I am a natural science university student, which means I study nature almost exclusively at the molecular to atomic scale, via the disciplines of physics, chemistry, biology and computer science.
I would like to share with you what is probably the most inspiring idea I have heard since delving into the study of the natural world.
Paraphrasing the great Galileo Galilei from his book The Assayer -
"Nature is written in the language of mathematics. "
A while back I have decided to start writing about scientific subjects which I personally find fringe or counter-intuitive, but at a level suitable for people with little to no scientific background, what you may call popular science.
The reason for this is obvious - I want to help promote scientific literacy however I can, even at this very small scale.
After discovering SteemIt, I decided that it would be the new permanent residence for my posts.
I invite you to read, comment and correct any inaccuracies or mistakes I might have made.
This is a brief review of the subjects I have written about thus far:

The Human Brain and the Universe
"Our universe may be growing just as our brain is.
A computer simulation designed to model the natural growth dynamics of various systems, reveals a high..."
The Bio-Physics of Bird Flight
"It truly is awe inspiring to watch a murmuration of hundreds if not thousands of starlings move in unison as if it is a single entity, in what seems to be a sporadic change of velocity. In a recent study of this uncanny phenomenon..."
Quantum Biology
"It has previously been thought that the Quantum phenomenon has no business when talking about living systems.
The world of organisms is warm, damp and noisy, while Quantum effects require sterile and cold environments..."
Magic Mushrooms
"Magic Mushrooms have long been used in ancient tribal ceremonies as means of healing, both mentally and physically. A recent neuro-sceintific study of Psilocybin (a psychoactive ingredient found in Magic Mushrooms..."
Mindfulness Meditation & Contemplative Neuroscience
"Contemplative neuroscience is the emerging scientific discipline, which studies the possibly reciprocal relationship between the brain and what is called the mind..."
The Problem Of Free Will
"We perceive our free will as a fundamental inalienable artifact of human existence, and yet science has a very different idea..."
Simulated life
"The Simulation Argument was first proposed (to the best of my understanding) by the famous Oxonian philosopher professor Nick Bostrom. The Argument states..."
interesting choices of subject matter. i would like to add 1 that i believe fits in nicely. there is the idea that the map is not the territory. while i do believe that math is the best we have, it being the medium of the the quadrivium and the basis for our most effective and useful map that allows us to understand and function in objective reality, it creates errors. kurt godel demonstrated that things can be done with math that cannot be observed in the natural world. some construe this to mean that because math can do it, the natural world can do it. i am not so sure. math, is a neurolinguistic construct arising from the human nervous system. while there is an amazing amount of correlation, and we don't have anything better, there are still errors. loops, paradoxes, infinities and the like are the fodder of science fiction. while interesting in the realm of speculation, we still have yet to demonstrate them in the natural world. the trivium method tells us that when you remove all the contradictions, what you have left is the path to knowledge, understanding and from there, wisdom. i have always heard that mathematics IS the language of nature. i think though, that it is only an amazingly accurate map. a map that sometimes, because of its accuracy leads us to believe that it is reality. please, i would love to know what you think about this. i hate to contradict galileo but, somehow, i think he would, at least, be open to the idea.
Cool 3d picture? In what program it was made?
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