As I share my experiences, both in physical deterioration and emotions it is my hope I can help and encourage other sufferers to remain positive and fight the battle, also provide important information to family members and friends who support those they love as they journey through this terrible disease.
Hi to the Steemit community! My name is Gary Wilson, and I live in Tauranga, New Zealand.
This is my first post on Steemit, and will certainly not be my last. I intend to contribute a weekly post to share my story with you on a personal, and openly transparent basis, as my life unfolds in this intense fight against advanced lung cancer.
At the moment it appears everything is stacked against me.
I know I need to remain positive with every thought and action. Failure to do so will spell the end for me. I would deteriorate rapidly. I know should I fail to remain positive, darkness and despair will quickly surround me.
I know there will be moments when emotions will catch up, and the inner pain will attempt to rip me apart. I will need to learn to manage these emotions carefully. I understand I must learn to remain strong, and encourage those around me to remain strong also. Together we must choose to cherish every moment we share together. To live so there are no regrets.
For me the immediate future will be like sailing through uncharted waters. There will be both bright and dark days ahead. I understand I will need to confront emotions and pain which will challenge me to the core, I will need to prepare myself for such times ahead.
My story begins 7 weeks ago. In the few weeks prior to this I had felt mild shortness of breath on two occasions. Apart from this I felt absolutely fine. I didn’t give it to much thought, and decided on a medical check-up in the near future.
Early one morning, I awoke to pains in the chest. Honestly, remembering the previous shortness of breath, now running into chest pains, I assumed I was having a mild heart attack. I ended up in the Emergency Department at Tauranga Hospital.
It didn’t take long for the medical staff to work out it wasn’t a heart attack I was suffering. They decided, as a precaution, to take a chest x-ray to ensure all was well. A short time later a doctor arrived and said they were not happy with the result of the x-ray and he had arranged for an immediate CT Scan.
A number of hours later the doctor returned again with the result of the CT Scan. He sat down next to my bed, looked at the papers in his hand, then slowly looked up at me. The expression on his face had already alerted me to the fact something wasn’t quite right. I wasn’t really prepared for what was to come.
The Verdict unravelling over the following week? A large tumour began in my chest. It spread from my left lung, into connecting lymph nodes, along my bronchial tubes, then up to a node on the right side of my neck, and over to the top of my kidney. Fortunately, a brain scan revealed no cancer present there!
Subsequent Bronchoscopy for tissue samples to identify the type of cancer came back as predominantly Small Cell (SCLC). This is the type of cancer you don’t want as it is highly aggressive, grows quickly, and can spread rapidly through the body. My Future? I was placed under the care of the Cancer Centre, Specialist Doctors and Cancer Team at Tauranga Hospital.
Being told I had cancer was only half the shock, the second part was their immediate assessment: The cancer was too far advanced for it to be removed surgically. If I didn’t start Chemotherapy straight away I had 2 months, possibly 3 to live. Should the Chemotherapy prove effective, my life could be extended a further 12 - 15 months. The future, forecast by my medical team, isn’t all that bright with simply darker days ahead.
To lay down and accept this news without a fight is simply not me. I will prepare a plan, and I will fight this cancer. Other people have survived news like this, I intend to be counted as one of them!
My treatments of Chemo will attempt to shrink, stun, and possibly slow down the growth of the tumours, and I will try every healthy option to increase my body’s defence. This will include special diets and various health products designed to build the immune system. I understand it will be near impossible to beat this type of cancer, but I believe I am up for the challenge to try.
I will share with you everything I do to combat the tumours; what health products, foods, and strategies to overcome negative emotions, everything which is proving to be effective in extending my time, and improving my quality of life. I will continually search for that magic bullet which will prove to hold my cancer in remission.
So let the story begin. I will be posting every week and you can follow me at: @garywilson
I will be more than pleased to respond to any comments, or questions you may have.
Thanks for taking the time to read this post. Should you know someone who will benefit by following my posts, I would encourage you to pass this information on.
Again, a big HELLO to the entire Steemit community. It is going to be a pleasure to be a part of such a great movement of people.
