Hi everyone!
I’m totally new to this Steemit world, but I hope to pick it up real quick! I just want to do a small introduction to you guys, since I will be creating posts about this things I like to do. So if you follow me, over time you will learn more about me!
OK, lets get this started!
My name is Liana and I’m 28 years old. I live in this crazy country known as America, though I am born and raised in Canada. The6ix represent! I have been living in the state of Kentucky for what will be 3 and half years in a week or so. I won’t lie, it does not feel like it has been that long. Lol. I live here with my husband @ericrumor, and he definitely makes it more tolerable for me to live here.
Reading is something that I enjoy doing most of the time. I am a big fan of books in the mystery/suspense/thrillers genre, though I am fairly open to anything that I find interesting. My favorite author is Linwood Barclay.
Baking is another past time I like to do. I try to always find an excuse to be able to bake something. Lol. I will probably share what I make on here. I usually find things on pinterest and try to make them myself.
Music and movies are that something I enjoy as well. Otherwise it gets too boring sometimes without music for entertainment!
I think for now I will leave it at that and I will leave you with a picture of my charming betta fish! Time to get back to my maple black tea. So Canadian right? ;P
p.s Throwback to myspace times for making validation pictures! xD
Thanks for reading everyone.❤️

Welcome to this great community :-)
Thank you for the welcome @laddawan!
Get rich or die trying!
nice one
Welcome! I'm new here, too :)
Thank you @mylene :) I wrote to you on your intro!
Welcome! I love it here and you will too--honestly. I am based in Canada as well, although currently I spend a lot of time in the US for my work (I'm a singer-songwriter).
Get comfy & enjoy.. it's honestly the very best of platforms.
Xx, Kay
Yay! A fellow Canadian =D I'd like to hear some of your songs. I saw something on your profile just before, a cover I believe you did. Thank you for the welcome!
Yes! I put a cover up today. Here is another one from a couple of days ago--one of my very own :). If you like it, it's available as a free download through my website. Take care! xx
Welcome to Steemit @elecbubble :)
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If you find this bot helpful, give it an upvote! It will continue to upvote introduction posts. Your upvote will give it more power in that. If you think you have something all new users should know, please tell.
Welcome to Steem @elecbubble I have sent you a tip
That is so nice of you @bottymcbotface. Thank you! :)
welcome ! wish u all the best and looking forward to see more content from you :) let's connect https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@mirage/proper-introduction-of-myself-hey-steemians check my introduction too
Hi @mirage! for sure I will check out your introduction. :)
Welcome to this incredible platform, hope everything will work out for you. Being here it’s not easy but not difficult neither only an extra effort will go a long way, engagement is the key good luck I’m @tinashe Start by Following ,Upvoting &Resteeming people and they will do the same.
Thank you

