interesting choices of subject matter. i would like to add 1 that i believe fits in nicely. there is the idea that the map is not the territory. while i do believe that math is the best we have, it being the medium of the the quadrivium and the basis for our most effective and useful map that allows us to understand and function in objective reality, it creates errors. kurt godel demonstrated that things can be done with math that cannot be observed in the natural world. some construe this to mean that because math can do it, the natural world can do it. i am not so sure. math, is a neurolinguistic construct arising from the human nervous system. while there is an amazing amount of correlation, and we don't have anything better, there are still errors. loops, paradoxes, infinities and the like are the fodder of science fiction. while interesting in the realm of speculation, we still have yet to demonstrate them in the natural world. the trivium method tells us that when you remove all the contradictions, what you have left is the path to knowledge, understanding and from there, wisdom. i have always heard that mathematics IS the language of nature. i think though, that it is only an amazingly accurate map. a map that sometimes, because of its accuracy leads us to believe that it is reality. please, i would love to know what you think about this. i hate to contradict galileo but, somehow, i think he would, at least, be open to the idea.
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