Hi, Steemers!
To begin with, my name is Kate, I’m twenty years old, live in Moscow and have a lot of hobbies. I always tend to make my life colorful, interesting and try to change everything and everyone around me to the best. I've learned about Steemit from my geek friends and extremely excited to make my first post here.
I look forward to contribute to this open minded community and meet talented people here.
I study jazz-funk, hip-hop, strip-plastic, vogue, dancehall and other styles to create my own dance.As for my Hobbies, I am really keen on #dancing. I gave and give it a lot of time, effort and love since childhood. I’m dancing all the time, when I’m sad, anxious, happy or exited, always, my passion is endless. I have taken many master classes from stars of dance, have been to different countries like Sweden, Bulgaria, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Belarus, where I took part in dance festivals and won numerous trophies.
Thus I hope I will be able to share with Steemit my vision on this beautiful and expressive art!
As a good dancer, I’m going to create my own rubric #KateDance here on Steemit, where I’ll lay out video lessons on different types of dance.
I participate in a dance battles
Besides that I was always interested in math and computer science. I graduated from top math school in Russia and continued my education in Moscow State University where I was fascinated by the machine learning algorithms and blockchains. I even created my own trading bot that helped me to waste the first bitcoin in my life). Scholarships in Russia are meager, thus 1 #bitcoin is a big money.
Now I remember with a smile how much I was upset at that moment. Since then I called myself a loser and even gave up with trading. Anyway, I’ve learned a lot from this lesson.
Machine learning is also one of my research topics. I closely follow the boom of neural networks and learn why they are needed and how can be used to simplify our life. Most likely you've heard about Google AlphaGo algorithm that beaten a human professional player. Nowadays neural networks create music, draw paintings and even determine your age. This topic is very hot, so please stay tuned to see my posts about it.
Besides my main hobbies, I like to read and do it a lot not only in Russian, but in English too. My favorite writers are Dostoevsky, Remark and Maugham. I always try to improve my English and every time when I’m learning, it is a lot of fun. I am glad to communicate with everyone and I’m so happy that English enables me to have friends all over the world.
I think that happiness is in improving yourself and our world.
Let’s go for it together!
I also made this short video for you, please check it out.
Here are some links to my social media:
I'll do my best not only to bring here #girlpower but also to share my thoughts on scientific topics.
So thank you for reading and stay tuned for my new #KateDance and #MashineLearning posts!
With love!
Very, very cool Kate! You look like you're killing it out there- but welcome to in here. Welcome to the Steem Machinnneeeee =D Keep dancing like a dream, and shining moonbeam.
That was so cheesy I could spread it on my toast :D
Welcome to Steemit Kate!
Thank you, senseiteekay. I appreciate any, even negative feedback.
Nice to meet you Kate, I just posted about my visit to Russia. It's a great country with friendly people
Hahaha, yea yeah =D
It's nice to meet you too!
Come to Russia more often! Our country is huge and there are plenty of stuff to see
Welcome Kate - what fantastic dance moves you have, and it seems by your pictures that everyone loves what you do - I'd really be interested to see some dance tutorials! :D
Soon I will post dance tutorials and tell what I know about this ;) So stay tuned
I like. Thank you :)
Здравствуй, Катя)
I mean hello, Kate.
Здравствуйте, рада что русскоговорящие люди вносят свой вклад в это сообщество.
Hi, I'm glad that Russian-speaking people contribute to this amazing community!
Русскоговорящих здесь хоть и не много, но они весьма активны) Welcome!
Wow, what an introduction . . . You're English is better than mine; you clearly dance better than me (which isn't saying much--I'm a white guy that grew up playing ice hockey in Minnesota--that fact and dancing ability of any sort are mutually exclusive; You're clearly into the many of the same philosophies and ideas that I lean towards (and even if you were my polar opposite, you are highly intriguing). Теперь, как насчет того, чтобы приступить к делу (Я наполовину русский - Это хорошая половина меня). How about teaching me how to dance, many have tried, all have failed...Now, you could quite possibly be the "Most Interesting Woman In The World." a la the Dos Equis guy:
The cynic in me, however, has a sneaking suspicion that you're a 48 year-old, unemployed, sweaty, reeking of desperation fat guy that lives in his parent's basement in Cleveland....But we've bound and gagged the cynic so I have my fingers and toes crossed that you're real...and you can teach a white hockey player from Minnesota that now lives in Phoenix how to dance.....Welcome!!!!!!!!!!!
@a9inchcock , what a huge comment). Thank you! I'll publish dance lessons here, so stay tuned
awesome ! really excited about your next post ! i think singularity is a very interesting topic for the future, whats your take on that?
A good intro with a video verification, thats why I will give you my vote.
Thank you, very much!
Video verification in which she never said a word about steem. Just saying, theoretically anyone could have taken that video from internet and added steemit logo reel :) Not a proof of anything.
Wow! What a GIRL!!