I just ran upon your story this morning. I'm sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with Cancer. From some of the things that I have read, the Cancer dusgnosis is 'not' a death sentence. You are doing many things right to help yourself like having a 'positive' outlook. A Cancer patient's immune will start going down as soon as their doctor tells them that they have cancer. You can say, your mind, the way you think, whether negative or positive may determine whether a person survives Cancer or not. Again, from what I researched ( many, many months on the net after my best friend died of Pancreatic Cancer ) Cancer is totally a lifestyle and especially a 'diet' caused, plus a little bit of environmental toxins added. When you eat the wrong foods ( fried foods, processed foods, sodas, GMO foods/genetically modified foods, foods with artificial sweeteners/chewing gum, foods high in table salt [ sea salt is better for you ], alcohol ... ), your body becomes acidic. Many things will go wrong and Cancer cells begin to multiply. If you don't already know, everyone has a little amount of Cancer floating around in their body even babies when they are born, passed down through their mother. Since most people know 'sugar' feeds Cancer cells so when people consume foods and drinks with tons of sugar their Cancer cells begin to multiple. It is your immune system the keeps the Cancer cells in check. In order to protect you, your body will try to surround and contain the spreading Cancer cells thus creating a bump or tumor on your organ or skin. Sooooo when your doctor does a biopsy on that tumor, 'POPP!' The protection bubble around the tumor explodes further releasing more Cancer Cells into the body's surrounding area. This is the same situation that happens to women when they go have mammograms done on their breasts and any tumor hiding within the breasts pop/break when the machine compressed down upon the breast tissue, spreading contained cancer cells everywhere (educated women now doing thermograms instead). Anyhow that's how Cancer spreads after a biopsy. Most people are walking around in life dehydrated and never know it. One needs to drink at least 8 full glasses of water a day in order to 'flush out' toxins from the body. If you drink only 1-2 cups of water a day is not enough ( coffee, tea and sodas don't count as they actually dehydrate the body further) as this will lead to your body no longer triggering your 'thirst' response and you will think you're not dehydrated. So yes, please continue to drink plenty of water. You spoke of having chemo sessions done ... this is what I have learned from some of the free Cancer Summits hosted by doctors and experts from around the world is that chemotherapy and radiation only kills the Cancer's 'daughter' cells, they can not and do not kill the mother cells. By recommending these toxic treatment to Cancer patients, the uneducated doctors are actually hastening the patients death. These treatments may look like they make the Cancer go into remission but in fact on the inside the mother cells would have been mutated by the immune destroying treatments and the mother cells will start to go ballistic. If the patient survived a couple of weeks/months that patients has a very high rate of dying within 5 years of the treatments. A small percentage will survive. Many know as this information has been posted by Cancer survivors and natural health doctors, that right at this moment there is a silent behind the scenes war between natural/holistic doctors who are saving Cancer patient's lives with natural immune building treatments vs the giant drug companies that are selling the chemo and radiation treatments to make sure the patient continued going downhill. Have you every heard of that saying that a dead patient is worth more to a hospital than a live one? Even heard of organ donor cards? Boy, you'll need to look that one up yourself as it's too evil to even write about. Any how, change your diet quickly, do coffee enemas daily, stop sugar consumption, sleep around 9:00 pm and do not sleep more than 9 to 10 hours a night, this is very important go out daily and absorb natural vitamin D from the sunlight at least 30 minutes without sunscreen. You know all this hype about drowning yourself in sunscreen actually promotes Cancer as you're blocking your body from receiving one of the most important vitamins to help your body's immune. More sunscreen more Cancer more bucks the medical companies and associations. That's not to say get sun burned or anything. Okay, vitamin D, daily if not possible take up to 10,000 IU of vitamin D a day is safe as per doctors. If possible, please do a 20-25 minute walk each day so that your 'moving' blood can help take toxins out of your body. If possible, have 2-3 bowel movements per day to help remove more toxins from the body. Here are more ideas: many people used the baking soda and black strapped molasses in addition to other natural treatments to rid their Cancer, many had their Cancers disappear within a year or sooner going on the Budwig diet which goes by the theory that the body lacks oxygenated cells thus the Budwig diet incorporates low fat quake cheese or cottage cheese and flax seed oil plus actual freshly grounded flaxseeds to get oxygen into cells all over the body. Cancer can't survive in a oxygen filled environment. Again this information is spread all over the net. I hope this long winded reply will help you into the right direction to improve and 'reverse' your Cancer. But since your Cancer seems more serious, please take the time to watch this video filled with doctors from around the world informing of natural ways to deal with Cancer, that entire channel is dedicated to 'The Truth About Cancer'. I believe that all doctors are educated in a way where the real and natural ways to cure cancer is hidden from them by those who want to suck money from citizens. I wish you all the best, again stay 'positive' or your Cancer cells will beat you down. Oops, I forgot if you can do some yoga, it will boost up your immunity greatly. Even sitting down in a quiet room and doing a few minutes of 'deep breathing' will help you. Good Luck, no I mean I know you will beat your Cancer to the ground. Please do not forgot to watch the video below to help you reverse your Cancer. 😊👍🏼🌈 If my reply has help you please vote me up or follow me. Thank You. 'Reverse Cancer' video just below:
Hi exoexo , I really want to thank you for the information you have provided. Its makes a whole lot of sense to me. I am going to take your advice/suggestions on a number of issues you have raised. Again, a big thank you!!
You're very welcome. You may also think about avoiding vaccines as the rich elites that control the medical associations and big drug companies are adding stuff into vaccines that stops the absorption of vitamin D into your body, in fact this enyzme added to vaccines will create Cancer. Not sure if you are into conspiracies but it is said that those in higher place are now using vaccines as a way to 'depopulate' the planet. The more vaccines children and adults get, the more Cancer in the population, the more expensive drugs, chemo and radiation they can sell that is why the are trying to forcibly having children vaccinated before they can enter school in the United States like California and some provinces in Canada. If populations around the world don't stand up and say no then my guess is their next targets are the adults. Vaccinations without choice is criminal. Anyhow, sorry for the rant. I hope you will get well soon, now take a deep, long breath ... LOL! Good day to you!
