Inspirational Quotes: Champions are Bred, not Born [Discuss]

in #inspiration-quotes7 years ago (edited)


Champions are Bred, not Born?

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Most children in Nigeria do not have the opportunity to follow what they want. Mostly parents always wants their children to focus mainly on education only. I remember growing up, i had passion for football and i wanted to become a footballer but anytime i go out to play ball, my parents always beat me

So sorry to hear that. It breaks my heart when parents crush their child's spirit. I've had similar experiences in terms of disinterest in what I wanted to do/ achieve.

Often parents are more concerned about how a child reflects on them in the eyes of others than the overall development and growth of that child. In my view if a child learns the dedication and hard work it takes to succeed in sport, they can can take that work ethic into all aspects of their life.

On the flip side, if a child is mediocre at academia and he/ she learns to accept that being average at what you do day-in-day out, it's easy to see how a child can turn out average as an adult.

If only people could see that it is not just what you do but how well you do it!

wow, this is a profound comment one of which I may have written in reply to this post had you not already put it so well.

This is one of my favorite posts from you yet....Such an important discussion.

After having my baby recently , I plan to raise his right . Encourage him , guide him and always nurture him. No one is born a genius of talented , and we have to teach them and guide them through that is right and wrong . Sports are great , I feel like many kids in this generation now do not enjoy it as much as we used to back in the days, but the cycle should still continue and we just have to try our best

Congratulations on the birth of your child! I'm sure you'll be a wonderful mother.

I think with so much stimulus for kids nowadays (tv, video games, gadgets etc.) they need a little extra encouragement to pursue sports/ physical activity.

I remember when I first took my kids swimming, they hated it for weeks.

However swimming was a core skill that I insisted they learned (I regretted that my parents did not push me to do it). After a while, they loved it. So much so that my middle daughter wants to go swimming for her birthday (lucky me!).

Thank you so much

Swimming is great because not a lot of kids actually learn this skill

Just reminded me to do the same

Hello @journeyoflife

I believe that sports has a lot of lessons to teach children and I encourage you to let your kids participate even if they will not go professional.

Sports taught me a lot of things in life, how to handle losses, the need for dedication and intense preparation for anything I want to do. The spirit of sportsmanship also taught me to respect others even if they are not on my team.


I agree , they are able to learn skills at an earlier he rather than later . I also grew up playing many different sports which was a big plus for me and I plan to start my baby young .

I do agree with the statement

Champions are Bred,not Born

If we read all the biggest success stories of all time.
I do realize no one was a born a champion.

The environmnt we live in has a small impact on our life.
I have realized that hat matters most is

Someone's individual urge to succeed!

We are almost born with the same opportunities at hand(though a few have a few privileges they are born into).

The majority of us have to breed ourselves into champions!

No one was born a champion,we have to work our way to championship.

It is why even the great ahtletes we admire train(breed)
everyday to become champions.

If an athlete stops training,s/he will the championship status.

If Messi ,Ronaldo ,Lebro or Stephen Curry stop training ,they will gain massive weight which will not enable them to perform as they used to when they trained.

This is my opinion and open to correction.

I believe that everyone is born to be a champion, but some people do not think this way and consider it their right only.

So, they create a system to stop this from happening to every person. They place stumbling blocks in the way, such as class systems and so on.

So only the strongest with the right resources, may it be money, influence, or strong will, become champions.

Hello @nanzo-scoop

What makes a Champion is the time in the gym or training ground, the nutrition of a champion and a normal person is not the same.

What I have noticed in our culture is that most people build and nourish their bodies but neglect their mind and that is the most important thing that needs nourishment.

Being a champion incorporates a lot of qualities which can be summarized as having the right attitude.

Attitude determines everything, how you handle failures, how you recieve correction, how much work you decide to put into everything that is required of you.

Champions like Leaders are bred not born and they are the people who decided that they will be never outworked.


in our culture is that most people build and nourish their bodies but neglect their mind

Where I'm from people, it's the opposite. People spend too much time in their heads and neglect their bodies. Both need nourishing. However I agree, being strong mentally can sent the foundation for everything else.

Yes I believe in Mind Over Matter. People like Stephen Hawking who have disabilities have made huge contributions to the world.

The Mind is powerful

Giving birth to a child. You never will be able to tell the future of the child. I dont think that will ever be possible.

But when the child is growing up it is important to study the child and notice what he or she is having interest in.

In the aspec of sports. If you discover that he likes football. Then you have to suport him and if possible get him a tutor. By that you will bring out the champion in him.

Talent needs training or it will die

Certain people are born with certain talents or gifting. But if they fail to horn it to their advantage, it would be a waste. Most people are just normal, i.e. without much skills and talents, but with hardwork and determination, they can develop the skills they desire. Definitely champions are bred not born!

But if they fail to horn it to their advantage, it would be a waste.

I think often the failing lay with their parents. A parent or guardian can play a major role in nurturing natural talent in a child. I believe most people appear 'normal' because their talent has been overlooked or ignored when they were young.

Often kids are fed into the status quo (academia, corporate jobs) and expected to flourish when not all are naturally predisposed to such environments.

However there does come a point in life, where regardless of your circumstances, you need to 'breed'/ develop yourself into becoming a champion!

Parent or guardian is definitely very crucial. Other areas also includes facilities, programmes and opportunities should be available. There are still many countries and areas that are lacking in these opportunities, hence, they will not have the opportunity to excel.

Hello @praz735u5

I believe what has stifled the talents of many individuals is the popular narrative of going to school and getting a white collar job.

Majority of the people who made impact in the world today are people who ignored the narrative and worked on their talents.

