Glad you liked it @theaustrianguy :) Currently I have just livestreamed to Twitch and Mixer with (and man do I wish that restream would add DLive down the line). But I have actually planned to do some Livestreams on DLive as well :) So they will come. I have a streaming schedule going on at my homepage, I update it on a week to week basis. So check in there from time to time....I will be sure to add in the schedule on which channels I will be streaming to ;)
The drawing of Scrooge was a freehand copy of a picture I found on google. So I guess a good eye and a steady hand is important for that kind of drawing. I am using known characters to warm up my drawing skills again, because that is how I started to draw when I was a kid......I drew all my favourite characters. On my old bedroom at my dads place there is still a fullsize Beetle Bailey on the back of my door (he was a bit unhappy when he noticed that I had used my door as paper, but he forgave me for it and to my knowledge it is still there) :)
I do make my own characters as well, so I will be making more of my own work going forward :)
I will consider making a tutorial on how to draw, but will have to plan that out a bit I guess hehe :)