Yeah, there is a lot of debate over here in New Zealand also. Mistrust in vaccines is on the rise. As you say, take a long breath ... and hope choices are right :)
Detox, hydrate, oxygenate and alkalize. @exoexo is right on the money, please follow his advice, I can tell you from multiple experiences in my life that these methods work like a charm.
have no word to say but feel the pain and pray
Hi bhavnapatel68, THANK YOU! Kind regards, Gary
So TRUE everything you said! I couldn't agree more! I hope he will seriously take into account your advices!
Hi there, thank you for your comment. You know everyone should have a choice whether they have a medical treatment or not. I believe that my friend who died from Cancer, didn't get that choice so I am here to show people to think hard about the choices they made in regards to any medical treatment. Do not let the doctors scare you into making a choice you are not comfortable with. As in my friends case, her oncologist gave her no option, no alternative so to say. I really can't believe that after so many years that the Cancer Societies has not found a cure and yet keeps asking for donations when clearly many people have been cured using natural treatments. If you are ever faced with a big decision involving your health, remember, your body is yours and no one else's. Quite decisions make for bad outcomes. Have a nice day. 😊🌟
@exoexo I do agree with you. I did a blog about cancer where I expose the truth behind the 'cancer treatment' industry as well as how cancer should be perceive as treatable illness, it is holistic condition which need to be explore further. Thank you for sharing :)
@margot Yes, I truly wished that more people knew about the truth about Cancer and how even doctors themselves are not told the truth by their educators who by the way are funded by the big drug companies. This information is all over the net especially in forums where cancer survivors post about how they cured their own Cancer through natural treatments. Have a nice day.
Brilliant and spot on. My neighbor was diagnosed with 4th stage lung cancer 6 months ago and the minute the doctor told her the bad news she challenged him and said she did not have it and has refused to believe it. Today, she is cancer free and feeling better than she ever has felt in her life. Other things, beside many of the things already mentioned, we have used to help her heal has been Reiki, reflexology, energy healing, relaxation (a body can only heal when relaxed and not stressed), Buteyko breathing (search on mercola.com), plus she drinks Essiac Tea. http://www.essiacinfo.org/. And from reading your response to the posts below , I am delighted that you are open to advise. Open your heart! You are healed. Sending you healing love and light, garywilson.
Hi mazi, awesome to hear from you. Thanks for the information and links you have provided. When people encourage people, good things happen. Your comments have certainly encouraged me, kind regards, Gary
Here's another link http://www.lifeextension.com/
I am so sorry to hear your diagnoses. However like @exoexo said it is all about you what you are going to decide to do. I did post blog about cancer because I was frustrated that people are not told the truth about cancer. I saw as a nurse so many things in life. Great and bad, I saw that is a missing link for sure in terms of cancer treatment, I found that it is purely not ethical at least to not giving patients the choices, in terms of treatment. It is important to know what the cancer is, how cancers are created, and deal with the cancer from the roots, removing the cause for pathological mutation. I am looking forward to see your next posts. I do keep finger cross and believe that You can cure your body, sending you courage and love, and wishing you full recovery from the cancer. I BELIEVE YOU CAN DO IT.
Hi margot, thanks so much for your reply to my post. As you say, being a nurse you will have seen so much ... many things I could never expect to see, and obviously a lot of the untold. I really would appreciate it if you followed my posts, and where you see your experience being able to support me in one way or another, please comment. I would certainly value any advice you may have to offer. Kind regards, Gary
Of course I am going to follow you :)
I am a believer that you are going to be well, you need to create positive energy within. Did you look at some videos on the blog about the cancer? Please let me know. I am sending you more love. Please start to see yourself as cancer free person. As so correctly mentioned by one of the doctors, cancer is just tip of the ice berg, it is sign that something is not right. I did abuse my body to the complete devastation with working too much, now I do pray the price for it. However I do believe in cure and healing my body is a process, which I will reach...LOVING THE PROCESS IN THE MEANTIME :)
A movie called Food Matters is a great place to learn more too.
Also David Wolfe, Joseph Mercola and Phillip Day
Good luck Gary
Thanks Adrian, I will hunt down a copy of the movie "Food Matters" and take a look. Appreciate your reply to my post, kind regards, Gary
You should feel ashamed of yourself for spreading this nonsense toward people in need. People who are actually sick. Diets? Yoga? To cure cancer? Are you out of your mind man?
You could do yourself a big favor and open your mind.
Open my mind? Are you daft? This isn't the stone age anymore. Take up a book and read about human anatomy a bit before you threaten me with a dangerous procedure.
Dangerous procedures are chemotherapy and radiation which the latter after a small dose to my mother just about did her in. We found positive results from exactly what you are claiming as mindless dribble.
This video of a chemist who explains through actual images of how our bodies combat cancer cells.
T. Colin Campbell will argue with you as well http://nutritionstudies.org/
@spookypooky One can not blame those 'who don't know, don't know that they don't know ... sad but true.
