On Set With HardFork-Series Star Christopher James Baker

You might recognize me from Netflix’s OZARK, HBO’s True Detective, or the WB’s Gotham, or that guy who keeps talking when everybody else stops at the movies (yes, that was me looking out at you from The Purge: Election Year).

They call me Christopher James Baker…

Describing myself seems to be an inherently flawed exercise, short of saying I am aware that there is a me to be aware of.

I’m a storyteller

I’ve been writing, directing and acting for 25 years.

I don’t really enjoy talking about myself, I like to make stuff up and let my work/art speak for itself. I’m an actor primarily, and I think the less you know about an actor the more you can enjoy their work.

As far as tangible stuff; I’m Australian, so I will swear in this. If you don’t like swearing then best fuck off now ;-)

I trained in Australia and spent many years doing theatre there and small parts on the American films that came to town. Whilst I had some success and got to work on some fantastic productions, I knew that I wasn’t going to get where I wanted to be, working with the people I wanted to work with if I stayed there. It’s a small industry and I wanted to be making the sort of work I loved to watch, the films that changed my life, and that was all happening over here in the US. So I convinced my wife to chase a dragon with me and we moved to New York with a suitcase each to give it a try for a year or so to see what we could do. That was 8 years ago and we now have two kids born right here in Manhattan.

Writing, Directing, Blues

My acting finances my writing, directing and blues guitar habits. I love movies and good story telling in any form: music, literature, theatre, dance, puppets, art, the way my kids dance… I enjoy the company of people who understand and express, through the way they breathe and treat other people, what it really means to be cool. In the same way that a tree is cool.

I also play and build guitars out of old cigar boxes. Here’s my latest build for a friend. It’s my first electric and is coming along nicely... Nuff said.

Right now I’m working as an actor on a show that I can’t tell you the name of yet (everything’s top secret these days), but I can say I’m getting to act with one of my hero’s, someone that I grew up watching in films in a small country town in Australia and had a dream that that’s what I wanted to do. Now I am doing it and I feel blessed to be doing it.

Here’s a link to my imdb page if you’re interested in checking out some of the things I’ve done. I’ve been very fortunate to work with some of the best people in the business, from the second season of True Detective, The Purge, Quarry, The Black List, Gotham and many other amazing productions.

Where I am now

You can currently see me in the new Netflix show OZARK. If you haven’t seen it yet you should. It’s very well made and was an exciting show to be a part of, for so many reasons; amazing collaborators, great writing and because it deals with the darkness in all of us and our relationship to money. It’s also part of this new “golden age” of television where the writing isn’t bound by the normal confines of network television, but more a very deep examination of human nature played out in format more akin to great filmmaking. It’s this style of writing and production that we will bring to HardFork.

HardFork Series

By now most of you will have heard or read something about @HardFork-Series and I’m very excited to be a part of the team bringing this epic story to life. When the director and co-writer Doug Karr first came to me with the idea and introduced me to Steemit, began to describe how it all works and how he and the team were putting together something that will not only be a supremely exciting show in its own right, but will help to bring awareness and propel the whole platform and it’s community further ahead, I saw the opportunity to be a part of the next generation of thinkers and shapers and storytellers. You guys.
I’m currently in an exciting position where I have access to some of the best people in the industry and I can see how getting the right people excited and onboard is going to have a huge effect on where we all want Steemit to be in 5 years.

My Collaboration w/@dougkarr

I’ve known @dougkarr for a few years now and we wrote a film together this year because we really wanted to make something as a team. Whilst the writing was one of the best professional collaborative experiences I’ve had, we then found ourselves in the same old situation where we then had get through the gatekeepers and ultimately rely on a whole bunch other people to tell us if, when and how we could make it.

We had a meeting this morning and were discussing an idea for a cool scene we want to shoot and it finished with Doug saying something like “…yeah, it’s definitely do-able. I mean we can easily get the 7 or 8 MMA fighters to do it, set up the motion control rig behind your head, do 8 or 9 passes with them in different setups and on the last one I’ll stand off camera and just burst a huge bag of blood all over you”.

These are the sorts of conversations I get to have all the time because you are all getting onboard and helping us make this crazy dream a reality. I’m so thankful for for this amazingly collaborative team: @ericvancewalton, @andrarchy, @the-alien, @nickytothenines, @jowvic, the insanely talented folks in the HardFork Universe and this amazing community of Stemians.
If you’re not following these brilliant folks I suggest you check them out. There’s some mind blowing content to be discovered.