:)Thank you for the welcome @tinashe
you welcome
Welcome to the platform, I wish everything work out for you. It’s not easy here but not difficult neither but just ask an extra effort, engagement is the key good luck I’m @goodaytraders Start by following people and they will do the same.
Thank you ! I definitely plan on being as active as I can. :D
Welcome to steemit!!
Thanks so much @sol25!
Hi Liana! Can't wait to see what bakery you make for us on Steemit. I'm getting hungry just thinking about it! :)
Hi! I can't wait to share it with you all too! :D I agree with you on getting hungry haha
Welcome to steemit.
You look beautiful girl.
But more beautiful if you post next time some thing real abaout you
Good job and good luck honey.
Aww why thank you @alga :) I will definitely be sharing more about myself as I post.
SteemitFULLY TRANSPARENT LOTTERIES with promotional posts where I issue FREE TICKETS for those who help me curate my promotions. All the best! :)
Hello there @elecbubble and welcome to ! I just upvoted you!! I hope you enjoy your time here and make lots of $$$. If you're interested in lotteries, please check my profile out @steemitlotteries. I run
Thank you @steemitlotteries, I will totally check out your profile!
welcome! im new as well i followed you
Thank you @shauna27 I've followed you aswell! :)
Welcome to the community.
Haha my American friends have been making fun of "Orange"
I have followed you, hope you will follow me back!
Yes Mr. Orange is quite the piece of work haha. Thanks for the welcome, and I've followed you too!
Welcome to steemit! You will love it here! I also live here in crazy america hehe. Upvoted and hope you follow me too
So far steemit seems very interesting! I hope this place calm my sanity from crazy America =P Thanks for the welcome!
Hi Liana ,
Even though I am new to this platform myself, I welcome you and look forward to all the topics you mentioned.
I am a gardener and enjoy foraging in the garden this time of year for things to cook with or just eat raw.
This year we are growing a lot of corn not only for our own consumption, but for the chickens. Last year I husked the older corn and dried it and used it for treats for them throughout the fall.
Our garden is organic and everythig tastes so good.
Thank you for the welcome! Having a garden seems like it would be pretty awesome. I remember when I was younger when I went to Europe to visit family they had a farm and I would feed the chickens the dried corn. It was pretty cool.
and I thought I made that up...drying the corn and feeding it to the chickens.
oh well, we've been retired now for almost 10 years and all we are doing is new to us in some way, especially raising a few chickens the last few years. They are so interesting and entertaining but it has been a learning experience after city living.
and this steemit experience seems like a wave of the future come to us in our old age.
I'm pretty sure they were dried because they were hard kernels and i use to rub the 2 together and they would come off. How long have you all been farming for? I've seen a few videos online of chickens and i agree they can be very funny.
Yes, once the corn is dry it is easy to rub off the kernels.
We have been living on this land, 1/2 step from heaven, for about 10 years now. I was looking at old pictures the other day and I can see we have done a lot to develop the land with trees and two gardens. Most of the usable land is planted now.
Thats great though to be able to have your own garden and all. I don't have much of a green thumb lol but I would like to be able to have some sort of garden one day!
We never really had a garden until we retired. This is like our real job now that we are free to do what we like.
Isn't retirement great! lol =D I'd like to see the garden some time though.
We joke about a Better Homes & Gardens visit to take pictures because it isn't that kind of place. It's a funky, used and usable place, producing good food and growing year by year as more fruit and nut trees are added, and the soil in the gardens is improved.
But we are getting old and it needs weeding and straightening out. The chickens have a great place to peck around but there are predators. They take their share so we keep getting new ones. Have yet to have one of them make it to 2 years old. At least we are feeding the wild life.
Welcome mate; I like your betta fish :3
Make sure you get an avatar up though soon under settings, it's really a must.
My betta is pretty cute! =] Thank you for the welcome and I will for sure get that avatar up! I just need to get a good picture lol
Hi! Man, isn't moving to another country super weird? I've done it three times now and I'm kind of glad to be done, though I still wish I were back in Germany and not in the US. How do you feel about Kentucky so far?
I really love your beta fish! He's absolutely gorgeous! I've been wanting one for a while, just haven't got the umph to do it! So busy with other things. Haha
@farmstead It sure as heck is a crazy experience, though Canada are fairly alike in some ways, and not so much alike in others lol. Kentucky is not all that bad of a place but I do love the city a whole lot more. Are you originally from Germany?
You should totally get a betta, they are super easy to take care of. Ours is pretty spoiled lol.
Noooo I'm from and currently live back in Oregon on the west coast. Haha I wish I was from Germany! Sure would make it easier to get back there!
But now we have a home on 20 acres, a dog, two rabbits, 21 chickens, four ducks and three geese... hahaha I mean, I got responsibilities!! I'd probably have to save up for a betta and nice accessories. Maybe Steem can help me with that!! Haha I really wish that they could live harmoniously together, it'd be grand to have a tank full of gorgeous bettas!
Ohhh gotcha. Oh man 20 acres, you've got your work cut out for you. haha Are your geese Canadian? xD I've read somewhere that you can put 2 female ones together. Also if they're in a fairly large tank it's ok. I have a baby tank so only one fish for now. It has a shrimp to live with but I think it killed it... =| lol
Hahaha noooo they're illegal to keep! Bwahaha though, I've learned they're considered a neusance!
Yes, 20 acres is a lot, but most of it goes unused so far. :)
I'm sure having two females together is fine but... they're definitely not the "pretty" ones! Haha
I'm sure one or two cross into your land. God they're everywhere! lmao but the ducklings are SO cute. :3
Ugh I know right, I wish the male bettas got a long well D= there are some very cool ones, that have really fancy and flowy fins.
Where I live is real dry so they tend to pass me by and head to the agricultural fields where water is more abundant! I see them fly over a bit! :)
Welcome to steemit community.
Good Luck I’m @jyoungking2 Start by following people and they will do the same.
Thanks so much! I really look forward to making many friends here!
Hello . My name is Timmo. I have been here a few weeks and am loving the platform. My page The Southern Va Homestead is dedicated to chronicling my work as my wife and I remodel a home we recently purchased in Southern Virginia and establish a homestead there. I am an independent creative writer as well and feature Poems, Short stories and opinion pieces that I write periodically. I also write and produce a series titled EMP series which tells an ongoing story of a group of Christians stranded at a church after an EMP attack on our country renders all electrical systems inoperable. I narrate the story into a slide show and produce them on my Youtube channel. I have started posting them here as well. Thanks for allowing me to introduce myself and my page to you . I wish you the best here and look forward to viewing your future content also. If you check out my channel and like the content please consider following my page. If you do I will follow you as well.
Hi Timmo! I'd love to see how your home turns out! As for your story, it sounds very intersting! I'd love to read it sometime. I will surely follow you! :) Thank you for introducing yourself here.
Good to have you here!
Thank you! I'm pretty excited to get things rolling here! lol
I know right!
Welcome to steemit @elecbubble. You will do great here
Thank you @gringalicious!
Welcome to the community and have a wonderful time meeting new friends here.
Thank you @sunscape I do look forward to making new friends!
Welcome it is an awesome place to be.
Thanks! @bigbear from what I've seen the last few days it does appear to be pretty cool. :)
Hello Liana, welcome to the community. I just smiled when you say you are living in a crazy country. What makes it crazy by the way?
Thank you @juvyjabian I say crazy because of some things going on here. Lol
Things will be over then :)
Welcome to steemit community..
Thank you @bibek
You Welcome :))
Welcome!! I'll be following
Thank you @satx210 I've followed you too.
A big warm Steemit re-welcome goes out to you Liana.
Upvoted and High Pawed! :-D

:D I don't have a 4 legged pet but I'll give a high fin! Courtesy of my betta :3
Thank you @flatrider for the welcome.
Aww, thank you for high fin from Betta! :-D You're most welcome.