Hello everyone on Steeeeeemitt! Let me introduce myself ^-^

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)


Hi everyone of you on Steemit! 

I have recently found this amusing platform when

i was surfing on web in the interest of getting known

what crptocurrency and bitcoin are. 

It is very pleased to meet everyone on this community, thus,

I would like to introduce myself so as to make a lot of new friends :D

Let`s get it

Picture of me and my friend

About SeungJu

Hi! my name is SeungJu and I am 19 years old

who came from South Korea but I have been living

in Europe for 7 years due to my father`s job.

He has been working as a research Professor 

at the Semmelweis medical university in Budapest.

I am currently studying at the University

of Wien as a Business administration student and 

i am soon going to start my 2nd year :) 

I have eagerness to do everything that grasp my attention, therefore,

I have just started trading cryptocurrency like Ethereum and Litecoin :D

 Picture of me and my mom

Not only am i interested in crptocurrency but also travelling!

I very much am into travelling around the world and meeting new people

so i would probably post a lot of travelling videos with my Gopro5 :D

what you would expect from me..

Having a lot of Information means Power in 21th century. Due to the radical 

development of the information technology, it has came to the point

where individuals can`t get to know all the information that are made even

right now. Thus, I would try my best to inform people what is going on

in this world concerning cryptocurrency in general and some Influential news

to help you out.

I would also regularly post travelling/Vlogging videos since i have bought my Gopro5.

As i have a strong desire to grow my Youtube channel up, You can also expect me doing 

some challenges too :)

(I look so weird in this pic XD)

I am a man with a great thinking, I personally believe that this platform would benefit me from

starting my own business in the future because this could become a marketing platform for me

and this is my faculty related experience that would differ me from other people when being 

interviewed :D!

Thus, I would put a lot of efforts and time into this :D 

*I am also interested in K-pop btw :p

안녕하세요, 어제부터 스티미안이된 20살 유럽유학생입니다! 

저도 가상화폐에 관심이많고 투자자인만큼

이 곳에서는 앞으로 가상화폐에 관한 뉴스와 기초지식 및 제 유럽 생활

올릴꺼같습니다. 잘부탁드리고 팔로우해주시면 맞팔할께요 ^-^

Thanks for reading my introduction.

Feel free to upvote and follow me for more awesome contents!

and I hope to see you next time :D


Welcome to Steem @chaeju106 I have upvoted and sent you a tip

thanks :D appreciated

Hi, @Chaeju106, I'm just here to leave a nice Hello ^^. Unfortunately i don't have much voting power, but i will be back and vote my followers. Need to grow a little ^^. Have a great time @rightuppercorner

thanks ^^

Wellcome, looking forward to your posts :D

thank you very much

반갑습니다. 자주 소통하면서 지냈으면 좋겠습니다.

오!! 감사합니다 저도 맞팔로우했어요. 자주 들릴께요 ^^

맞팔 감사합니다. 자주 소통해요!!

Welcome chaeju106, hope you will have a great time here on steemit!

thanks :D

Nice to meet you, @chaeju106! Welcome to the Steemit Community, wish you good luck and a good start, ive send you a small tip and followed you, hope you have an amazing day! :)

heyyyy :D it`s very pleased to meet you. thanks for the comment :D

@chaeju106 Welcome to steemit! Remember this portal is for the patient ones. You won't get noticed right away unless you're lucky but just believe in yourself and know that hard work is bound to get noticed sooner or later! Do follow me @samhenry.

that`s very true. this does not really seem like an overnight success haha :p thanks for the tip man

Hello @chaeju106 welcome to Steemit . Maybe your post may not immediately get a lot of upvoted but I believe your continued hard work and effort will makes you success. Follow me @stanley888 Thank you

thanks for the tips m8 :D i followed you back too!

