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RE: Being born with a debilitating disease

Looking forward to your replyGoodmorning fuckmylife or as I said 4 days ago in your blog FUCKITILIVE you’re not playing fair. I like the story and even feel sorry but this doesnt belong in the #introduceyourself you had that one When you started and you used it! I know homeless and Thats shit but you have a home, a drone and stuff ! Be fair look to the future and be positive. Youre a good writer but as I said four days ago be personal I never See pic off you! I come and read your blogs and want to meet you even if your boss said youre ugly. Thats his short coming! Be Nice aswell life is to short. I am Being Nice but also strict. #introduceyourself is for newbies. But @introbot has told you that already. Be fair play fair and be honest that Will take you far. I love your writing so untill next time fuckwhatever xoxo from fuckwhere-ever 😂😂


I have seen many people using the introduceyourself tag almost everyday because it is so popular and attracts the most reads. I was only trying different things. Don't have the drone anymore, had to sell it to pay for my student loans, at $600/month, they pretty much eat up every spare dollar I have. My ex boss now is the main reason why I am homeless. Him and his crooked lawyer wife - some one who he use to refer to as my surrogate mother before they got married, destroyed my family business of 30 years and stole my families life savings. Yesterday, if you read my post about my 70 year old father being put in jail, he was the one the told a lie to the cops and put him there. Sadly, there is no karma in this world, I just hope he gets out this week.

Nevertheless, thank you for your support and thank you for reading.

P.S I probably wouldn't show a picture of myself for 10,000 Steem lol.

Maybe you should ! But like I sad be positive and you are in a BLACK place make your world PINK again. You dont have anything so the only way is up and write me a positive blog !!!

lol, I guess when you have nothing, you have nothing to lose!!

WoW fast learner! Go do your thing