Hi! Man, isn't moving to another country super weird? I've done it three times now and I'm kind of glad to be done, though I still wish I were back in Germany and not in the US. How do you feel about Kentucky so far?
I really love your beta fish! He's absolutely gorgeous! I've been wanting one for a while, just haven't got the umph to do it! So busy with other things. Haha
@farmstead It sure as heck is a crazy experience, though Canada are fairly alike in some ways, and not so much alike in others lol. Kentucky is not all that bad of a place but I do love the city a whole lot more. Are you originally from Germany?
You should totally get a betta, they are super easy to take care of. Ours is pretty spoiled lol.
Noooo I'm from and currently live back in Oregon on the west coast. Haha I wish I was from Germany! Sure would make it easier to get back there!
But now we have a home on 20 acres, a dog, two rabbits, 21 chickens, four ducks and three geese... hahaha I mean, I got responsibilities!! I'd probably have to save up for a betta and nice accessories. Maybe Steem can help me with that!! Haha I really wish that they could live harmoniously together, it'd be grand to have a tank full of gorgeous bettas!
Ohhh gotcha. Oh man 20 acres, you've got your work cut out for you. haha Are your geese Canadian? xD I've read somewhere that you can put 2 female ones together. Also if they're in a fairly large tank it's ok. I have a baby tank so only one fish for now. It has a shrimp to live with but I think it killed it... =| lol
Hahaha noooo they're illegal to keep! Bwahaha though, I've learned they're considered a neusance!
Yes, 20 acres is a lot, but most of it goes unused so far. :)
I'm sure having two females together is fine but... they're definitely not the "pretty" ones! Haha
I'm sure one or two cross into your land. God they're everywhere! lmao but the ducklings are SO cute. :3
Ugh I know right, I wish the male bettas got a long well D= there are some very cool ones, that have really fancy and flowy fins.
Where I live is real dry so they tend to pass me by and head to the agricultural fields where water is more abundant! I see them fly over a bit! :)
They're all over the place here. lol