A wall of text with no evidence, only claims and ramblings.
Poisonous vaccines? depopulate the world? What fucking drugs are you on.
Prove what you're preaching to us with actual research or sources that support you on a meso or macro scale (your sick cat doesn't count as a proof).
If you can't, then you're a quack and a horrible person, for giving these people your ramblings as "hope".
@spookypooky If the video above of doctors giving testimonial about Cancer cures other than Chemo & radiation is not proof enough, I don't know what is? For those interested, the proof regarding the true dangers of vaccines are in this link below, also recorded by doctors.
LINK ⏩ http://vaccineworldsummit.com/summit-experts/
For those who want to 'read' about the truth about vaccines, here is the LINK to an expert's website ⏩ http://www.naturalhealth365.com/category/vaccine-dangers/
People, the 'choice' is 'yours', don't every let anyone even the media bully you into getting a medical procedure that you know is dangerous or unsafety for you or your child.
Ha, easy out with the "quackery" card. You must be an FDA shill. I hope you and your loved ones never have to undertake traditional FDA approved cancer therapy because you may then find out that your hard core beliefs a incorrect and biased.
With you, not even looking at the links that I have provided and calling me a quack, I know where your loyalties lay.@spookypooky If you don't already know, the word 'quack' was made up by the medical associations to discredit doctors and people who try to treat patients with natural immune assisting modalities instead of toxic synthetic health damaging chemical drugs.
It's all about choice. If you knew a safer, more natural way of reversing your own Cancer but still chose the deadly immune suppressing treatments your doctor provides then it's up to you. When government no longer allows choice, you will know for a fact that it has already been bought out by the big drug companies and central banks. Will your government have your best interest at heart or their pocketbooks???
You my friend are the product of centralized disinformation and propaganda.
You have zero evidence to base any of your claims on. Quacks echoing the same sentiment does not make it a truth. Science and medicine don't work that way. You don't have to convince me of anything, I'm plenty savvy with doing research. I merely call you out for doing this heartless snakeoil selling to a sick person. It's messed up.
I'm amused you'd use an example like 'doctor' Oz. That man should be stripped of his titles for the horseshit he tries to sell on his reality tv show.
Yes! YOU'll see more of this guy when I post a blog post about it and link to it in the comments.
Do your own research is my advice. There are many cures I have come across and cannabis oil seems to be very popular.
Perhaps guides on keeping your biology more alkaline, as cancers thrive in acidic environments?
You most certainly can beat it.
acarya π
Hi acarya, thanks for commenting on my post. We have just ordered online from "The Alkaline Base Camp", Ross Bridgeford, information on using an alkaline diet and provides various meal plans. I am going to start living an alkaline diet as it certainly appears to be a major step towards fighting this cancer. I have heard a lot of good information regarding cannabis oil and need to find out more about supply options. Cannabis Oil is still illegal here in New Zealand but there is a lot of pressure on Government for a law change as a large number of people here are using it (even though illegal there hasn't been much interest in prosecutions) and expressing positive results. So thanks for sharing with me, and I will be looking closely at the supply factors. Really appreciate you taking the time to comment. A big thanks!
This man had stage 4 Prostate cancer that spread to the bones. He is still alive several years later. The cure? Believe or not, was Baking Soda.
HolyGucamoly! You can do it! Change your live 180degrees! All I can tell you is to mmmmm oohmmMeditate, do soulsearching, relax and enjoy every single inhale and exhale you do. Doctors estimates are often dogmatic. Each person is different. There is an intetesting alternative healing methold called "new germanic medicine". I find that interesting, because it sees cancer not as a sickness, but as already a healing stage from a trauma that happend before the cancer manifests. But I don't want to add yet another advice. I can imagin you have lots of people bombarding you with lovly advises how to overcome such a difficult situation. Again. All the best and that you heal well.
Hi alechahn, I do need to consider every option, if I fail to do this the right options for me may fall through. I will follow up and find more about "new germanic medicine"n Thanks so much for responding to my post. Appreciated!
I m having a hard time finding a good english source. This it what I found so far. http://www.germannewmedicine.ca/i_i.html
Gary - there is excellent information at https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/
The team behind this site have interviewed dozens of experts worldwide about the topic.
Explore some of the videos at their YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/thetruthaboutcancer/videos
to find out if this material resonates with you. All the best!
Hi Steemuwe, thanks for sharing the link with me. I have heard about this on a number of occasions now, but yet to take a close look at it. I'm going to follow the link and check it out. Thanks for for comment, appreciated!
Hello @garywilson Do you hear about Phoenix Tears (hemp oil) ? My good friend Rick Simpson its founder of the oil. Here i share link for his old video about Phoenix tears.I hope you ill find there useful information. Feel free to contact me for more information, i have 7 years experience with this medicine. Have a nice day.