Storytelling evolves with the mindset and the technology to tell the stories. The stories remain implicitly about the same things, but as the technology evolves; we move from storytelling in the broad daylight, to storytelling around the campfire, to storytelling with the shadows on the wall of the cave; the stories get better with the technology.
That’s what we’re going to do with HardFork. Evolve the storytelling medium. Strap in and hold on to your teeth.

Exploring the Unknown

I don’t know how all this will play out, but I do know it could be a cool story that your millionaire grandkids could tell around the campfire…

I’ve wanted to get involved with cryptocurrency for a while now, but didn’t really have an entry point or way of quantifying it that made a lot of sense to my personal aesthetics.
I find most social media tends to encourage a kind of narcissism and competitiveness that I have been reticent to be involved.
Steemit is the first social media platform that really excites me, because it’s seems to be designed in a way to help us help each other to move us all forward as a community towards a shared prosperity.

Given the current climate both politically and environmentally, I feel steemit can be a place to create, prosper, resist and even revolt.
I see it as a place to be able to create the work I want to see without waiting for the Gatekeepers to give us permission.
We are the gatekeepers.
Destroy the gates.
Let the wild rumpus begin.

There are 3 pages

This is such an inspiring post for anyone who is wondering whether to follow their goals or not. You certainly had the courage to move to New York with one suitcase and it's great that you share these things with us.

It is such a great pleasure to work with you on the @hardfork-series!

This post was long awaited but finally we get to say: Welcome to steemit!

Thanks so much @the-alien, humbled and honored to be a part of this.

The honor is all mine, and I'm sure that with the help of this amazing community we can create something beautiful. :)

BRo that's like totally awesome bro I bet everyone I bet actors organizations would love the idea of a solution to censorship with the use of steem blockchain to promote censorship free and freedom of speech activism! Freedom of speech is one of those rare American ideal s we can all support (almost all lol nevermind say never) but thanks for choosing a steemit ! When people like you join steemit it makes all the long time users feel like it's all worth it! And we LOVE seeing you make money here! The More you can make the better! We BRAG about how much a celebrity can make here off steemit posts because people with followings will drive the mass migrations over to steemit from dinosaur social media so thank you for helping s with that migration ! Your steempower will make you wealthy enough to produce your own major blockbuster pictures! You can even work with @steemitfilm and help the steemit documentary where we documentbthe rise of African steemit users like @tj4real @bania @richforever etc

upvoted please do same

upvoted please do same

Ozark was good.


It sounds like you'll be in great hands with such a strong Steemit crew to support you here. It's great to have someone of your caliber on the platform, and this is exactly the kind of place to do collaborative projects like the hardfork series.

It's like monetization, promotion, and networking all lumped into one platform. And all you really have to do is participate and post good content.


Thanks brother, I appreciate it. Yeah, it's been a real treat getting to know the platform through this crew. Looking forward to becoming a part of the community!

upvoted please do same

So exciting to have you join this amazing community @bakerchristopher! I'm so very lucky to count you as a fantastic friend and collaborator. This next year is going to be incredible. The @hardfork-series is already coming along amazingly and it's only just gonna get better from here!! ONWARD!

We should include some super bugs that make people vomit every few hours but everyone is totally used to it...

Haha... yes we should! The Elite are basically doing this anyway just so they can eat again, Roman orgy style... it might as well be a super bug ;-)

Welcome to Steemit (though I know you've been with us for a while already) and thanks for introducing yourself. It's exciting to watch this Hardfork project taking shape!

Thanks for the welcome, looking forward to getting to know you.

Great introduction, and welcome to Steemit! I'm very excited about the Hardfork series and it is great that you are working with the Hardfork team on this.
I can see why you like working with @dougkarr , his enthusiasm is digitally contagious. Achhhoooo!

Bless you! I caught that @dougkarr bug a while ago and it's hard to build up an immunity. I have to say I'm very excited to finally make contact with you. I just saw some of the art you've been doing and it's really excellent. I'd love to have a chat about some of it. Steem on.

I'm sure we will catch up at some point and chat art. Steem on!

Thanks @opheliafu! That might be the sweetest compliment I could imagine receiving in 2017!!

