Who am I? (Introduction to Gestirix)

Hello fellow Steemians. It is about time I introduce myself :)

I still find it exiting and interesting, compared to for example Instagram, Steepshot has made me 0.002 SBD more than the same photo on for example Instagram. Off course I am not doing this for the money, but it is fun to see some revenue from posts you put out on the Interwebs.I am pretty new to this platform. I heard about Steemit and DTube through YouTube from a fellow Norwegian (https://steemit.com/@michaelhebo). And I thought it sounded very interesting, so I applied for my own profile and channel. I joined in February and have gottenmy first tiny rewards, but even if it is just 0.002 SBD

Me and my wife in Trondheim.

So, about me :)

I was born in 1985 in Bergen, Norway. And have lived here ever since. I have been happily married to my wife since 2010, and we have been together since 2007. We live with a dog (Eurasian), her name is Kera and she is 7 years old.

The two most important creatures in my life.

I have been working as a security guard since 2006. I really like my job. It provides me with a lot of fresh air and exercise. Along the way I have had some sidejobs next to my security guard job; I have been a taxi driver, support person and photographer.

I consider myself a creative person. I really like to draw, allthough I have long periods where I do not touch a pencil at all. And I am also into gaming and now streaming, and that is one way for me to combine these activities. So I recently started doing drawing streams, which I really like. Especially when I can speed the VOD files up and post that to my DTube.

Travel and exploring new places is something I also really like. Both me and my wife like to travel, so maybe I should make some travel blogs or vlogs on the Steemit platform ;)

Two photos from the first holiday me and my wife had together in 2007. Crete, Greece.

That was a short little intro to myself (or maybe it was a bit long). But I do hope you will return another time :)

If you want to connect with me on other platforms, here are some links:






(I have not started streaming to this platform just yet, but some of my livestreams will appear here) https://dlive.io/@gestirix







Welcome! You have exactly the right attitude man - The people coming here because they think they will be rich in no time all would be disappointed by a few cents or dollars. If you see every cent as a bonus and improvement tp instagram, you will be way happier. And most likely the few cents will turn into a few dollars sooner or later if you stick around! Resteeming your for some extra publicity! Greets!

Thanks. Yeah it is a really interesting place to be. Exiting times :) And fun.

I'm sorry I was hacked! I have deleted the spam and working on clean up! xo

Yeah noticed that there was something odd going on :) Glad you got it sorted out, never fun being hacked @killbride :)

I'm sorry I was hacked! I have deleted the spam and working on clean up! xo

best of luck.
support me @midraruddin

Thanks man, gave you a follow :)

Welcome! 😀

I discovered a pretty significant flaw with DTube. They host your videos for a limited time only, then they take a cut of the rewards for further hosting. If you don't get a lot of rewards your videos will be stuck loading after a couple of weeks.

Seems like nobody is aware of this so just letting you know. You can host your videos yourself, if you can figure out how to set up an ipfs node, I can't 😋

Not that I tried too hard. I'll just upload to LBRY instead 😎

Thanks for the heads up and tip! Will look into LBRY :)

Welcome to Steemit! Your doggo is cute.

Thanks :)

Love it. So so beuatyfull

Thanks :D

Hi @gestirix!

I absolutely fell in love with Norway last year (https://steemit.com/travelfeed/@rebeccaontheroof/my-first-rooftop-tent-trip-to-norway-meine-erste-dachzelt-reise-nach-norwegen).. I hope you will show us a lot of beautiful places...

Have fun on Steemit! =)

Hey @rebeccaontheroof :) And thanks. Yeah I will continue posting photos for sure :) For easter I am going to Grimstad, south-east of Norway. So hopefully I will get some nice photos from that trip :)

I'm pretty sure... everywhere in this country you can makle great pics =)

Not far from the truth hehe :)

Check out Dosh - the app that pays you to book hotels, shop & eat! Link a card & get $5, plus $5 for each refferal.

Will check it out :)

Just saw you drawing from Dagobert Duck (Scrooge McDuck I think it is in English) - Man please do a livestream or video on @dlive or @dtube how you draw something like that. A tutorial would be loved :) Greets man

Glad you liked it @theaustrianguy :) Currently I have just livestreamed to Twitch and Mixer with restream.io (and man do I wish that restream would add DLive down the line). But I have actually planned to do some Livestreams on DLive as well :) So they will come. I have a streaming schedule going on at my homepage www.gestirix.com, I update it on a week to week basis. So check in there from time to time....I will be sure to add in the schedule on which channels I will be streaming to ;)

The drawing of Scrooge was a freehand copy of a picture I found on google. So I guess a good eye and a steady hand is important for that kind of drawing. I am using known characters to warm up my drawing skills again, because that is how I started to draw when I was a kid......I drew all my favourite characters. On my old bedroom at my dads place there is still a fullsize Beetle Bailey on the back of my door (he was a bit unhappy when he noticed that I had used my door as paper, but he forgave me for it and to my knowledge it is still there) :)
I do make my own characters as well, so I will be making more of my own work going forward :)

I will consider making a tutorial on how to draw, but will have to plan that out a bit I guess hehe :)

Welcome to Steemit @gestirix! I hope you enjoy the platform.

Thanks :) I already do ;)

Right back at you :) Thanks :)