Hi @viktor.phuket. A number of people have mentioned Rick Simpson and I am going to check him out. Will take a look at the video ... Thanks a lot for taking the time to contact me, appreciated! Regards, Gary
Would you be open to alternative option? Talking about Rick Simpson Hemp Oil (RSHO). It was proven time and time again to kill cancer within 60days
Also taking Vitamin-C , it's by far the best immune system strenghtener. The discoverer of vitamin c, had also got cancer ,and made a full recovery fast by taking a daily dose. Now I am not a doctor, but mr. Wilson should really consult with his doctor about vitamin C pills, because it might save his life.
Don't suggest a vitamin supplement might cure cancer, to a person with cancer. You're not a doctor and you clearly have no common sense if you think this is appropriate.
That is why I said he should consult with his doctor about it. Re-read my post.
Vitamin-C is very underestimated and can do wonders, so it should be a consideration. Cancer should be fought both on the defensive and offensive side. Boosting your immune system is very imperative in my opinion.
@coindup do you know where to get some? I do not.
If you do know where to get some, I will combine steem dollars with anyone here (I think I've got about $35 at the moment) to buy some for this man-- weather he initally wants it or not. I'd like for him to have it on hand. His life and his choice of course, but we can make a difference by putting a potentially lifesaving tool within reach.
@garywilson we're going to send you "RSHO". Not exactly sure how yet, but I'm sure that we'll figure it out.
Oh, and one more thing....
@garywilson gets my personal "Balls of Steel" award of the YEAR for this post.
I am making it tonight. So if you want we can figure out how to get it to @garywilson. My friends' wife is using it to keep her pancreatic cancer from growing and the cancer that spread to her liver is shrinking. She goes to Sloan Kettering for tests. Since we can't tell doctors that she is using RSHO (they will kick her off insurance)
A pleasure to meet you @garywilson. If there is a community poised to help by any means possible, you've certainly discovered it. Every obstacle as a challenge, every challenge as an opportunity. A survivor chat group on SteemChat is due in addition, I think you should create a tag reflecting the positivity you're exhibiting. Heart and hands to you. Tell us more about your life mon frere.
Hi jos.denmark thanks for you comments, appreciated. I'm just finding my way into Steemit and your idea of a chat room sounds great. Will look into this. In every bad situation you must find a positive ... so the positive here is I can share all I learn in the hope it will be of real value to other sufferers , their family and friends. Looking forward to sharing with you and hearing from you, kind regards, Gary
I have the same symptoms as you. I wish you the best
Hi somedude, I feel for you. I am going to work like never before to overcome my cancer. I will look sensibly at every option available, and trial everything I think may assist me back to good health. Keep an eye on my posts, something may come up which you feel may assist you. Remain positive my friend, and feel free to contact me should you feel I can assist you in any way.
Thanks, Stay strong
Hi somedude, thanks and sending back my best wishes to you. Feel free to let me know how you are going. Kind regards, Gary
Thank you for sharing this... it could happen to any one of us too.
Putting your words into steemit is worthwhile.
It's like a permanent time capsule. Share away. I'm following you now.
Hi intelliguy, thanks a lot for your comment, appreciated. There is so many cancer sufferers around the world, the more people understand about cancer, the more able we are to help, and support one another. As you mentioned above, I never thought this would happen to me in my wildest dreams .... but it has!
Welcome to the wild west! I would think carefully about how much of my time I want to spend here if I were you!!!
My dad passed away from cancer almost 10 years ago; doctors gave him a 6 month "death sentence" which he fought off for 5 years.
Steve Jobs thought he could "new age" his cancer away. Didn't work.
I have recently, however, come across http://nutritionfacts.org/, and its proprietor "Dr. Greger" shares a similar story about how his mom got cancer, and that is why he started the site. He basically says: Don't eat meat.
I think what killed my dad was vitamins, after several rounds of chemo he was clean. He eventually took vitamin supplements, and the cancer relapsed with a vengeance.
thx for you your kindness, I will follow your article, I'm campaigning about cancer in my place.
So many people here seem to have the cure for cancer!
Quite remarkable !
Strange how the disease even still exists ?
Hi Gary
sorry to hear your bad news.
I posted yesterday about alternative natural cures for cancer.
Please check out my post and get in touch with me.
One of the videos I have chronicles the story of a guy whom has
beaten stage 4 lung cancer.
Hope to speak with you soon.
Hi Darrell, thanks for the link. I will take a look at the video and come back to you. I'll get back to you as soon as I have viewed it. Again Darrell, thanks for your kind words and link. Kind regards, Gary
If you would like the whole collection of alternative cures for cancer Gary, just email me:- [email protected]
Then I will give you access to download all videos to your hard drive.
Bless you Gary.Hi Gary, I posted the video yesterday:- https://steemit.com/alternativecancercures/@djdmc/kevin-irish-beats-stage-4-lung-cancer-dedicated-to-garywilson
This might come off as very direct and maybe rude to people who are still asleep. Chemotherapy is the biggest businessplan and medical lie in new times.
As you already seem to know there are so many alternatives. You dont want to kill your immune system, but boost it naturally. Fasting and dry fasting is the top of the mountain in natural healing. CBD oil with THC and Rick Simpson oil + fasting is one of the strongest cocktails for true health out there. It will create an alkaline environment and there will be no place for the cancer to or any other disease to thrive.
