Hello everyone!
I`m very glad to be on this platform and I hope I will be able to bring you some interesting stuff to watch, read and listen.
Basically my point is to post things what I do. Those are:
I am very new to this thing, so I might not have the best knowledge or skills of trading, but I will try to keep an updated live version of my altcoin holdings/predictions/.
So by far I have BAT and GAME altcoins. (Not counting Steem, because, I am already expressing my attitude against its potential by being on this platform, investing, making posts and beliving in it :))
I think GAME is something that will be used a lot in the future. Especially knowing how the game industry itself has evolved in the past years. Maybe this is just some kind of a starting point of a new gaming generation, maybe GAME is just a starting idea for a much successful concept of GameCredits, will see. For now, Im going to hold on them
The thought behind BAT is that I think it has some potential for the future of digital advertising. Plus they have a pretty strong team together. Since I am in the video/commercial/television business I`m intrigued how this is going to turn out.
I work at a television broadcasting company called "MTG Latvia" and they own most of the popular TV channels in Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania.
So I make promos(Promotional videos/trailers) for any kind of a television products. That could be from telletubies to hardcore horror movies to sport and graphic design. Everyday I go through a movie, show... you name it. Its been 3 years now. And that is the thing. Everyday I can accidentally search up a very good song or a scene in a movie, and I will most definitely share it on my portfolio here.
Latest found treasure - film LEGEND (2015) starring Tom Hardy. Since I am a gangster movie fanatic, this was a treat for me, because, I had somehow missed it, and I had not heard the tale of the twin gangster brothers, who were dominating the mafia scene in London in the 1960s. Definitely a good piece of art, especially the performance of Tom Hardy. Playing twins is not easy, and to portray them cinematographically was most definitely a challenge for the filmmakers. Would recommend it for crime, gangster, based on real events type of movie fans.
My favorite scene:
-Photos/everyday stream/old archives:
Back In my study days I was a freelance videographer and free time photographer. I do a lot of photos with my iPhone SE and I have a few eye worthy picture collection in my archive, which I would most gladly like to share here, on steemit.
Just to be clear - I do not like modifying the pictures, because I find photography like the capture of a moment. My moment. I modify videos all the time, so I leave photography alone :)
So this first photo is from our recent trip to New York. My, so have become, favorite place on earth - Time Square.
When I was approaching it I thought it was going to be filled with people, crowds so big I couldn't move, but when I got there, I was surprised by the calm feeling, the freshness of those huge monitors, the different crowds of people taking photos and gathering. I dont know... It was sort of a meditative feeling watching how the center of the modern world is beneath your feet for a few minutes. Great memories.
So thats about it for the first time. I have a feeling that I typed about too much, but we will see, and have a great day!
Drop a comment if you like.
Tell me your thoughts on NYC.
Or maybe you have an opinion about the crypto world?
Or maybe you just want to chatter about the film I recommended.
Peace out, Steemit!
Catch you later!
welcome to steemit
My man. Karoč apgāzīsim Steemit otrādi. 🔝
Welcome on this happy and amazing comunity my friend, looking forward to see your stories 😎
Keep it high ma fa 🌿🔝
Welcome to Steemit. Make sure to post daily and don't forget to reference the source...Even if it's your own work. Use this exchange to help you gain Upvotes and followers.
Welcome brother. Lets make money together. 📈📈📈💲💲💲🏀
Welcome to th club. No LV te ir pavisam maz , bet kas pirmie brauc...
