Being born with a debilitating disease

Hi my name is Ryan and I was born with a condition called neurofibromatosis type 1. As a child I went through multiple surgeries to deal with the tumors on my optic nerves. As a result I spent a lot of time in the Stollery Children's Hospital in Edmonton. During the surgeries the doctor actually needed to remove my eyeballs from its sockets to work on the muscle and the tumor behind them. So after the surgeries, my eyes would fill up with blood and would bleed if I touch them.

In addition to these surgeries, I had biannual MRIS to verify that the tumors in my brain we're not metastasizing or growing larger. Sadly as a result of these tumors, I suffered from severe migraine headaches which also caused me to be in the hospital pretty often. I remember many times where they had to put me on morphine and sedate me just to deal with the pain.

In addition to the actual physical pain and suffering that this disease caused me, there was also a lot of psychological trauma that I was exposed to as a result of this condition. If you look up pictures of neurofibromatosis, you'll see some pretty horrendous cases of this disease. In actuality, if you ever watch the movie The Elephant Man, this person actually had a really bad version of what I do. So with that being said, as a child I had a lot of problems fitting in.

Growing up I was called almost every single name in the book. Crack baby, googly eyes,ass eyes and so forth. In retrospect I spend most of my days in isolation because no one wanted to be associated with me. I remember during recess I spent most of the time playing with myself and the times that I actually did find someone to hang out with, it was usually someone that was in as rough of a shape as I was or in some cases worse.

Sadly growing up I use to dream of the days that I would get out of school move on to college and put all these horrible experiences behind me. Unfortunately, when I moved on to college, I had the same problems. I spent 6 years in University and I didn't meet a single person during the whole time. Though I did talk to some people, most of them were just interested in using me for help with their homework. Nevertheless, 6 years out of University and my work life has followed the same fait.

Most places that I work you can tell that I am the awkward one of the group. I remember having one boss when I was working for a construction company say to me, you're the perfect type of person for an accountant. You're ugly as hell and that's what we need. When the wife's of all the construction workers come in looking for their paychecks early because they need to feed their kids, seeing that you're alone, you'll have the heart to tell them no because your a bitter man. I don't know if I was overthinking this, but this is a pretty mean thing to say to a person. He had no clue that I was single, I never relayed this information to him, he just made the Assumption based on his own egotistical superficial ideologies of what the normal person should look like. Nevertheless, these are just some of the experiences of what it is like to live with a debilitating disease like neurofibromatosis


Welcome to the community!

thanks sir

Welcome to steemit

What a small world, my dad grew up in Edmonton Alberta and I was born in Vancouver BC now live in Florida, I miss Canada and North West.

Its a great place during the summers. Sadly the winters are way too long for my liking. Your very lucky having the opportunity to live in a place like Florida. I would take the heat over the cold any day, but that is just me. Thanks for reading and hopefully you come back some time soon :)

You have a minor grammatical mistake in the following sentence:

When the wife's of all the construction workers come in looking for their paychecks early because they need to feed their kids, seeing that you're alone, you'll have the heart to tell them no because your a bitter man.
It should be you're a instead of your a.

Why you!!

lol tells life story * you have minor grammatical mistake *

lol, I got a laugh out of it. Sometimes if you don't laugh, you cry.

You missed one grammernazi
Wife's should be wives

I noticed you have posted many times since you began your journey on Steemit. That is great! We love active partipants.

I do want to point out that the Introduceyourself tag is meant to be used once only to introduce yourself to the Steemit community. You have now posted 5 times using the introduceyourself tag. Please see this link for more information Tag Spam?

Please take this into consideration and help build a great platform!

Hello @fuckmylife!

Saludos, espero poder leer buenos artículos de tu autoría.

Looking forward to your replyGoodmorning fuckmylife or as I said 4 days ago in your blog FUCKITILIVE you’re not playing fair. I like the story and even feel sorry but this doesnt belong in the #introduceyourself you had that one When you started and you used it! I know homeless and Thats shit but you have a home, a drone and stuff ! Be fair look to the future and be positive. Youre a good writer but as I said four days ago be personal I never See pic off you! I come and read your blogs and want to meet you even if your boss said youre ugly. Thats his short coming! Be Nice aswell life is to short. I am Being Nice but also strict. #introduceyourself is for newbies. But @introbot has told you that already. Be fair play fair and be honest that Will take you far. I love your writing so untill next time fuckwhatever xoxo from fuckwhere-ever 😂😂

I have seen many people using the introduceyourself tag almost everyday because it is so popular and attracts the most reads. I was only trying different things. Don't have the drone anymore, had to sell it to pay for my student loans, at $600/month, they pretty much eat up every spare dollar I have. My ex boss now is the main reason why I am homeless. Him and his crooked lawyer wife - some one who he use to refer to as my surrogate mother before they got married, destroyed my family business of 30 years and stole my families life savings. Yesterday, if you read my post about my 70 year old father being put in jail, he was the one the told a lie to the cops and put him there. Sadly, there is no karma in this world, I just hope he gets out this week.

Nevertheless, thank you for your support and thank you for reading.

P.S I probably wouldn't show a picture of myself for 10,000 Steem lol.

Maybe you should ! But like I sad be positive and you are in a BLACK place make your world PINK again. You dont have anything so the only way is up and write me a positive blog !!!

lol, I guess when you have nothing, you have nothing to lose!!

WoW fast learner! Go do your thing