Populism only focus on the short term. If you are only looking as far as the next day, you are not going to have much of a future. One reason China is holding up is their brand of communism ended up pretty much like the old empires of China. Communist Party of China is pretty much just another aristocracy. They have their power secured. So no matter how stupid they get, they at lest,
- Love their country
- Plan for the long term
I don't remember and massive project from USSA after the space race. Arthur C Clerk expected us to reach Jupiter by 2001 while he wrote the book in the 60s.
You can never build prosperity on other people's backs. The reason is you eventually run out of it.
please, keep bringing those wonderful, decent, inspiring persons, so we never forget that the light can shed from anywhere.
Surely I will. I post all sorts of content. Inspiration and philosophy would be certainly among them.