Thanks @maeolloves143. It is overall, not always right to upvote your own comment, but as i have since learned from the time i wrote this, there maybe exceptions, you know, time when you should actually upvote your own comment.
In his comment, @finnian gives a valid reason for upvoting your own comment
I regularly upvote my own replies to trending posts to get them above the bots. That is completely acceptable by most people here. They understand why you do it. If you don't do it, your post will be buried and never seen by the author.
Some of my friends auto-upvote my authored posts too to support me. That's not a bad thing. People go through those automatic settings from time to time to make sure they still want to send that automatic support. You have to earn it and maintain it too.
P.S. People will get bots to upvote their comments too. Or they have alternate accounts they control to upvote their replies. There are a lot of games like that played. Why it is done is what makes it good or bad for the platform I suppose. Sometimes it is good, and other times people are gaming the system. I don't upvote my replies to make money from it or game the system either.
Prior to that, @mitneb had said something similar, also giving those exceptional times when upvoting one's own comment may be justified.
Excellent article, @ebitularmbert! You have given not only a great summary of some key points, but your additional advice and perspective on what your internal thoughts are as you come across these offending practices is a great addition to the narrative.
So many Newbie mistakes are made because of a lack of understanding of the platform, and how the many different aspects function. The more educational articles that can be written on these topics, the better. I know I made plenty of these same mistakes in my first month or so on Steemit.
One thing that you didn't mention was that there is a legitimate reason for upvoting your own comment immediately after posting: that would be to push it closer to the top of the comments. This can be a good idea if it is a truly valuable comment, and especially if there are many comments ahead of you. That being said, a Newbie is not going to have enough voting weight to make their comment rise very far, so for a Newbie your advice stands as given.
So overall, it finally comes down to circumstances under which you choose to upvote your own comments.
Thanks for sharing in the discussion, @maeolloves143
Thank too i hope you will help me in this work :) Gobless @ebitularmbert
Stay in touch @maeolloves143, Stay in touch!