Why I Left YouTube and Social Media and a Thank You Letter to my First 250+ Steemit Followers!

Salutations Steemit Friends!

This post is a shout out to my first 250+ Steemit followers thanking you for your support. I've received such a warm welcome since I first began posting on Steemit in late May! I have to say, it's been such a pleasant departure from other social media platforms.

In just my short time here, I can truly attest that Steemit is a community that fosters both inspiration and encouragement to its contributors. As a content creator since 2006 (crazy it's been that long), I sincerely appreciate the kind words of encouragement that I've received from my lovely Steemit friends.

As a special note to @happyphoenix, many thanks for featuring my posts in your Steemit newsletters. : )

When I first started in social media, I was a bit of a "video vixen" or "angel" (btw, those were Heavy.com's choice of words, not mine!). My main Youtube channel vlogolution grew to nearly 100,000 subscribers and over 60 million views by 2012...


When YouTube gives you sour social media lemons, you squeeze 'em rrrealllllyyyy hard and you make some STEEM instead! : D

Some of it was crazy, celebrity inspired satire, some quasi-political. I quickly discovered that if your politics are not in alignment with Google's political agenda, you'll encounter problems with censorship on the platform. That was back in late 2008....

Fast forward to late 2011 - early 2012, @alexpmorris and I found the censorship (constant flagging attacks, video demonetization and even death threats) too overwhelming and costly to continue my then project, a "frisky and fun-spirited" cocktail web series, Naughty Tipples.

So, I shelved my channel and took a long, social media hiatus. Honestly, the censorship had me feeling totally burned out. I felt like I was at a point that I had developed some form of social media anxiety, lol!

On the upside, I had a lot more free time to pursue my other passions. I enrolled into an accelerated design program at the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT SUNY) here in New York City, and then continued my studies at the Gemological Institute of America (GIA).

I was first introduced to Steemit last summer, waited to join until January, and it wasn't until late spring that I actualized my Steemit journey. Maybe it was the gnawing dread and fear that my time and effort put into community building on another platform could quickly dissipate, as it had before on YouTube.


Decadent and delightful Parisian haute cuisine totally amuses my bouche. I'll be posting about this fine dining experience to Steemit soon!

So, with a bit of courage (and a push from @alexpmorris) I decided to dip my toes into Steemit and put some of my content out there again. I knew I would have to return to social media sooner or later... the big question was on which platform? After all, so many are now plagued with ridiculous censorship and heinous trolls.

So far Steemit has been a breath of fresh air. It's such a sweet relief (and reassurance) to know that our social media sweat equity is secure on the blockchain!

In the past five years I hadn't made it public as to why I "disappeared" from social media. Long time fans have inquired if I was "dead" (lol, for real).

Just yesterday, a follower to my main Facebook page commented that they had been following me for 11 years! Receiving positive feedback (and not gonna lie, especially in the form of flattery) DOES mean a lot to content creators like me. It makes some of the strife feel totally worth it!

As a side note, I have to say that I was shocked I even received a Facebook comment! As many of you may already know, Facebook pages have been rendered virtually useless now unless you pay or "boost" your posts to your own followers. Even on smaller pages (a few thousand fans) like mine!

Looking towards the future, my hope is that Steemit continues to grow, blossom and allow its contributors to fully enjoy the fruits of their labors!

Thank you all once again! : )

All the best,



On to happier and yummier things like tipples and treats...

Here are a few of my recent Steemit posts in case you missed 'em...

A Yummy Waldorf Salad (PHOTOS + RECIPE)...


Link: https://steemit.com/food/@michellectv/yummy-waldorf-chicken-salad-photos-recipe

Marie-Antoinette Inspired Champagne Cocktails (VIDEO TUTORIALS)...


Link: https://steemit.com/food/@michellectv/celebrate-bastille-day-with-these-imperial-cocktails-video-tutorials

A Blueberry Banana Blast Smoothie (PHOTOS + RECIPE)...


Link: https://steemit.com/food/@michellectv/celebrate-bastille-day-with-these-imperial-cocktails-video-tutorials

There are 4 pages

Welcome... the weather is nice here.

It's mostly steemy and sunny ; )

I see what you did there :D

I'm sure your efforts will be appreciated here . MMM your dishes look yummy, but i can't make the Waldorf Salad because i'm all out of Waldorfs.

just voted you, hope you vote me back :))

be careful not to spam! you might end up getting flagged!.. Lets leave our comments nice and clean with useful comments!

vlogolution youtube channel still has 65000 subscribers . do you plan on doing anything with the channel?

