponized 5G. Then I take a deep breath and realize God is still in control. Anytime man takes what God has created and tries to make it better it usually fails. Some examples artificial sweeteners, medicines derived from chemicals, GMO crops and the list goes on. The more these countries, companies and individuals are exposed, the harder it is to get the tooth paste bag in the tube.
This is really ignoring how technology does actually improve our lives. Things like fire, the wheel, and chipped rocks are improving on the natural provisions of the world. While pointy rocks can be used to hurt people, and certainly often were, it's also pretty clearly an improvement over just using our teeth and fingernails to do stuff.
Does technology improve our lives? It has made some things better, some things worse. Look at today’s modern family, most sit in the same room engaged in some form of electronic engagement all the while not interacting with those around them. When the first response from someone is let me google it instead of trying to recall from memory. This stymies free thinking, using Gods creations like fire to make steel is a good technology. Thinking man made aspartame is better than sugar is bad technology. Technology is a double edged sword good/evil depends how it is used.
You are quite right this is a very complex and disturbing topic,even reading it right now am still a bit confused but still enlightened by how you've simplified the terms and impressed by your dedication towards this write-up.
Its a very nice piece.And very education on the world affairs.
Thanks for the extra knowledge.
Nice Job👍👍
nice post
IMHO, the 'fry us to death' alarmism regarding 5G ignores the more salient concern that it is far more useful to keep potential fry working and profitable for the slavers. The real issue is that microwave weapons can be - and are being - used to torture and compel obedience in target populations.
These frequencies can be use as area denial weapons for crown control, by irradiating rioters skins until they disperse. They can also be used to do the same thing to slaves in chains, except the captured victims can't run away.
Not something I want pointed at me.
Fortunately, there are means of mitigating such weapons. That's what we should be focusing on. Given the possibility and likelihood that such area denial weapons will be used on the public through widely dispersed transmitters, what the public should be doing, rather than beseeching the slavers to please not torture us by implementing their control grid, is designing, making, and dispersing protective countermeasures.
Basically, 5G seems like a way to put virtual shock collars on everybody, which simple insulators can render ineffective. While we have a window of opportunity to disseminate such counters now, before the shock collars are in place, we may not be allowed to do so afterwards.