
ok sir smithlabs and they are probably using the Russia probe to see what can and can't work?

That, and to prime the pump! There is a man at Church that believes that President Trump is a Russian spy! I told him years ago that they had no reason to support Trump; when that had already purchased Killary!

But I will guarantee that if they get a majority, NOTHING else will get done for the next two years beyond Trump attacks!


sir smithlabs...a Russian spy? haha! wow, that's a stretch. but I agree if they do when they will basically shut down anything happening. anything good that is happening.

They will deliberately destroy the economy so they can blame Trump. BUT I think this time, he will do something that is not done; he will call them out on it! I think they are using a game plan intended to destroy a politician, and he is NOT a politician! I think he will make them own it, and eat it! This is something they have NOT considered, he will fight back just as dirty as they are, and I believe people will agree.


ok well it should be interesting to see how this all plays out, but it all hinges on the midterms doesn't it?

Yes, If they win, they plan on a government shut down, by investigation. They will do it, with support from the MSM.

It will be a balls on full attack on this Republic, with Liberty herself as the expected casuality, SMH!


sir smithlabs....I doubt if they succeed in their plans, maybe their plans will turn out the way the election did when they all thought Killary was a sure thing.