Thanks for the added information!
I regularly upvote my own replies to trending posts to get them above the bots. That is completely acceptable by most people here. They understand why you do it. If you don't do it, your post will be buried and never seen by the author.
Some of my friends auto-upvote my authored posts too to support me. That's not a bad thing. People go through those automatic settings from time to time to make sure they still want to send that automatic support. You have to earn it and maintain it too.
P.S. People will get bots to upvote their comments too. Or they have alternate accounts they control to upvote their replies. There are a lot of games like that played. Why it is done is what makes it good or bad for the platform I suppose. Sometimes it is good, and other times people are gaming the system. I don't upvote my replies to make money from it or game the system either.
You raise the same argument that @mitneb did raise earlier on.
Ever since writing the article, i have since become informed by arguments consistent to the one you here make. I have to say, with foresight now, and the information you here so aptly give
@mitneb did touch on the same, but you have here expounded the rationale...this whole thing about bots and automation as you so aptly say. I agree. The reasons you say justify it.
Thanks for your thoughts.
Thank you and you're very welcome. I think the key is to go back and remove your own upvote to keep it on the up and up. Sometimes I may forget to do that, but usually I do not. I have a couple high trending post replies right now as examples. At first I upvoted myself. Then I removed the vote. Thanks for this quality guide again! It's always great to meet another person fighting for the same cause.
I am glad, and very much honored by your thoughtful discourse here. For all its worth, i am following you now. Rest assured i will be an ACTIVE follower.
Thanks! It's hard to keep up with a feed, so perhaps come to the official channels? They make networking and updating people much easier.
I am already in same names as here. Let me look you up shortly. Thanks