Hi there! Welcome to my Steemit! I am Abigail, you can call me Abby for short — I am a computer engineer but I am very much in love with fitness. I have been a chubby gal all my life — I still am actually. But I am a work in progress and I’m just very excited to share it to you all. Fitness doesn’t have to be gruesome and painful — it’s meant to be an enjoyable journey. Follow me and I’ll follow back and let’s inspire one another. I’d like to fill the world with my radiance and positivity and share the gift of fitness and wellness to everyone I could reach. ☺️💙
They say chubby is the new sexy so don't put too much pressure on yourself you can do it. Welcome to steemit and have fun. =)
I agree to the chubby is the new sexy but I also think #StrongIsTheNewSexy too! :) having fun so far! Thanks for the warm welcome
Hi there beautiful sister! Welcome to steemit. Wow a computer engineer and fitness blogger mixed into on that should be very interesting 😃😃😃 Welcome again @cestlabby and I hope you enjoy your stay. If you need of support of any kind please do not hesitate to ask there are many of us who are always willing to help. See you around :)
oh by the way sister love the hair I always wanted to color my hair like that... is that ash gray? My boyfriend won't let me though 😅
Thank you for the warm welcome! :) yes engineering + fitness so opposite but it is sooooo much fun! Looking forward to sharing it to you guys!
Yes yes it is ash gray I wasn’t able to maintain it though. High maintenance! ;)
Tell your boyfriend that he should support you for whatever journey you wanna be in. We’re only young once plus we only have 1 life to live so enjoy life to the fullest right? :) share me if he already let you color your hair like mine!
Welcome to Steemit Abby! I'm the same way with fitness. I only do the physical activities that I enjoy. No need to run 5 miles a day because that's the "proper" way to exercise.
Hi @jkimura I also do run! I have been running for nearly two years already and have done local and international marathons. :) But i have to go back to basics which is toning and eating properly because running at my weight is bad for my knees. Looking forward to running with you and knowing you more. :) Kudos to 5miles a day!
Actually I don't run 5 miles a day. That was just an example. My favorite form of exercise is practicing Jiu Jitsu. I really commend marathon runs because its so much more than physical ability. It really shows how mentally strong you are. How long of a marathon do you run?
Whew. I'm really slow! My first marathon is 6:42. then 7hrs. both of which i have sprained ankle. my 3rd marathon is in SG and I did not finish it because I helped a fellow runner who got injured knee.
My experience has been great so far. Hope you enjoy being here.
Looking forward!
I really liked your post !
Please Help Us Grow @rehab22
Thank you!
hey welcome! what is your specialty in computer science? welcome! maybe you could seriously help the steemit platform with your specialty!! i look foreword to see what happens! and you aren't chubby at all, but if you're into fitness my wife @tstarnes is posting on workouts and eating healthy! once again, welcome abby!
Thank you so much @procaptainjoe! Do you live in asia? Asians tend to be really skinny and I’m not part of that but I love myself and I’m happy with my progress. :) i look forward to meeting you and your wife. I will definitely follow you both. Cheers! :)
no im from the US, Washington state but you're making progress, you're setting yourself up for the rest of your life with your motivation and perseverance! keep it up!!!
Thank you so much! :)
Hi again! Welcome to steemit! Hope I will learn more from you about health and fitness. Enjoy posting!
Thank you! I look forward to learning more from your life too!
Welcome to Steemit! Look forward to your contributions. Good on you!
Thank you! Looking forward to yours too! 👍🏻
Excited to follow your journey, Abby! I’m trying to take better care of my body but can’t understand why it hurts so much, ha! So hopefully you can offer some helpful tips to make it fun. Welcome!
Definitely @toulouse92! Thank you for the warm welcome!
Hey Abby, I'm Oatmeal Joey, and you look rather clever.
D’aww. Thanks Oatmeal Joey! Looking forward to following yer oatmeal journey ;)
Welcome to Steemit! I look forward to following your fitness journey and your positive posts!
Absolutely! Looking forward to yours too!
happy join disteemit @cestlabby good luck...
Thank you dearie! Appreciate the warm welcome!
we are in the struggle to obtain kesuksasan must help each other to help friends by way of follow, resteem and vote ....
Thanks,,,, ,,
wellcome to this amazing steemit family.
I am very much excited to go along in this journey with all you amazing people! :)
Welcome to Steemit, Abby!
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I look forward to having you onboard with us. Membership is free, and you are sure to benefit by participating.
Once you join, be sure to check out the comprehensive FAQs channel. Happy Steeming!
Joined already! Thanks for the invite!
Hi, I'm giving away 10 Steem Dollars check my post to find out more
Cool thanks Steve I’ll check this out.
Hi Abigail, welcome! Looking forward to reading your posts about fitness and health! CU
Thank you dear!!!
You're welcome!