When animals are sick they dont eat or drink anything until they are well. We have the exact same possibilities, but our physical, emotional and social attachments to food, scares of from going just a few hours without food.
There are many ways to start the healing - but I can recommend this website: http://masterfast.yolasite.com
hi merka8a, Thanks for the website address ... will certainly be taking the time to view it. You will probably have noted from my post that health options, diet etc will be the major target to get right to fight the cancer. Rick Simpson names has appeared a number of times now on comments so I intend to look at this closely. Hey, thanks so much for the info and link. Kind regards, Gary
Fight for your life Gary! I am wishing you better health and sending positive energy your way.
Thanks very much .... I am learning quickly there are a lot of very nice, genuine people on Steemit. Appreciate you response to my post.
Thank you so much. I will fight the battle. Thanks for taking the time to respond. Appreciated! Kind regards, Gary
Gary, tremendous solutions posed by the community thus far. I read an article concerning an experimental non-toxic, non-immunogenic treatment which a chemical known as Naphthalocyanine.
Naphthalocyanine is light reactive. Exposure to near-infrared light causes the chemical to grow. Longer exposure to near-infrared light produces a reactive oxygen species which, in this case, causes cell death. When introduced to the body disguised by nano-particles (dendrimers), Naphthalocyanine adheres only to solid state vascularized (malignant) tumors. The treatment is expected to be used in tandem with surgical removal of tumors, but you mentioned that the tumor is inoperable. Naphthalocyanine has yet to be approved as a treatment option in the United States and I'm unfamiliar with treatment options in New Zealand, but the Naphthalocyanine treatment option is worth a conversation with your oncologist. Good will. When life grabs you by the balls, grab it back.
Thanks for the information. I am definitely going to follow this up with my oncologist when I meet with him next. Without checking my diary I think my next scheduled appointment is with him in about 10 days. I'll let you know how I get on with him. Regards Gary
Hello Gary,
If you don't mind can I share your story on my Facebook, tweeter and the other links? I want to share it...your article can change one's life and there pray's can lift you up and overcome with your suffering. You are in my prayer's now on daily.
Choose to live @garywilson. I know you already have!
I'm sure your story will help people down the line, so thank you for that in advance. Nearly all of my family died from Cancer.
It's really sad when health escapes us.. Another reminder that life is not a dress rehearsal.
It was a bit of a surprise to see this on Steemit, but naturally I guess all of life will come to a social platform.
Steem on Garry !
Wishing you nothibg but the best m'friend.
My only advice is Jason Winters Tea. Look it up. Drink lots of it...the one with chaparral. Look up Sir Jason Winters story. An amazing life and a how he survived cancer.
Also, I undertand that in New Zealand you can get the most powerful selenium in the world. Get yourself some of that.
Look forward to hearing how you are getting on in coming weeks.
Wishing you a speedy recovery.
All the very best
Hi Gary, thank you for sharing your very touching and sensitive story. As some others here have already pointed out, I would highly recommend watching The Truth About Cancer documentary series by the TTAC Team and the host Ty Bollinger.
Myself and my wife have watched the first 6 episodes and were totally blown away by the information they provided.
My mother was diagnosed with cancer of the lymphatic system a few years ago and she underwent chemo and radiation. Fortunately the tumor reduced in size enough for her to be in "remission".
Her situation was what led me to the truth about cancer and the invaluable information I now know. One thing I am now aware of is that Chemo and Radiation therapy only kill the tumor daughter cells and not the stem cell which is where the mutation starts. I think of it like killing the worker termites and not killing the queen.
This means that my mother will most likely develop cancer again in the future. I have tried showing both of my parents the documentary series, however they will not watch it.
Both of my parents are now retired doctors, my mother was a GP and my father a Radiologist. They are stubborn and have the attitude that they know best about anything medical and discredit anything in the avenue of natural healing.
They believe that if treating cancer were that easy (as the documentary series describes more than 25 different ways to clear the cancer cells), then it would be all over the news and cancer would be a thing of the past. It's frustrating and makes us very angry that the medical institutions, big pharma and regulators have total control over the industry and people's lives are lost because of their monetary greed.
I would encourage you to visit the TTAC website as they also provide contact details for the medical experts in the series.
All the best.
Hi again mike, yes a number of people have suggested I take a look at the video, and I am going to. The doctor treating my cancer at Tauranga Hospital has been up front and honest with me. He has basically told me exactly what you have. That the chemo may stunt and shrink the tumours but it will not kill them completely. Hence, even with chemo they are certainly going to reappear. All the chemo is doing is buying me time. SOOO ... its going to have to be natural healing and my attitude which will provide any chance of long-term remission or healing. I agree with all you say ... I guess my doctor has also reinforced what you have said. Thanks so much for taking the time to make contact me, I really appreciate it !! Kind regards, Gary
You're more than welcome, I'm glad I could provide some helpful information.
I forgot to add this: Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy kills people 97% of the time
Try a raw food diet, with a lot of green leaf veggies...