I can see using it for very short formart how-tos and for live casts in the future... : )

Greetings @michellectv. I am glad to see you in the genre of introduceyourself.

Thank you @igor-steem. Users like @correctdrop are the reason I waited many months to start using my Steemit account.

It is important that everyone liked it! Or almost everyone :-)

This is true! Almost everyone minus one. That's okay, he'll be on my Steemit naughty list for Christmas this year ; )

Besides, envy is one of the deadly sins! We all need to learn how to enjoy the success of other people!


I have seen that. Look here:

just voted you, hope you vote me back :))

Keep up the good work @michelletv!! You naughty girl, you used the introduceyourself tag for a second time. Not Kosher.

I've seen quite a few users reposting new introduction posts after every 100 or so new followers, and sometimes even multiple times the same week! Believe it or not, there doesn't seem to be all that much out there on the "right" way to do it. However, @teamsteam has put out some nice "howto" introduceyourself guides, and ironically he recently released another introduceyourself post himself, despite already having over 4100 followers, and 450,000 SP!

Link: Hello Steemit! - Coinmarketcap.com Introduced Me!

I'd actually be interested in hearing his perspective on all this (and in more depth, yours as well), certainly after the "trollish" comment and flag-spamming crapfest that took place on here last night. I just hope it doesn't scare off @michellectv from posting more, because it did bring back some bad memories from our YouTube days years back.

And regarding updates to introduceyourself in general, I know for myself, it took me nearly 6 months or so before I wrote an introduceyourself post, and even then I didn't get it quite right the first time around.

If some of us have some big updates to share once or twice a year about our lives and "who we are" (as did @teamsteam), or someone's finally found the "courage" to open up a bit more on why they're here (as @michellectv chose to do), is that really so bad?

Guess we're all just trying to find the best way to show "who we are" and what we're all about! However, no one deserves what happened here last night just for sharing a heart-felt update to their original introduction.

Cheers, buddy! :)

just voted you, hope you vote me back :))

Way to go @alexpmorris! I just joined Steemit about a week ago, and I'm very glad I found this post...probably wouldn't have been "introduced" otherwise.


are you for real @correctdrop? sounds like there's some serious jealously going on there. You recently resteemed "Hiii Steemit :) I'm Nina and this is my introduction !". @momdmalek has posted FOUR introduceyourself posts in just over a week! So what exactly do you feel @michellectv has done wrong again?

You didn't seem to have any problem with @momdmalek, however. And if you're so sure the current success of @michellectv's post is ALL ATTRIBUTED to her using the introduceyourself tag, why hasn't that worked out so well for @momdmalek with a total of just a few bucks over all four of her recent introduction posts?

Maybe you should just admit that all you're really doing here is taking out the anger over your bitcoin losses on @michellectv ("I panicked after loosing way to much!"). Perhaps you should have considered investing some of that money in upping your own STEEM POWER instead.

Furthermore, perhaps you should focus on creating some of your own quality content, instead of going around "follow for follow". Following 622 people to gain 445 followers doesn't count as "having more followers", certainly not high quality ones as @michellectv has worked hard to attract.

And what's YouTube have to do with it anyway? Although it's rather ironic that you, coming over from YouTube are acting exactly like one of the heinous trolls we've all been quite happy to mostly avoid on STEEMIT so far.

UPDATE: I'm sorry to say that as you've decided to SPAM her post with over 20 useless comments, you left me no choice but to flag 95% of them down. I have left your original comment or two for posterity, so we can all forever remember your ridiculous and outrageous spam-trollish behavior this evening.

She has been on here since January though...like wtf so 7 months go by, and she is posting this, man what will it be next. People need to learn that this is not ok! I feel like it is abuse of the introduceyourself tag, hell ive been on here only 1 month and never even introduced myself and have more followers than her. I feel like she was not happy with having a few hundred because she was a youtuber with so many subbs she feels like she deserves more. Its the same thing I have seen from alot of the youtubers coming here, they do things like this to try and gain maximum exposure, and it is not far to us who are doing it the right way.

Thanks for pointing out this user's hypocrisy @alexpmorris. I really do appreciate REAL SUPPORT from LONG TIME SUPPORTERS! YOU ARE AND HAVE BEEN MY SOCIAL MEDIA ROCK!

So sorry you had to go through that. Guy wonders why he's having trouble gaining traction on STEEMIT and tries taking it out on you. Maybe he should try creating some real content, instead of crying foul after posting nothing more than an animated gif of bacon that he didn't even create himself, without even adding an extra word. Unbelievable...