Welcome to Steemit, Chris! This is, truly, among the best intro posts I've ever read on the platform. Can't wait to meet and chat in person!

Thanks Eric, that means a lot coming from such a great writer. I'm pegging for Lisbon for that sit down!

I really appreciate that! It's going to be such an incredible journey to see where we can take this! I have no doubt that we're going to have a whole lot of fun along the way. So honored and humbled to be part of it with you all!

Great to have you on board! And wow! Luv your IMdb! Good stuff! Actor and a screenwriter! Hope we get a chance to bend minds!

Hi Brian, look forward to reading some of your stuff. I'm always up for a good mind bend.

Welcome Sir!

I wasn't sure at first if this was a joke - but damn .. this is amazing!

I'm still not sure... thanks for saying hi @therealwolf, I just looked at some of your posts. Looking forward to reading with more detail. It's crazy how much good content is on here.

Welcome and best of luck on this project! Many of us here are very excited to see how this all progresses. Having an actor of your caliber involved makes the project that much more enticing!

Thanks so much, I appreciate the welcome. I'm very excited to be a part of this.

Nice to have you on board of both: steemit and the hardfork series!! This is gonna rock!!

So it is wild for me to see your face on here I have to say. I just got back from a convention for the show Supernatural, (my seventeen year old daughter's favorite show and a mother/daughter getaway before she flies the nest), and during the panel for Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki they were asked what their own favorite shows were. After they named a couple big ones from the past Jensen says "I am currently watching Ozark which is awesome". Because of this and my love for Netflix originals, I had to check it out of course, so I've been watching it and...yeah, as I said, seeing you here is wild! Love the show, love you in the show, and it so cool that you're working with people I've come to know and love on here. @ericvancewalton is a big part of the reason I started publishing one of my novels through steemit- excellent advisor- @the-alien has been a source of inspiration and encouragement, and I had the pleasure of meeting @andrarchy in NYC early this summer. So welcome aboard! steemit needs exposure and incredible people like you will provide it.

Ah, and my daughter recorded the question I was talking about, the video is a bit shaky but if you go to about three minutes and thirty seconds, just after that you will hear Jensen praise the show :)

That's great @dreemit, hope you had a fun time with your daughter. I have a 5 year old daughter so have all that to look forward to. Yeah, these guys are pretty special. Congratulations on the novel, that's quite an achievement and I look forward to reading it some time.

The experience exceeded my daughter's expectations, so I had a spectacular time @bakerchristopher ;) My husband and I started really young and the years have flown by. And while I wouldn't change a single moment of my life, if there was anything I could do to alter the 'script', it would be to slow things down- but I am loving the blockchain because in lieu of stopping time at least we can record it :)

I've actually already put one novel through and am currently putting through my second, but if you wanted to read something of mine check out The Playground Series- short stories about the deeper meanings in life, discussions ranging from propaganda to religion to false history, all from the perspective of two young teens-(I'm super proud of these)

The thing is, I never envisioned having close interaction with my readership; steemit has made the entire experience magical. I can't even express how incredible it is to be a part of a true global community. At least half of my closest friends on here are not from the US, - such as @meesterboom from Scotland, (his blog is hysterical, I highly recommend it;) or @jedau from the Philippines (English is not his first language but you would be hard-pressed to realize that when reading his novel A Day in the Clouds), or @surfermarly from the Canary Islands, originally Germany, you won't meet a more positive, beautiful spirit anywhere, and the videos of her on her surfboard transport you to that tropical world.

I'm catching up on anything I may have missed with the hardfork series, really looking forward to this project as it continues. I hope steemit is as amazing for you as it has been for me!

EDIT: I binge watched the last half of Ozark, and I just wanted to say that I thought the characters of Boyd and Russ added a great dynamic, it felt as if their characters were just starting to develop and I for one would have loved to see more of them.

You're Boyd?!!? Ozark is soo good man. You played Boyd well because even though he was a piece of shit he had loyalty to his brother and ended up being somewhat likeable/relateable in the end even though he was a straight up murderer criminal.

I'm Boyd! Well, I had the pleasure of bringing those words to life, and words and me made Boyd. See you out there! Thanks for posting.

Great post, welcome to the club!

wow, Christopher thanks for the great post! I noticed Ozark and enjoy Jason Bateman and thought about checking it out, now I definitely will! I'm pretty new to cryptos too, welcome and best of luck!!

