Hi from hidave! (Formally steemydave)

in #introduceyourself5 years ago


Hello Hive!!!

Jumping into the Hive community as I switch over from Steem, where I was formally known as @steemydave. I figured I'd change my name in the spirit of this awesome new community and dropped the "steem" part. Henceforth, I shall be known as the simple, friendly and approachable @hidave.

For folks that haven't met me before I enjoy writing articles on Astronomy, my adventures traveling the South Pacific and a few humble attempts at SciFi writing. I grew up in Los Angeles but spend most my time with my fiance and son in a small rural outback town in Queensland, Australia. When im not in Australia i spend my time helping my parents in rural South Carolina. Previously I was a part of the @teamaustralia community and look forwards to being a part of that community here at Hive. Speaking of which, here are some fun facts about me for teamaustralia. When I first arrived in Australia an orbweaver spider to the face caused me to leap backwards five feet where I landed hard on my butt, much to my fiance's laughter. Also, I've seen on more than one occasions UFOs.

Interestingly, I'm a professional landscaper specializing in tropical gardens but strangely I haven't written much about that topic here before. Well, with the launch of Hive I plan on doing much more of just that and participating more in the gardening community here.

Speaking of here. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for my awesome and amazingly talented fiance @kaelci. She is my inspiration and the one that encouraged me to start posting. I have many thanks to give to her and am forever immensely proud of her.
@hidave @kaelci and our little boy

In the next few weeks I'll be continuing with my Astronomy articles and posts in which I'll be contributing to the Astronomy community here at Hive. The community is founded by Astrophysicists, astronomers and astrophotographers and is the place to be if you have any interest or curiosity in all things space.


I already have a few that I'm doing the finishing touches on. Below are a few links to my prior posts on that subject under my old name steemydave. A bit of a warning all of my posts tend to be chock full of pictures. Big colourful pictures!


Recently I started up a little series on a recent adventure in the South Pacific nation of Vanuatu. Its a colourful collection of beaches, flowers and local life. But I especially focus on the sea life and various snorkeling expeditions I take.

Recently I've tried my hand at SciFi writing. Mainly to better understand the efforts my fiance @kaelci goes through to create her fiction which is so much better than mine. I have deep respect for all the creative writers out there on Hive and plan to start following many of you. One thing I've discovered is writing is not easy.

Anyways, I started a SciFi series called Starswift as a testbed to get some of my ideas down in a story form. I plan on rewriting the series in the future now that I've gotten a better idea of where I want to go with it and the stories characters. Although I have eight chapters or so, here's a link to the first one that started off the series.


I have a few other projects I'm currently working on for future series of posts. One is chronicaling the development of a vegetable garden I'm putting together for my neighborhood. Since many of us are stuck at home with the current situation I figured why not create a community garden for the families on my street. I've just started with the prep work for the planting beds but will be posting updates as I go along in the future weeks.

And last before I finish off this long introductory post, I plan on supporting the creative worldbuilding community here on Hive.


@worldbuilder has put together a fantastic community of creative members who encourage each other to showcase our imaginations and the imaginary worlds we design. At the worldbuilding community you can upload anything from maps of fantasy ruins, temples and mythical kingdoms to even deck plans for your next starship.

Finally, I'd like to take the time to thank everyone who got Hive up and running. You guys did it so fast, and smoothly. Hive looks fantastic. I think Peakd.com deserves a huge shout out also for taking the initiative to get such a fabulous front end up and running for Hive. Peakd runs so flawlessly on my tablet. Thank you guys!

Wishing everybody here in the Hive community success and long live Hive!


Hidave (formally steemydave)

All photos by hidave except the following;
NASA/ESA/Space Telescope Sciance Institute via Wikipedia.com (cc0)

One image from pixabay.com


Welcome to the Hive. I've known your fiance via @Freewriters for a couple years now and @kaelci is one of the best, most fun and accomplished writers in the world!

I saw your name as sound like Hidalgo (Hi-DAV-oh) until you explained it's "Hi Dave." I have made worse mistakes. Like this "Titleist" logo all these guys wear. I read it as if it were German: Tit-Leist (rhymes wit tit lice). Oh man. This story ends here and now.
(Title-ist. I just couldn't see that.)

Oooh, sci-fi! Have you visited The Ink Well? I've got to get logged into PeakD/Steempeak/whatever to read this and be able to comment/upvote.

Ah, THANK YOU for the steemit link!!

Also steemydave has a hive account too when it rolled over from steem. Might be easier than having to go back and forth between the two

Yeah my scifi isn't good. So a bit of a warning. It was literally my first time ever trying to write anything. But on the bright side I've learned a lot since then and I'll probably be relaunching the series and doing rewrites. This time with actual structure and not writing from the seat of my pants!

I'm aware of The Ink Well even subscribed to it. I just have self doubts my stuff is good enough to post in there...at least yet.

I remember all the positive and encouraging things youve written about my Kaelci and i am grateful. I really do think she has exceptional talent and i believe she is going to be a successful published author. I actually got into writing and blogging back in the steem days to better appreciate what kaelci does and goes through. It spurred a passion in me for it too.