Here, I can do better than that without even trying... "How delicious does this bacon look?! And to think that it may even work as a potential hangover cure, I'm sold... PASS ME THE BACON! :D lol

Even more funny, this guy literally created his own SPAM post featuring SPAM! lol

The good news is that it's nothing like what we used to deal with on youtube, where we could come across 10 of him in a day. Guess one of those creeps was bound to slip through the cracks and find their way onto STEEMIT sooner or later.

Lucky for us, we don't have to wait for or count on youtube support to deal with it anymore! :)

Fascinating! I love bacon but that's certainly not kosher...

We'll be certain to know if it's one my favorite psycho stalkers that has followed me here when they rant they wished I had "died in 9/11!".

The YouTube death threats of raping and murdering me, my mother and daughters because I'm a woman committing "haram" for making a cocktail are lovely memories...

Surprise! Its the internet! Y'all aren't new to this... And I don't see anything trollish yet. But I hope they don't need posts because she didn't think it's ok.... It is... Go make more post hehe, and repost old ones, just like everyone else..
Conformity... Frack it.

How can I down vote your comments sir?

Thank you for all the exposure @correctdrop! I think you should use up even more of your vote power and flag spam another 100 of my posts that have done nothing but try to offer unique insights and perspectives to help out the STEEMIT community.

It's of course a lot easier for you to do, than to actually contribute something useful to STEEMIT, or to society in general:

https://steemd.com/@correctdrop portrait:

At your next antifa meeting, perhaps you can also bring up why almost none of your "follow for followers" upvote your copy/paste posts and stage a protest rally! lol

Cheers! :)

At your next antifa meeting

Hahahahaha rofl!!!!

Well, this naughty shiska doesn't typically do kosher recipes. Or, halal....

However, if I get enough requests I'll consider including some a kosher recipes inthe future. What should it be? A Manischewitz wine cocktail?

Until then, L’Chaim! ; )

I believe such dishes are simply certified/verified organic... No chemicals gmo or pesticides. I haven't seen anything suggesting otherwise, but I still trying to understand any differences... Doesn't se to be a cultural link to style of food, more quality of ingredients

just voted you, hope you vote me back :))

Perhaps some kosher is organic. My understanding is that it has been overseen under rabbinic supervision.


#1. If you read my post you would have gathered that a) I started on YouTube 2006 and b) I stopped publishing to YouTube in 2012.

#2. If you read my post you would have gathered that I officially created my account on Steemit this past January.

#3. @correctdrop, your account was only created last month in June. Your comment is very much like a YouTube hater, a reason why I stopped posting there. Also stated in my post, had you read it.

Hammer them haterz @michellectv ! If it wasn't for lovely and interesting people like you I know I wouldn't be coming on tha Steemit ! I Love You And Everyone In This World !! Keep up the good work and rock that intro tag as often as needed ! lol

What can I say I gave them the M.C. ... hammer! Thanks for your sweet comment and thoughtful comment @lanceman!


I did intro 11 months after :) Nothing bad on it we can always reintro and give some more info . I undarstand your point about hight payd outs but you have to admit ......... not only posts count here also NAME and Reputation !

If it was about the payouts I should have done this a week ago! I'm not about the money. If I were, I wouldn't have started posting to YouTube in 2006 when there wasn't any money it yet!

Look i like you , i like cooking also , i think your posts compared to his are way better . About payouts we all know here NAME pay more than quality , On end the money are nice bonus ) Keep steeming and good lucky . Trolls arent welcome anyway !

I <3 food more than ppl now in my life! lol!

Welcome! Steemit is the way to go.

Congratulations on that , your pictures are outstanding

just voted you, hope you vote me back :))

So glad I finally convinced you to go "all in" on STEEMIT @michellectv, and to think, you didn't even have to invest a dime more than your time to do it!

Congrats on reaching 250... I now wish you a smooth and steady run straight to 1000! :D

Yes, you finally convinced me @alexpmorris to take the chance and make the effort! Thank you for your encouragement, like always! ; ) xx

thanks also for the "shoutout"! resteemed... :)

That's so sweet of you... ; ) Here's your Alizee Happy Minnow Dance again. Haha!!!

now, how can't you be nuts over a girl, who would post this for her guy?! lol :D

that is fantastic

Is it just me or is that not a minnow on her bum?

Her? I just assumed that is you. So, yes, it looks like you have a minnow on your bum.

Good job Alex. You deserved at least one follow for this and I did that.

Very good piece of writing Michelle! I thoroughly enjoyed your writing style and HQ photos.

Keep up the good job.

Happy Steeming!