Thanks @clumsysilverdad (great handle), I hope you get a chance to watch the show, it's pretty cool. Thanks for some of your intro videos, going to come in handy as I enter into this brilliant world.

Awesome sauce! Huge fan of Ozark!!! Glad to have you here and looking forward to all the hard work you, Doug, Eric, and others are doing here to make this the best community ever! Steem on!!

Thanks so much. Glad you're enjoying the show. Looking forward to being part of the community and helping where I can. Steem on.

HardFork is a very exciting notion and I have recently become a fan of your work (as I slowly catch up on True Detective and finally watch The Purge)

Your backstory is even more interesting and inspiring. You're like the guy in the recipe for dragon soup who actually completed Step 1 i.e. "First you must catch your dragon."

I love the idea of dragon soup and the metaphor you bring to mind. Can you send me the recipe?

Hehehehe, I believe you used the dragon metaphor first 😀

As for the dragon soup thing, I have no idea where I came across it. Probably in some old novel that isn't indexed on Google Book Search.

Welcome to Steemit @bakerchristopher! I just saw the Ozark name in the photo and I was like what? Do we have an Ozark fan in the house? No, he's not just an Ozark fan, he's Boyd Langmore!
I love the show, it's on another level. (Sorry about the electric accident though....)
It's wonderful to have such a big name in steemit. This gives the steemit community more hope and determination to forge ahead. And as you said we're the gatekeepers, so let's break these gates.

Thanks @wameyo, yeah, don't mess with electricity on the water. But what are you going to do when it's your brother? Here's to breaking gates...

WoW this sounds like such a fantastically exciting project! Im also an actor and pretty new to Steem as well. Ive been really enjoying the community and just so excited by everything thats happening here... AND THEN I SEE THIS!!!!! I mean, STEEMY-DREEMZ come true, this is exactly the kind of thing I was hoping to see on here. MEGA. I will definitely be following this thread and all of the folks who you've suggested here. And for the love of the ancients, PLEASE let me know if theres any way I can be involved when this revolutionary ship sets sail. Massive Best Wishes to this project and Welcome to Steemit Chris :) x Basil

I have heard a lot of good things about Ozark, but honestly haven't watched it. I am, however, super excited to see the Hardfork Series. The time is now. If it is half what I expect it to be, it will be a smash.

If we can get on screen half of what we have planned, it's going to be awesome. @coldsteem, Bikes, beer, film and writing? I think we'll get on just fine.

Were you quoting my profile? Or just listing cool stuff that will be included. I reached out to Eric already about some technical support. I have expertise in a critical area that may be helpful.

What an inspiring and powerful introduction! Welcome to steemit!
HardFork-Series is one of the most exciting projects that have been created by members of this community, and I'm sure the team is happiest to have you on board - and you're a lucky man to work with these incredibly nice people :)
Followed for your future stories... See you around

Thanks for following. The thing I miss most in my life at the moment is surfing. I was fortunate enough to live a 5 minute walk from some gorgeous beaches and have it's a tough act to follow. But I still feel like a surfer inside, even though I'm not on the water each morning. Look forward to following your adventures in Lisbon. Congratulations.

Welcome to steemit Christopher James Baker. I am very intrigued by the hardforkseries and attentively watching and hoping I can contribute. My Dad and I just read thru your post at the same time and we both agree, your last paragraph is the battle cry "destroy the gates,.." Beautifully said!

Thanks so much. I love a good battle cry.

A heartly welcome, it is an honour for all of us to have you aboard and the potential of the hard fork series makes everybody go nuts here. I would like to give you 2 names to keep an eye on:

  1. @tim-rumford : He is organising a Steem song contest which might produce some nice music for the series

  2. @stillgideon : He is an amazing guitar builder so you can skill up a bit :-) He is actually making a guitar now which will be given to a lucky Steemian.

I am absolutely not important, don't follow me, i will follow you :-) I am not an Aussie but Cheers mate, nice one!

Thanks for the welcome. I will definitely check both of guys out, thanks for the heads up. Cheers mate!

Glad to have you along on the Steemit journey, Chris!

I thoroughly enjoyed Ozark, one of the most intelligently written shows I've seen in awhile. Best of luck in your future endeavors and cheers to finding another way to capitalize on Steemit with Hardfork!

Aspiring actor myself man, keep grinding @bakerchristopher

Welcome to the fun house!