Hi alexoz, thanks for the the web link. Will look at the video over the weekend and let you know my thoughts. Thanks for taking the time and respond to my initial post. Appreciated! Kind regards, Gary
I truly admire your attitude. I can feel the tiger inside you is ready to destroy this beast! Keep pushing and stay strong. You're not alone in this fight!
Gary, you are very brave and I wish you all the best. Thank you for sharing. A post I wrote seems to be appropriate for reflection. I dedicate to you: https://steemit.com/love/@freeinthought/thinking-of-you-loved-one-with-illness
Hello Gary - it is very courageous and important that you have made this decision to share your personal story and path with the world. I will be following you and do my part that others are exposed to this as well.
Be strong and have faith that your mind is very powerful !
Cancer is as curable as a flu. It just takes a shit load of money to get that done and with the right people by your side you can cure it just by not trying to think about it. I know its hard, but remember you have lived your life to its fullest. And this is not the end.
In the meantime , smoke some cannabis it will slow it down :)
:) :) :) You may just be right on .... Can't say I'm disregarding you last suggestion. Appreciated! Kind regards, Gary
This is a very sad post, I wish you great strenght to fight the illness and hopefully the community can do something to help you or to keep your morale up!
Hi freddy008, thanks for your reply ... appreciated! There is some awesome information being sent my way from within the steemit community. The well-wishes from everyone just like yourself, believe me, helps me tremendously. I appreciate you. There is two sides to the coin with my situation though. With every bad situation there must be a way to turning the negativity of the situation into something good. Not many people seem to talk openly when it comes to the raw emotions, the uncertainties, the pain and suffering a person with cancer will be experiencing. Family and close friends often don't understand the depth of despair their loved one is going through, so often don't respond in the most helpful and supportive ways. Facing the worst possible situation myself will enable me to share, in absolute truth, my story as I am forced to face these difficulties, emotions, fear of the unknown, and inner pain all cancer patient will suffer. As I progressively share how I feel, how I respond to the challenges, how I deal with the sadness of my emotions, and what measures I take to remain strong, to never give in and fight for my life no matter what! As I share these truths they may go a long way to helping all sufferers, family and friends better understand cancer and its progression. How they can better support one another through better understanding, and maybe help themselves into better health and quality of life as I share various successes I have through medical intervention, healthier diet aimed at building my immune system, and health products designed to assist people in my situation. So you see, through one persons cancer many others may be helped enormously as they deal with and fight their own situations, and build truly supportive family, friend relationships. Again, thank you for taking the time to respond to my post, and the well-wishes you have sent my way. Kind regards, Gary
Well I wish you great strenght and stay strong, don't give up the fight, the steemit community will be very supportive as much as we can!
Hello my name is Thomas Karol , my husband was suffering from liver cancer, and the doctor's told me that there is nothing they could do to save my beloved husband life. Then a friend told me about hemp oil , i told her that my husband liver cancer was in the last stage that i don’t think the hemp oil will be able to help, and she persuaded me to try, for the love of my husband, i decided to give it a try. I did some research and i found a doctor who helped me with the cannabis oil to cure my husband liver cancer and he assured me that after 3 months the liver cancer will be gone, and For the past one year my husband is perfectly okay and he is free from cancer, if you know any one who is suffering from cancer you can save his/her life by contacting Dr. Brown Nelson via his email : ([email protected]) it worked exactly as the doctor prescribed. Thanks to Dr. Brown Nelson for taking away sorrow in my life. God will bless Dr. Brown Nelson for helping me with cannabis oil and for his support and care, i will keep on help you to fight cancer in the World, all i have to say is THANK YOU LORD.
Fight it. Reject chemo (only makes it worst) and go for alternative cures. Got a religion? Faith does wonders .
On thing i know is we all die, be sure to make the most of your life while you can. And i'm not sure that steemit is the best of those things.
Hello my name is Thomas Karol , my husband was suffering from liver cancer, and the doctor's told me that there is nothing they could do to save my beloved husband life. Then a friend told me about hemp oil , i told her that my husband liver cancer was in the last stage that i don’t think the hemp oil will be able to help, and she persuaded me to try, for the love of my husband, i decided to give it a try. I did some research and i found a doctor who helped me with the cannabis oil to cure my husband liver cancer and he assured me that after 3 months the liver cancer will be gone, and For the past one year my husband is perfectly okay and he is free from cancer, if you know any one who is suffering from cancer you can save his/her life by contacting Dr. Brown Nelson via his email : ([email protected]) it worked exactly as the doctor prescribed. Thanks to Dr. Brown Nelson for taking away sorrow in my life. God will bless Dr. Brown Nelson for helping me with cannabis oil and for his support and care, i will keep on help you to fight cancer in the World, all i have to say is THANK YOU LORD.
Happy to have you here! Being a cancer survivor, bits of your story really resonated with me. I still remember being told I had cancer by my doctor. The way he looked down at his papers and then back up at me. October makes 8 years being cancer free. I've changed lots of my habits like eating clean, doing yoga, and meditating. whatever the outcome, those things will improve your quality of life. I will be sending you lots of healing! Stay strong, but it's also okay to be/feel weak sometimes. Learn to listen to your body and rest when needed. Looking forward to your posts.