Thank you for dropping by my page and saying hi! You're one of my favorites here at Hive so its a pleasant surprise.

I'm a favorite of someone...? For real? I love you Dave!!
As for the writing, I never did get to your story today, sorry - I'm waaay behind on book reviews for Amazon Vine and totally unmotivated to take the time to write them, as if I have so many better things to do with my time. Too much stuff on my mind, and should be venting it out via fiction writing, but I just read and paint Quarantine cats and pull weeds and walk the dogs instead. You have it much harder, quarantined with an ocean between you and Kaelci and that cute little boy with the teddy bears... this will maybe evolve into a story of a guy stranded another planet and sending messages home to his son. Teddy Bear photos from every galaxy or something like that. Then the son might realize there are CLUES embedded which will lead to him rescuing Dad from the space pirates (Dad being a gardening guru with a gift for hydroponics and galactic gardening skills). Dad WILL find his way home again, after planting fruit trees (like Johnny Appleseed on the American frontier) on other planets... without introducing any alien invaders of course, like garlic mustard of Japanese beetles. )
My favorite pastime is to run away with other people's life stories. -_-

Actually I was planning on incorporating mr teddy in the scifi. We think alike!

Welcome hidave!
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Welcome to Hive!!!

I can not wait to see more of your posts.

I will admit I got tired just reading all the activities you do :D LOLL

LOVE LOVE the community garden you are planning!

Hey Snook! The garden will have everything from sunflowers, tomatoes, bell pepper, to various lettuces, broccoli and even corn. The next door neighbors have three little kids that already want to get involved once it cones time to do things like watering. I think its bot educational and enriching for the kids and families.

Awesome, I hope to see more posts in the astronomy community. I am quite fascinated by the wonders of it.

Science fiction writing can be quite fun. For a while I was writing based around my adventures in No Man’s Sky. I’m not that great of a story writer so after a few posts it got left behind as I moved onto other things.

Hey enjar,

I'll have a post coming out in a few days for the Astronomy community. Not quite as long as sone of my prior ones but it will be a subseries dealing with certain type of galactic phenomena.

Hope all is well with you and yours.

Awesome introduction, I must admit that I didn't read it all but I think I have an idea what kind or person you are and what kind of post you'll write. I also love writing fiction where my imagination can't be true so I just write to make it like it's real.

I can see that you have a lovely family. See you around my friend and let's both enjoy writing here from our own imagination.

Hey nightmare. I think right now is a really good time for all of us to explore our creativity and try our hand at writing. I look forward to seeing whats in your imagination.

As I said on my post, its very nice to meet you. You have a beautiful family and I look forward to seeing your future posts!

A community garden is a fantastic idea! I was just out in my yard, seeing what I need to do to have a garden this year. I use to keep one but got away from it last summer.

I agree, now would be a really good time to have one again. I plan to grow what I can to help us and my kids out this summer. If I have a surplus, I have older neighbors I will be checking in with to see if they can use it.

I'm no expert at gardening by any means but I at least know to put fertilizer on the garden and keep it watered. lol

Often with gardens the more you neglect them the better they do. Its the over attention that often kills them. Knowing to water and fertilize is pretty much what you need. The rest within reason will take care of its self. Some small tips that you pick up can always help like if youve got plants that have been growing in pots for a long time and aren't looking that great often times a simple application of epsom salt dissolved in water can bring them back to life.

I feel very lucky to kaelci in my life. And without her i wouldnt even have known hive exists.

Hoping youre doing well during these challenging times and i especially look forward to seeing what you post in the future.

Hive is feeling more and more like the community we've all been striving for. These current times will probably brings us even closer as a active and robust community

Thank you. I do also know to water them after 6 pm on days they need it so I suppose I know more than I think I do. lol

You inspired my post today. :D I am very glad to have the new community here and all of my community from Steemit. It has been a wonderful experience!!

I hope you guys stay safe too, its getting a little scary...

You probably do intrinsically understand more about gardening than you think! I find women are much more in tune with their gardens needs and innately know how to balance the nature vs nurture aspects of their approach to gardening. I bet you have a green thumb. Im on the lookout for your post for today. 🌝

the more you neglect them the better they do

Oooh, yes, so true - not just of plants (and cats) but sometimes for boyfriends when the girls they start dating just don't know when to back off and give them breathing room.

Welcome to Hive! Great introduction post! :))

Thanks worldcapture!

Wowie zowie with those pictures!

Welcome on Hive!

Thanks! Happy to be here on Hive and looking forward to watching it grow! Its going to be thriving in a few weeks!

Welcome to Hive.
@choogirl and @ausbitbank might want to set you up with @teamaustralia

I'd love to be included and join teamaustralia. Was a part of that community back when i used to go by the handle "steemydave"

Well hello my friend!! Late but... welcome!

@bearone do you know this fine gentleman?

I don't believe I do! But helloo!

You know me and my, Building Positive Bridges...

I do not know @bearone but i shall strive to! 😀

Oh yes!! You should!! She's a wonderful soul, and the reason why I started my Blockchain journey year's ago...

I has followed her😊