Welcome to steemit! You're cute ehehe (๑•́ ω •̀๑)

hahaha XD thanks for the compliment

Hey there @chaeju106 ! welcome! Excited to read your stuff, love travelling and vloggins stylish content! Hope you'll like it here! See you around :D

hey :D thanks for the comment let`s see around then :D

Welcome! Hope you enjoy Steemit! We are a great community. I am a Brazilian writer and videomaker, living in London. Here I post about photography, travelling and stories. Have a look at my profile and if you like it, follow me. Cheers!

Thanks :D

반가워요 저도 뉴비에요
해외에 사는
팔로우 하고 가요^^

감사합니다! 자주뵈요!! 저도 팔로우하고갈께요 ^^

STEEM :]Hey there @chaeju106! Welcome to

thanks m8 :D

반갑습니다. 환영합니다.

반가워요 ^^!

환영합니다. ^^


일곱살때부터 유럽에서 사셨으면 그곳 통(?) 이시겠네요. ㅎㅎ
앞으로 유럽과 관련된 많은 이야기 보따리 기대해 봅니다. 자주 소통해요~

오!! 안녕하세요. 아 죄송합니다 since가 아니라 for 이에요 ㅋㅋㅋ 7년동안산거에요.
네 자주소통해요 ^^

ㅎㅎ 제가 잘못봤네요
어쨌든 통이네요 ㅎ

스팀잇에 오신걸 환영합니다... ^^

만나서 반갑습니다 ^^

많은 활동 기대할게요~

반갑습니다!! 자주 소통하며 지내봐용 ^^

스팀잇 사용에 있어서 필요한 사항을 링크하였습니다. 도움이 되길 바랍니다.

요즘은 적절한 태그 사용에 따라 포스팅 노출 횟수가 달려있다고 해도 과언이 아닙니다.

뉴비시라면 기본적으로 포스팅하실때 태그에 kr과 kr-newbie 는 달아주시고

오랜만에 일주일 간 kr 관련 태그에 올라온 포스팅 수를 뽑아봤습니다.

이 포스팅을 참조하여 적절한 태그를 넣어주세요. 그래야 사람들에게 노출이 될 확률이 높습니다. 꼭 글많은 태그가 노출이 많은건 아니지만 그래도 적절한 태그사용은 도움이 됩니다. (kr-join 은 맨 처음 가입시 한번만 사용해주시는게 좋습니다.강제는 아니지만 태그위주로 분류되는 요즘은 자기소개도 아닌데 조인 태그를 계속 사용하면 아마 사람들이 싫어할수도 있으니까요. )

이곳에 들어가셔서 주제를 확인후 다양한 사람들의 의견을 참조하여 댓글및 kr-agora 태그로 의견을 포스팅하시고 사람들과 소통하시면 좀더 재미있게 즐기실수 있습니다.어떤 주제에 대한 의견 내시는걸 좋아하신다면 https://steemit.com/created/kr-agora

좋은 정보 감사합니다 ^^

글을 쓰고 나면 보상이 일주일 뒤에 들어오다보니 그때까지는 스팀달러가 없는경우가 대부분입니다.
살짝 느껴보시라고 2달라 보내드립니다.

스팀달러를 전송해보자

위 링크를 참고해서 girina79 님께 1달라를 보내보세요. 현재 보육원 아이들을 후원하고 계십니다 .
세 명의 아이를 후원합니다. 보팅으로 지원해 주세요 !!!!!

다른 1달라는
스팀달러를 스팀파워로 바꿔보자
이걸 따라해 보세요. 어느정도 사용법을 익히기 위해 소액으로 미리 해보시는것이 좋습니다.

Nice! It came to my attention that you have a new account so welcome aboard. Here's an upvote from me and we're all waiting to hear more from you!
this post where I explain how I earn over $1 a day from upvotes. Getting those big upvotes on a new account can be a daunting task, believe me, so you could give @MinnowPowerUp a go. This service lets you earn up to 30% more steem power than just powering up! It's a subscription based daily upvote bot that draws its power from a delegation pool. I have more info on my experience with the system in

thanks for the tips m8 haha :D