Hello, the rising star of steemit,
I believe you have the potential to be a super star in steemit, so please read this post to know what's the next step:
beauty, brain & talent and good verification with both sign and video .
I wish I had spotted this earlier (for the curation rewards).
but never too late to say welcome!
simoneighties, thank you :) I'm glad to be here
Hi Kate, Welcome to Steemit.
You're definately not a loser, I look forward to seeing your dance related posts. Your english is great by the way :)
Hi, endaksi1
Thank you! Appreciate your feedback! Stay tuned, I'll record dancing video lessons in a good quality
Machine Learning is indeed fascinating. There are many kinds of Expert System and Neural Network out there, is there a particular kind that you find to be the most interesting?
Out of curiosity, as I've not studied machine learning as much as I probably should have, since a neural network has to have sufficient neurons to linearly separate all the different types of solution, but too many can produce oscillations as there's no valid state, would it be possible to have a neural network that monitored a neural network to resize it by classifying the type of problem faced?
Keep the Internet Weird!
an extremely attractive woman, who dances, who LIVES in the motherland. my god, you can hear the thundering wave of upvotes from fucking galaxies away. and im part of the problem because i upvoted too. god damn it
I'm glad you part of the galaxy) Thanks for the upvote
no krishtopia, thank YOU for the upvote
Nice intro,
Wow your english is perfect tbh, did you study at oxford by anychance :)
Anyways Looking forword to some more girl power from you and more importantly your thoughts on computer science in general.
thank you) no, I did't, but like to study English and try to do it at free time)
Without boobs, though :)great article about MACHINE LEARNING https://medium.com/@ageitgey/machine-learning-is-fun-80ea3ec3c471#.5txewxmyv
Excellent intro. I'm hoping for an interpretive dance showing the complexity of neural networks required for a machine learning what many consider simple decisions.
ha ha! hilarious
nice to meet you @krishtopa and welcome, love to see you dancing more! 8]
Sexy Girl !!!

You would have made an excellent Bond Girl in From Russia With Love!
Beauty and Brains!
I want to nuke #introduceyourself
Hello and Welcome! Thanks for the beautiful video.
I have one thing to say "Girlfriend Material"! Great post and welcome to Steem. You rock :)
Hi, behfar.
I see you rock too! Glad to meet you here and being part of this amazing community
Glad to have you @krishtopa!
sugarfromhell, and I'm happy to be there)
nice intro! take this upvote! :)
┌(▀Ĺ̯ ▀-͠ )┐

A girl that dance battles, loves the blockchain and is pretty and smart. Rad.
Domavilla, thank you for the compliments!
Either way you appear to be like...
@krishtopa Nothing personal. I'm sure you're a great person.
Hi and welcome :)
Impressive pics, you can see your passion for dancing in them!
Good luck with your new rubrics, new fresh topics!
anonimau5, thank you, it's time to work more!
Hi Kate. That's a nice introduction.
Hi, bitcoinmeetups
Thanks, I appreciate your feedback.
That second picture down is probably the most hardcore rendition of the chicken dance I've ever seen.
when can i come for a dancing lesson?
Soon, just stay tuned!
Girl, be strong.
Good luck pretty girl :)
Удачи! Симпатишные девочки довольно успешно собирают тут денешек ;)
Oh wow, welcome on board Kate! I used to dance back in university years! And my major was pattern recognition / machine learning. Hoping to see some of your stuff in the near future. For now, have fun and enjoy the ride! Keep in touch :)
That's great. Dance is happines. Thank you for support!
Here's the dance vid hahah - pretty amazing times back then - maybe I should return to battle dance in clubs again, but the music scene is so different now.
Nice! ;P
I also like to dance ..
What you can dance salsa or ballet? @krishtopa
Danced ballet in a far childhood, so I am not good at that)I did't dance salsa, but long time ago I was interested in other latin dances like cha-cha-cha, rumba, samba. Now I am focused on modern styles of dance like jazz-funk, hip-hop, vogue, dancehall. Soon I'm going to post about it. So stay tuned :)
Flipboard Steemit Trending Magazine for everyone to see it. Keep up the good work!Hi @krishtopa, congratulations on the post! You made it to the TOP 10 trending articles on Steemit and because of that I've added your article to the
Welcome Kate. You look great. Glad to have you.
krabgat, thank you so much! I'm looking forward to sharing with all you, guys!
I like that you put a video for verification purposes. Now I can follow real people haha
Excellent first post! The video collage is very good!!!
I have a silly question for you - because all of my students and viewers want me to do this in person and on videos - Do you dab?
Welcome to Steemit, and I hope you are having a GREAT DAY!!!
Upvoted and Followed!!
Thank you for time to write this post! I appreciate that.
hey! you seem like a really cool person! I'm a dancer too interested in maths and computer science :) look forward to chatting with you more :)
That's great! Such a pleasure to meet person interested in the same things!
Thanks for being awesome and posting on Steem it :)
@krishtopa - dancing is beautiful and the movement of our souls - if you want check out some of they lyrics i posted on my wall maybe someday we can film together :)
That's interesting. I do similar things: machine learning aimed at FX trading.
I'll be definitely following your posts.
Cool Kate!
👍great talent...

Meteor78, thank you!
welcome :) Very well, but if nothing is done here, is what will happen to steemit: Read this is very important https://steemit.com/steem/@stea90/read-very-important-why-the-market-volume-and-value-of-steem-continue-to-decrease-what-will-happen
nice hobby... can you be a dance instructor for that talent...