If you tell the average person to list ten celebrities or people of Value they know, the list will be filled with sportsmen, musicians, actors/actresses, and all these things are the innate talent people are born with.

I believe that no one came into this world empty handed, it is left to parents and guardians to help to nuture the talents of every child.


This is very true. More and more people are pursuing areas of their talents as compared to previously. In addition to parents and guardians, facilities and opportunities are crucial as well.

Men are the maker of themselves, with our hand we decide our destiny....

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Most people are born with talents, at times is the onlooker that will notice such potential but such talents when not developed it will be futile. In most cases champions are trained in the sense that most talented people in a particular field find themselves doing well in another field, there is no limitation to what someone can achieve it depends on passion or it may be triggered by trying to be useful to the society.Such talented person or trained champion should be courageous, tenacious and should be focused to have the proper frame of mind to their desired field. But is it possible for someone born with a talent to stop having such potential?

I think most people don't realize how lucky we are to be a part of this as a community. Things of this magnitude are usually only available to the elite. If the power of the community could be harnessed the growth could be exponential.

Thanks for sharing ,

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Jor ma ma so bayi mo. Wan ma flag e oo. Koda jor

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wow that is great. am glad to be part.

I agree with your opinion Sir @nanzo-scoop, a child is not born as a champion but who determines which one has the right to be champions. But according to me this is inseparable from the education of the parents, after which the new education at school and not less important is the environment. For my children is like a sheet of plain white, and requires an understanding of the meaning of life in a family environment. As a successor to the nation, the children are required to explore the science of extended, as this will affect the future of the nation. In my area there is a great concern about the world his education, there is one of the Islands in our highly areas need assistance from the local Government how to deal with the crisis of this education. There are still many children who are not in school, unable to read, let alone learn more science. This is very unfortunate, but this nation will be led by children. This discussion is very nice I think Sir, this opens insights while sharing stories about life in each area. ;)

I agree with you
before you know that you can also be able to make sure to find how to make changes in the future of yours kids

"The persistance"
nothing in this world can beat persistance.
the talent will not : the world is full of unsuccessful mans with talents
genius will not : a genius is born every day
education will not : now everyone in the world have a degree
the persistance and determination are the rare currency in this world

Calvin Coolidge
PS : sorry, I had to change the quote

I am more interested in discussing the education that traps children. in the work of our children like handcuffs. they no longer have the time to exploit his imagination. They are framed by lessons they can not accomplish. This is where all their potential is destroyed. When we realize that the potential of the child is different, coercion will only destroy its potential @nanzo-scoop

Desire, dedication, determination, concentration and the will to win something over the odds make the champion the best of all !!

This seems like the sports version of "nature vs nurture". I always fall right in the center of this one. I think its a combination. I could train my son 8 hours a day every day and he still wouldn't be an elite athlete (sadly he has my short and slow DNA). However, if someone is born with incredible talent but that talented isn't nurtured, he too will fall short. So you need to start with some natural talent and then put in a ton of hard work in order to maximize that talent.

Greetings Brother~

Thank you for starting this discussion. This is my favorite post from you yet. This is a VERY important topic of discussion as children are our future.

It is messed up because basically everyone would agree that children are our future yet children are almost always put behind the will of the parents, teachers, priests, police, etc etc.

Until we start HONORING the children for having the potential to be MORE capable, responsible, intelligent and successful than the adults the world will not change.

Children have been punished, confined and even beaten for centuries all because "they are just children and they don't know how the world really works"

This is the kind of attitude that perpetuates the conditions of the world around us every day.

The education system needs a compete over haul. Children need to have a say in what and how they learn and adults need to be considering the children perspective and allowing it to develop not shape it with force.

The religious institutions of the world also need a huge overhaul as they have been molesting and using children for their own selfish desires for a very long time.

I could go on and on and on as this is a passionate topic for me and a subject of my lifes work.

Basically in short my belief is that children are porn capable of learning and evolving. We as adults should be facilitating and supporting a child's UNIQUE INTEREST rather than trying to shape them based on some ridiculous rules and standards developed so long ago by power hungry elite.

We should also put a much greater importance on play and happiness rather than making money or having people approve of us.

I don't think that all adults should agree with me nor that parents should parent how I parent yet it is obvious we need some serious discussion on the topic and that is why I am so grateful for this post.

Thank you for bring light and opportunity to this essential.

`if you born poor its not your mistake but if you die poor its your mistake'

A wonderful and true statement! One famous man said: If people knew how much I work, they would not consider me so talented, Yeah, how they think! So labor + perseverance + faith = miracle!
Thanks for the discussion, my friend @nanzo-scoop! Have a good weekend!

It's true. You can cultivate a character, willpower, master skills and perseverance. And believe that you can be the best!

i guess it depends on the family. i've known people who have dreams and passions only for it to be crushed by their parents. their parents have different dreams for their child and therefore do not support it. also here in our country, there are people who are talented and skilled at certain sports or whatever passion they want yet are unable to take it to the next level due to financial limitations. i live in the philippines and sadly the poverty rate here is quite high.

I am totally agree with the thoughts !
I am father of 3 years boy and he is interested in boxing and influenced by some cartoon and movie characters and always practices om my pillow and me.
He has good strength too. I will give him good guidance and give him support to became a boxer.

As William Shakespeare once said, “Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them”.

In my opinion i think the answer is somewhere in the middle between natural born talent and nurtured trained work (if that makes sense). I dont know if you watch football but this makes me think of the whole Ronaldo vs. Messi ordeal. A hard-working refined talent vs a natural born talent.