Hello everyone, how have you all been. It's been quite a while you know, hope you have all been doing great. I have not been able to be here for a while due to some one or two personal reasons but I'm getting my footing back. I missed you all and hope to meet more new people. If you've seen any of my previous posts, then you'd realise that most of my posts were about inspiration gotten from the music we listened to. Since it's been a while now since the last post on Songspiration, I'd like to do a recap of all the songs featured here on SONGSIRATION before moving on to any new songs. I'd also be talking about the general inspirational message that the songs conveys. So stay tuned and tag along if you have or have not seen any of my previous posts.
I think music in itself is healing. It’s an explosive expression of humanity. It’s something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we’re from, everyone loves music.” ― Billy Joel
All this song is telling us is that, instead of holding on to our past mistakes and horrors, downfalls and failures, sulking and wallowing in pain, we should learn to embrace our new selves and prepare ourselves for the times ahead. We should not go around in circles from place to place trying to who we really are, because who you really are is right in front of you when you decide to look in the mirror. Therefore,say goodbye to your Yesterday and embrace your future.
What this song tells us is that, if there is something that we have within us to share or say to the world, then we should not cower in fear or let our voices be oppressed by those of loud and violent people but we should shout so loud that our voice is heard by the whole world. Also to those of us who are afraid to do or say something because we do not want to offend others; we shouldn't do so because there's no need. We would only be dying inside as time goes by.

The lyrics of this song can be used more like a positive pronunciation to yourself when you wake up every morning or before you begin your day. It tells you how strong, powerful and unstoppable you are and that you do not necessarily require someone else in your life to make you be your best. It tells us that once we put our minds on something then there's no stopping us.

So you've probably heard the saying that no two hands are the same right. In the same way the diversity in our world also portrays that no two human beings in this world have the same circumstances in life. Some are born with a silver spoon in their mouths with others born into bad,shit*y situations. Therefore as human beings, we need to pray for the betterment of one another.Instead of repeatedly saying "I hate this world, I want this world to come to an end", remember that there's someone in a more nastier situation than you are and also start saying more of, "I see a brighter day".

We all tend to face difficulties and hardships in our lives one way or another, but the message from the song tells us that a long as you face something in life that doesn't completely wreck and kill you but still leaves you with some life bars, then you can rise up stronger than you were before you were brought down. It's just a matter of the desire and will to overcome our suppressions.

I will continue the recap in my next post so make sure you don't miss it. There's is really a lot to learn from these songs. Also if you make yourself open minded then you'd realise that you can learn from everything and anything that you see. See you next time.
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Some great messages on these songs.
Thanks bro.Nice to see you around