Projects like this are hints of The Steem blockchain's immense potential.

It's inspiring to see more professionals in the world learning, utilizing and promoting this great Block chain tech. Especially when it's about STEEM :)
I'm looking forward to see the evolution of what you guys have and will do!
Welcome aboard... again!

It is a great pleasure to count you among us @bakerchristopher . I have to admit I did not watch Ozark for the moment but I will very soon, I have actually started a TV Show blog, so as soon as I will have seen your first season I will gladly make a review on it ;)
Cheers mate!

Ozark was a pleasant surprise for me. I really enjoyed the story and you did a tremendous job in it. Loved the Langmore family all around.

Buy now after hardfork price will increase definitely....

Let's hope so...

Welcome to Steem @bakerchristopher I have upvoted and sent you a tip

Welcome to the community. I am speaking from a selfish standpoint. Performers make lots of money (sometimes). Having performers join the community will allow us to reward you ... even if it is incrementally. Just today I was thinking about past tv shows - specifically Hogan's Heroes. I believe Robert Clary is that sole remaining regular performer. If someone uploaded the videos on dtube ... the earnings can be sent to he or any other survivors. There are many movies and TV shows which people would like to see from the past but are tied up in the vaults ... under the control of people un-associated with the production.

Thank you. It's a good point, there's a lot of people and studios that make a lot of money from exploiting the work of others.

I'm really glad you've come over to Steemit @bakerchristopher. I hadn't watched Ozark before but just watched most of the first series and there's a really great part in one of the episodes where the Teacher is trying to get Skylar Gaertner's character to sign a document denouncing drugs, and his speech about how it's not that simple and about the 2008 Bank Collapse only being saved from being catastrophic by the money created from the drug trade is pretty amazing. I don't support the drug trade but that scene was great. I unfortunately made the mistake of reading a review (spoiler) so know I know that the "Uncles" get shot I'm so I'm sad to watch further.

Steemit can completely revolutionise the film industry. I just wrote a proposal on how Steemit could be utilised to give the power to decide what Films get made back to the film-makers so that the Paradigm governing the Green-Lighting of Films can be shifted away from the Distributors and back to the Film-Makers.

I don't want to be rude and link bomb your article. If you have the interest and find it (it's on my profile) I'm sure you will find it interesting. It's a model that proposes turning the film funding paradigm completely on it's head creating instead a system where Production itself is Distribution. So just by virtue of the Film-Makers committing to a Film on the public Blockchain the Film then auto-creates itself as a BlockChain funded entity that then allows a community to openly trade it's Frames in an Ebay style open auction to create the funds necessary to make the movie. The concept could be summed up as the Film becoming it's own ICO and the Frames of the Film being the individual Coin.

Wow, great idea. That's exactly the kind of thing I'm talking about. I'll check out your paper. Thanks man.

No worries Christopher. I'm an Aussie too. It's just such a shame that all our opportunities in Australia only come from US Major Theatrical distribution or from domestic TV sitcoms because it's eradicating our Indigenous Industry. If you are an Actor or Director you have to go to the US to work. It's a huge Talent drain.

Then what ends up remaining is the Government putting billions of dollars into studios like MovieWorld on the Gold Coast that literally are too expensive for local Film-makers and are therefore only used by Hollywood - who also then fly in most of their Key Crew. So what we get left with is a tax payer funded model that has almost no meaningful benefit or interaction for homegrown production companies.

The plan I'm proposing cuts out the Distributor in the sense that all money only comes from them. It doesn't cut them out in terms of doing what they should do which is Distribute the Movie - if you so choose.

So at the end if you want to go with a Distributor you can but there will also be hundreds of other ways to distribute your Movie, including (if you were successful enough with your funding) just hiring your own Cinemas and Venues to give it distribution. Wouldn't it be nice to not just give a film one or two opening weekends to recoup? The Rocky Horror Picture show used to run in Cinemas all around Australia every Friday and Saturday night for years, and in the West End in London if a play is successful it can literally have a fifteen year run (think Cats).

There was an interesting article in the Sydney Morning Herald a couple of years ago talking about our lack of passion in film-making and about Australian film-makers losing the will to take a chance in Australia.

Australia is desperately overdue a resurgence. Where are our new masterpieces like The Year My Voice Broke, Lantana, The Castle, Rabbit Proof Fence, Picnic at Hanging Rock, Wolf Creek, Razorback, Mad Max (Original)?

