This is ME

Hi, Nice to see you reading this :D

My name is Xandra, i'm a 23 years old student, who have a lot to sharing.
I'm a psychology student, who recently got away on her own, and let me tell you, in the last couple of months I collect some observation about life and also so tips on life, silly daily life jokes and a lot of ramble, and if I start I can vent for hours, or pages. This is me:

I am in love with movies and TV series, and I wish I can post my opinion on my favorites tv series out here, and in the last countdown, in my top "should see this sometimes down the road" I got 140 tv series, who I started watching them since 2007-2008. I started young.

Also, I like to take photographs of the things around me, as I always say, a pictures can catch the silent beauty for life. This is my last picture I took, on Christmas day in a park, and i think is somehow poetic how the trees leaning forward to the water, but never touching it, and i imagine water as represented life. What do you think?

Oh, how can i forget that, I have a cat, her name is FireFly and she is my little model, let me show you:

She is with me since 2012, and I got her like a model CATalog to show.

Also I like to write, some meaningful (at least I think is meaningful) words and just bury the file somewhere in my computer. As an example I will tell you my thoughts I had on New Years Night.
"The moon shines brighter and more beautiful than ever, with her full shape, right above me, and then i knew, right before the navy sky got light in fire, that with every firestar who cover the infinite blue, the 2018 will be the year I will got my inner self to shine, and cover the old me. How? I don't know yet."

I am obsessed with decorating and urban exploration (and urbex), I find beauty in building and in history. But I'm not an architect, so I just build things in Sims 4 and decorate. Let my share with you a link to my page:

I got so many things to tell and so little time, but I will try to post them all in time, and I hope you will stay here with me along the way.

Welcome to my own world,


Hello Xandra!, welcome to steemit.

Ancient Egyptian family members shaved their eyebrows in mourning when the family cat died.

That's sound intresting, tell me more please :)

On average, cats spend 2/3 of every day sleeping. That means a nine-year-old cat has been awake for only three years of its life.

Seems pretty accurate, you just described my cat hahaha

In contrast to dogs, cats have not undergone major changes during their domestication process.

Hi Xandra!
Your cat is freaking adorable! I miss having a cat around, they are so sweet. You will really like it here! Steemit is an awesome community! Write lots of great blog posts and make sure to comment on other blogs, and the little number by your name will go up before you know it! Most of all have fun! Good luck!

Thank you for your response :D
I must learn more about the site, but the idea of sharing photographs with the world attracted me first.
If you want to hear stories or just see pictures with my cat, stay around.
Have the best day :)

I plan to! The photos alone are worth the follow!