Hi Johannie, awesome to hear you have fought the battle and won! I want my outcome to ultimately emulate yours :) I believe it will. Thanks for the advice, taken aboard. Kind regards, Gary
a friend of my dad lived seven years with cancer just taking this fruit
Sharing this must not be easy for you but much appreciated. I sincerely hope you remain strong and have faith. Believe that you will :)
hi comealong, I am hoping as I release more posts and continue to share my experiences there will be information that will be helpful to other sufferers, their family and friends ... then its all worth the cost! I do have faith and believe I will my battle will be won. Appreciate you making contact. Kind regards, Gary
You have hit the nail on the head by focusing on the need to be positive. I am a cancer survivor (lymphoma, 99), so I can tell you that a positive attitude helped save me.
I did surgery (was the easiest part), chemo, and radiation, yet it was a technique I read about on the web that really kept me positive.
This technique is called visualization, and you do it in conjunction with your other treatment. You basically fantasize about the cancer cells being destroyed in a way that makes sense to you. For example, I had been in the USMC as a young man, so I visualized ambushes of the cancer cells by my white blood cells to the point where I designated which white blood cell was the machine gun position, which ones were the pickets, etcetc. I had my white blood cells bayonet the cancer cells, throw grenades at them, and any other method of violently destructive imagery I could think of.
It helped me stay positive by making me feel I was helping in the treatment, but many people feel that this internal imagery primes your mind to train your body to fight the cancer on it's own as well. I can't dispute them, for I had the impression that it worked that way for me.
You need to make the visualization process something that is intensely personal to you, and that resonates with your vision of self.
You have some pain ahead of you, but you are going to have so much pride in yourself after you get well. Kicking death's ass is going to be one of your greatest achievements!
Get well and stay positive!
Hi stevescoins ... you make some interesting points and are going to put some though behind what you say. It certainly sounds that it would have you feel you have more control over the situation, and control provides achievement. Some of the strangest things in life for some reason produce the greatest results. Thanks for your input, appreciated! Kind regards, Gary
Hi Gary there many natural cures for cancer. You can get free access to my book that includes the details on what is called the "One Minute Cure" for virtually all diseases at:
Also check out the video expose'at:
Hi paladinmovies, thanks for replying to my post. I'll take a look at the link you have provided. Appreciated, Gary
Fresh lemon juice and curcuma can help your immune system. Also I recommand that you only eat raw fruit and vegetable for a while, this will boost your immune system. Cancer is not really a disease it's an immune system deficiency. Don't do chemo or radiotherapy, these will kill your whole immune system. You need to look for oxygene therapy.
Watch this video
hi snowflake, thanks for the information and link. I will follow through and take a look. I believe the cancer has developed through a deficiency in my immune system ... my diet is certainly in for some serious changes! Appreciate your message! Kind regards, Gary
Cancer does not have to be a death sentence. Chemo is tough but you've got a strong spirit. I'll be following your story and sending up prayers and positive thoughts. Welcome to Steemit! I'm so glad you're here :) <3
Hi merej99, and I'm so glad your'e here :) Thanks for your encouragement. It is very much appreciated. Kind regards, Gary
Look forward to your future posts. Good luck
Thank you for sharing you story, Gary! You're the first person I'm following here on Steemit. I think you are strong and courageous for sharing your story. Cancer is no joke and I'm so sorry you are dealing with it. Someone very near to me is currently losing the battle to cancer, so I can see how it effects people. I wish you happiness, health, and peace, and will be hoping to hear good news from yoU!
PS: I'm definitely pro natural-medicine, and can see a lot of people here have offered you great ideas. I hope one of them works out! You have such a positive attitude and I think that will go a long way in fighting it!
This is the way to do this. I have been in ill health myself for quite a while now. You jus have to take it, try everything you can and move on.
This is how life is sometimes.
I look forward to reading your ongoing story to beat this disease. God Bless!
@garywilson I want you to look as well at he work of great therapist Marisa Peer, as She helped me tremendously in healing my eating disorder which was an issue for so long. I do believe that psychology is playing such a crucial role in our health, I want you to be healed from this cancer. I am sending you blessings and lots of love and positive energy to you. We are here to support you in any choices you make. You are not alone.
hi margot, thank you. I appreciate your contact. Kind regards, Gary
Stay strong, Gary. All my life I've been trying to get on the track to help find a cure for cancer, and I sincerely hope that a cure would be perfected in your lifetime. It's a terrible disease that afflicts the best of us, so just hold your head up high and keep the faith.
Welcome to steemit Gary, I'm sorry its not a nicer reason for coming.
My family has been down this road a few times...
Once with my uncle and again with my father.
Nothing prepares you for this horrible news and as hard as it may seem being positive and looking forward is the best way to deal with it.
We are in the best position ever to battle this horrible disease now so keep up hope! There has been a lot and is currently a lot more tests being done on cannabis as a way of treating certain types of cancer. I don't know if this is an option for you but i hope it could be.
want that you a faith in a miracle! Faith -the strong tool