Uzlikšu vēl sev steempower, pagaidām tikai 2 centi mans upvote. Saprati to steempower sistēmu?
es uzliku 1000 steem un man tagad upvote ir max 19 centi. pēc power down var sist gaisā steemus biržās. steem power ir kā acijas.... par viņām maksā procentu arī neko nedarot. tas dzeks kas to uztaisija ir baigā smadzene. tagad taisa nākamo projektu
Nu tā, ka es tagad varētu vadīt seminārus un stāstīt, kas ir steem power gluži nav, bet nu galvenais princips - jo vairāk steem power, jo lielāks mans upvote spēks. Un, cik man tur steemit stāsta, es viņu dabūju atpakaļ 3 nedēļu, 13 paymentu laikā? Man čomi stāstīja, ka viņš kkā uzaug pats tas power, laikam ejot. Bet nu tā jau vienkārši - ieguldi platformā gan laiku, gan naudu un domu it īpaši, un tad jau viss pats nāks :)
Sveiks! Jāveido pamazām ir tā steemit Latvija sadaļa šeit. Es jau nākotnē paredzu diezgan lielu poteciālu šai vietai, jo nu cmon - would you rather get money for posting, or not get any money for posting at all(like FaceBook), izvēle ir ļoti vienkārša. Vajag tikai vairāk cilvēkus, draugus dabūt šeit iekšā, lai var darīt to pašu, ko Facebook.
Jā es šitam redzu mega potenciālu. Sistēmas autors tagad taisa nākošo versiju . Tur jau varēs tādus ss.lv likt , praktiski jebko un apakšā kriptovalūtas.
Es par to arī domāju, jo šī ir beta versija, līdz ar to var gaidīt daudz visādu jauninājumu drīzākajā laikā. BUT on the other hand, daudzām vietnēm, vai spēlēm beta versijas ir stāvējušas gadiem.
Manuprāt, šis nebūs viens no tiem gadījumiem, jo šī platforma, kaut vai tikai cilvēku dēļ, aug katru dienu nenormālos apmēros. Tas ir tikai laika jautājums. Tam atkal var būt sekas, tādā ziņā, ka, jo vairāk cilvēku, jo mazāka iespējamība, ka tavu postu vispār kāds pamanīs. Tāpēc, mums tas štuks ir tāds, ka jāboosto savs profils, lai viens otram varam visu laiku upvotot. Savākt drošu cilvēku loku, kurš dalīsies visu laiku. Jo nu lets be real - 300$ posti ir riktīgs efforts, tur ir jābūt #1 trending topic; new, objective information; un bez maz vai tev ir jānāk klajā ar kko jaunu. Nu gluži kā biznesā, vai tajā pašā facebook vai instagram.
pats interesantākais ir tas ka viss ir opensource. tipa var uztaisīt LV portālu ar savu dizainu un konkurēt ar delfiem utt. galvenais ka sistēma reāli darbojas un apakšā ir nopietni džeki, kas attīsta sistēmu.
Uzskatu, ka vienīgais mīnuss šai vietnei šobrīd ir tas, ka leila daļa lietotāju (šis skaitlis strauji aug) raksta tikai tā iemsela dēļ, lai mēģinātu nopelnīt kādu "upvote", nevis tādēļ, lai tiešām pavēstītu citiem kaut ko jaunu, interesantu, skaistu.. Bet gan jau ar laiku lietas sakārtosies ;)
Hei puikas ,viss notiek ,beidzot var latviski drukat un priecaties 😉
Daži vienkārši maskējas.. :D Labs vakars! ;)
Čau! :)
Welcome to Steem @janisrijnieks I have upvoted and sent you a tip
I love Tom Hardy. I've seen some of his older films and have followed him ever since. But managed to miss legend. I need to fix that.
welcome to the Steemit Community, Janisrijnieks:) Wish you much luck! Cheers! Follow me .
Thank you for your fast responses!
Its really cool! :)
Welcome to Steemit just remember try to post once a day make a couple of good comments and up vote.
Thanks! Will try to do my best!
Welcome to steemit!!! I will take a look on that movie, sounds really interesting ;D
You have my opvote to support n.n !
Also I just made this post I hope it can help you a little :)
The most basic guide for for new steemians in 8 points
Thank you very much! Your post was great!
you're welcome n.n but you should have commented on my post :P
Welcome to Steemit!
Welcome @janisrijnieks aboard the steemit express. This is a great platform to express yourself just like any other social media outlet except this one pays its users for interacting with each other. Post good content and your rewards can be limitless but always stay true to yourself.
Checkout this post and give me some feedback on it
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