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RE: 7 inspirational examples of the better alternative to social justice and communism: The Heroic Spirit of the poor who do not beg

in #inspiration7 years ago

Wow, thank you very much! I'm for individual freedom too. Goverrments don't, because FREE CITIZENS represents the stopping wall for its natural tendency to grow and overcome individuals.
Much of my country's current tragedy is that most of political parties are populists. They rely on drag people to vote, as cattle, by promising them assorted things. A classical promise is a water tank, wherever there is no good (or not at all) access to tap water. So "you better vote for me, because I am giving you a tank for your water". But never those persons will get real access to water, which is run by a public company. They get tap water, and you lose chance to drag those persons to vote for you.
Before leaving Venezuela, I warned the most I could, about two fences being raised around my people. One outside, trying to turn our cities in our jails, so to isolate us. The other fence, inside us, by take control of our stomachs. Well, the second fence became so real, that people make unbelievable long lines in ordet to get their Fatherland Carnet, which entitles them to receive a bag with some food ON A MONTHLY BASIS. Also access to medical and many other State run services. You may be denied to get your Fatherland Carnet, if you get spotted as an active opponent to the government (they prefer to tag you as "traitor to the Fatherland"). If you are banned, you become a non-person. Now that's communism: you as a slave to the government, or bust.
People living in poverty want pretty much the same thing we do: Have the chance to live well, have a home, raiser their children and have a long and happy life. If a poor person has education to look after him or herself, will thrive. If this person has been taught to depend, parasite or, worse, been deprived of education, will be a slave of anoyone else all of his life. And that's a universal truth.
Finally, thanks again for your suggestions and, please, keep bringing those wonderful, decent, inspiring persons, so we never forget that the light can shed from anywhere.


Populism only focus on the short term. If you are only looking as far as the next day, you are not going to have much of a future. One reason China is holding up is their brand of communism ended up pretty much like the old empires of China. Communist Party of China is pretty much just another aristocracy. They have their power secured. So no matter how stupid they get, they at lest,

  1. Love their country
  2. Plan for the long term

I don't remember and massive project from USSA after the space race. Arthur C Clerk expected us to reach Jupiter by 2001 while he wrote the book in the 60s.

You can never build prosperity on other people's backs. The reason is you eventually run out of it.

please, keep bringing those wonderful, decent, inspiring persons, so we never forget that the light can shed from anywhere.

Surely I will. I post all sorts of content. Inspiration and philosophy would be certainly among them.