This is such a wonderful post, dear @exoexplorer ! It is a great joy for me to have another fellow artist talking about such deep subjects as our Real Identity and Purpose in Life.
I love that you ask questions of the community here too, like about NSFW: I have a general aversion to that phrase, as it is pretty much nonsensical (what if your 'work' is in an art gallery?!) - the phrase is usually linked to some statement about 'offensiveness' or 'wrongness' - which in our line of Work is entirely inappropriate. Phrases like this have been brought in to give power to the cancel culture, and to drive Real Art and The True Nature Of Our Body-Mind-Spirit into hiding!
There is much to be discussed! I very much look forward to open discourse - particularly perhaps in the OnChain Art and Natural Medicine Communities - and around hashtags such as #mentalhealthawareness - there is big Work to be done around removing the projection and armouring of our (immensely power-full!!) energetic body (which has been done through shaming or dirtying it), and liberating us all into the Health, Wealth and Happiness that is our birth Right...
Again, it's fabulous to have you here on Hive! Blessings!
Navigating censorship and the use of the NSFW tag is an interesting conversation.Thanks for your invitation to join this community @clareartista
According to the Terms of Service the Hive Blog is not intended for under 13s and under 18s require adult supervision. Browsing the Hive Blog shows that nude photography (non sexual) is not always tagged NSFW. Some users place closeup nudity towards the end of a post under a general NSFW warning while the post itself isn’t tagged as NSFW.
The Urban Dictionary defines NSFW content to be "online posts that are mainly associated with heavy nudity, sexual, heavy profanity and other things that could often link with pornography".
My initial approach for this series of posts on ‘nudity in nature’ is based on my perceptions of current user practice and ToS for the Hive Blog.
Thanks for your welcome and engaging in this topic.
Ahhhh, yes, @exoexplorer - such a beautiful unravelling: this is the thing; this subject is IMMENSELY complex and entangled in the agenda, and as Artists, we must unravel it.
Both your and my Art speaks to body as container of Infinite Spirit, and we both speak to Collective Conscious and the Nature of our NOT BEING SEPARATE...
These are vitally important discussions in this day and age! At the same time, mainstream and non-mainstream alike have 'assumed a stance' in regards to perceived aspects like - as you quote above, 'heavy nudity', 'close-ups' or 'sexual' content.
The subject of pleasure is a rich one: our Natural Right to Live in Pleasure is part of what is Liberating us in these times - we cannot Know Natural Law or Sovereignty WITHOUT being in a certain level of Mastery of our own Pleasure-Full Existence...
The edges of what has been forbidden HAVE to be disentangled - so that Right-Full, Health-Full, Sentient-Wisdom Pleasure is Separated (ironically!) from 'pleasure' related to 'peak orgasm', tension, bondage to 'scarcity', 'shame', etc, etc, the latter being all about separation and suffering, rather than Real - Infinite, Harmonious, Divine - Pleasure.
But I'm getting ahead of us! I look so much forward to further posts and collaboration, discourse and Shared Sentient Pleasure!! Blessings!
Such a beautiful, powerful and joyful image @clareartista
A big yes to Right-Full, Health-Full and no separation.
It certainly feels like it’s time to rethink our notions of what it means to be whole. Whole body, whole of nature, whole planet, whole galaxy…. Time to expand our notions of ‘wholistic’ - and even ‘holistic’ bringing in aspects of the sacred.
It might be time to revisit concepts of body-mind-soul that were diminished in the west a few hundred years ago with the rise of reductionistic, mechanistic and positivistic world-views that made natural joy a little harder to experience for many.