We've got the locations, the skills, the brains, the talent, the artists, composers, writers, directors, producers, crew etc. We have all of it and we should be making a couple of hundred great Independent films every year, but we are entirely controlled by the US Majors Distribution model which is holding all the purse strings to funding. If you can break that, you can have lots of different strong Industries popping up everywhere.

My proposal probably has a ton of holes, but its a start. It's also completely open plan. I don't care about ownership of it in any way. It's just a proposal for one possible model. Because the only way I can see the whole thing being changed back in the favour of Indigenous Film Industries; is if you change the control that US Majors Distribution has over all projects everywhere.

If there is any part of this proposed model that makes sense, please feel free to use it or adapt any of these ideas in any way you want. Steemit is already a bidding marketplace for content (7 day bidding cycles) and it's already a social media network.


It's the Distributors @dwarrilow2002 working to try and control the market. What Paramount are trying to do with It's a Wonderful Life is exactly what you are describing.

It's a Wonderful Life's popularity only took off in the 1970's because of the mistake in registration which made it Public Domain so all the TV stations showed it every Christmas because it was free.

Now Paramount has gone nuts buying the company who owned Copyright of the original short story and declaring they will go to war with anyone who tries to make a the sequel to It's a Wonderful Life. The producers who were intending the sequel had cast Karolyn Grimes who was one of the child stars in the original in it, and that would have been really cool. Now they will just effectively shut it down and a role that she could have been remembered for and which would have probably been her last will be taken away by some corporate scumbags who have no respect for culture or art.

These large distributors need to be put in check. The system supporting them needs to be pulled out from under their feet. Distribution is the power because they control what can get green lit and not.

Hey there , welcome to the steemit community, really good introduction you have, I'm sure you would do very well in here, its really good to have you join us , looking forward to reading more of your post , welcome again

Welcome to Steem, the best place for creatives. The best part about it is that you get paid promoting your work here. Original people with original content will get the most upvote and you got mine. And because of this post I'm checking out Hardfork.

You played one of Ruth's uncles in Ozark right?

That's right, I'm the stupid one...

hi, welcome to steemit, I am the best voter and follower all of you and your posts, so be spread your circle of trust. kindly follow me and upvote me thanks.

super cool!!!

I just read your Harry Dean Stanton story. Totally amazing.

thank you kindly and I also agree. i for sure feel honored to have gotten to know the man in the last decade of his life. HD was truly one of the best ever.

Jumping into the unknown is scary shit, but I can say this for you. You have a crackerjack team behind you and a lot of supporters. This is new ground for all of us. Let's see where it takes us.

Most inspirational story ever i read, wow
Today this post make my morning very inspireable and enthusiastic
Love to chase my goals and move towards it until i get it
Really ur story increase my encourage to do
And final words. To you welcome to steemit.com my friend

Thank you so much. I hope you're day turned out magical.

Welcome to STEEMIT @bakerchristopher. It's good to have you on here. You can kindly check out my posts and upvote them. Please follow back...

@bakerchristopher Welcome to Steemit! I am happy you joined this community. As you said, you joined here with the hope that we are able "in a way to help us help each other to move us all forward as a community towards a shared prosperity." I very much agree to that. Let us make it happen, Cheers! 🙂

Cheers to that!

Welcome to the most genuine, positive, uplifting community in the world! I believe that Steem is the future and I am so excited to see more people such as yourself joining the platform! Steem is the dream!!!

It's an honor to have a professional and genuine guy such as yourself join our ranks. I am really looking forward to the HardFork Series, god speed.

we move from storytelling in the broad daylight, to storytelling around the campfire, to storytelling with the shadows on the wall of the cave; the stories get better with the technology.... upvoted, resteemed and following you for more!

Thanks so much.

To be honest, I don't know who you are because I don't watch TV at all. You seem like cool dude. Like what you said at the end...We are the gatekeepers. Destroy the gates.

It is good that someone famous is presenting Steemit in good light because this platform deserve it. Yes, there is much to improve, but idea about monetization with cryptocurrencie produced by platform is brilliant and should be supported.


And one more thing...People like you will probably raise price of Steem on crypto market. Just don't make runaway with BakerSteem crypto like Bitcoin Cash did LOL

There are 3 pages