
Oops. Sorry.

Yep you got me, my boobs are fake...

Will you still sleep with me?


I was attempting to make it visible, it appears this person used a lot of juice to downvote it, jeeze!!!

Thanks for having my back!

This is all a bit new to me, in a year on Steemit I've never had a post flagged before.

The guy that did it hasn't earned much, but has put $37 000 of his own $ into his wallet. And he likes to go round saying things like "I'm half whale and I'll take care of this"

I was just thinking, "OH shit, I'd better get some help, when one of my most on to it and full walleted followers came and sorted things out.

I hate this flagging thing and if you ever have any of your friends getting this done to them, let me know and I'll do what I can. I've actually taken to unflagging anything that's been flagged lately if I have enough hitting power to uncensor it. Whatever it is - I don't really care, I just hate flagging!

I do get a few comments flagged, but never by anyone with enough power to not be overcome. When I vote my comments back to visible the flagger often removes their flag - so these days if I look like I'm up-voting my own comments, that's often why... (I know that's ironic coming from someone who upvoted 1200 of their own comments before the hard fork)

In this case the half whale did a 100% flag on every comment I did on my post. Most of them I have reposted and deleted the original, but I've left a few for LOL's :)

Up until this week I've generally aimed to be all positive on Steemit, but I must admit I feel like I've run into a years worth of total clowns in one week and I just found myself trolling some poor sap who thinks I am a tool of satan (666) - and then I thought "time to take a deep breath and remember Steemit is different", or I'll start attracting them flies.

Not the biggest fan of flags myself, though I have seen cases where it was needed, a couple of real dickhead trolls that just needed to get gone. But people who use it like this jackass did, drive me nuts. Especially the way they were with Deb, that really rubbed me wrong.

I saw that ausbitbank came and took care of it. I have some people I could go to in these situations too. I appreciate your offer and that goes the other way too, I will always help my friends :)

Yeah, that's probably wise, there are some flies around. But I still do believe steemit is different, there are enough great people here to create the environment I prefer to hang out in :)

He overestimated the ability of people to recognise satire without having it spelt out. He has now corrected it. In all of his other posts he is quite open and transparent about who he is. Yes, it was an error in judgement to not spell out the satire from the start. But have you also flagged all the other fake intro posts? This one is over the top to make the point.

Oops. Sorry.

Well I do know this guy from Adam, Ian is a great steemian and friend and this was satire. I wish I had seen this post when it was first put up. I'm sorry that you took it so badly.

There is literally NOTHING to indicate that your defense is rooted in truth.

These Boobs are made for Swinging...