Thank you @ugetfunded ... glad you enjoyed it ; )

I remember who bring and persuade @michelletv to join steemit community is you @alexpmorris? :)

Yes, it took him some convincing ; )

All in sound great! Go on!

IWelcome to Steemit!

Congratulations beauty!

I quickly discovered that if your politics are not in alignment with Google's political agenda, you'll encounter problems with censorship on the platform. That was back in late 2008

You had me right there.

Beautiful, awake and likes a good smoothie.

Followed sister - congrats and have nice week.

Thank you @barrydutton for your lovely comment ; )

My YT channels are filled with activism and me challenging govt corruption in protests and council meetings LOL.... My search results are BURIED by the fascist state and the google, trust me, I know the struggles sister.

You have a big personality and hard work ethic.

You are pretty but that serves nobody in the long term, I think you will do well here and I will try and support you.

Thank you for the kind words @barrydutton ; )

wow so pretty.

That's sweet of you @marco-delsalto ; )

welcome @michellectv
can i ask you please to check my post and tell if i need to add somethogn else to it or not pleaseee

just voted you, hope you vote me back :))

be careful not to spam! you might end up getting flagged!.. Lets leave our comments nice and clean with useful comments!

Yes True !!!!!!!!! very beautiful @michellectv
and thx @ merco-delsalto

Keep Posting

Will continue!

I hope it rains STEEM for all of us! ; )

Welcome @michellectv! Looks like you are going to bring some of that swag to steemit! Will be watching for your blogs 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

Lol! It looks like you're the one with the Steem swag @stackin ; )

I just have a little, send some my way :) Followed 😬

Congratulations on your success so far! Before you know it you will be at 300 :)

Thank you so much @crystalpacheco30 ... we'll all make our milestones!

Congratulations @michellectv! Steemit is pretty awesome... and far more what SOCIAL content should be about. "Social" is really just a buzzword everywhere else... here it is actually a "thing." And most people really dig that... Oh... and no Google Adsense to tell you you've been "blocked" because you used the letter "y" too many times on one of your web pages... generally $3 before you reach your payout threshhold!

Enjoy... and you'll reach 1000 in no time at all!

Thanks @denmarkguy! Oh dear, Google Adsense ads were/are the worst! In the two months that I've been publishing to Steemit I've enjoyed it. This is the only post I've encountered user censorship and harassment!

Excellent. Up-Voted and Followed .... Welcome. I'm still over on Youtube but only make about $2 day. I had a few $100 days here on Steemit and only joined in June. So looks good to me.

Hold the phone....you make $2 a day on YouTube??!!!!


Dude, this is the third comment. You have made your feelings clear.

Oh, it has been wwaaayyyy more than just three!!!

Turned out that as I read on, there were indeed waaaaayyyy more. At some point it isn't just someone voicing their opinion, but becomes harrassment/spam. I thought three was more than enough.

I still think three was two too many, even if I agreed with his point, which I don't.

Gratz on your success!

he did like over 20 of them, then went on to flag spam over 100 of my posts as well! a real jackass if there ever was one! lol

Thank you for your support @valued-customer! One of the key messages of my post is about censorship.... just to be to censored. Oh, the irony!

I'm really amazed at how helpful the Steemit community has been (and is) with dealing with this kind of harassment....

Hi Michelle, thanks for the great post. I've read through your blog and I love your juice/cocktail recipes!! The melon kale cucumber green juice reminded me of the apple/kale juice I had last week. I started following you - maybe if you have some time, you could visit my blog and read my stories as well! Have a great day!

Hi @markin - I'll be your number 3 ; ) Have fun Steeming!

awesome post, good move to focus in Steemit, way better future here
followed and upvoted !
pls visit my blog @swssmarketing too :)

Agreed. It's better to focus on Steemit. I'll have to check out your marketing posts!

If you were a Transformer, you'd be Optimus Fine

Haha! You're a smooth operator @fishmon! Or in keeping with the Transformers theme, maybe I should say a "smooth carburetor"...

haha , yeah . good luck in your future posts .

Hey! Welcome to steemit and thanks for sharing your story. I find all the YouTubers coming over here a very interesting phenomena. Not necessarily surprising, but I find each story I hear interesting for sure! I hope the trend continues. :)

PS.. I've talked to alexpmorris a couple times so far on here and have been following him a lil bit and he seems like a good dude! So it's cool to see you on here now as well! I'm looking forward to seeing your posts in the future so I followed you on here, good luck on steemit!

Thanks for your kind words @apolymask (as well as the follow)... Censorship has been a problem on YouTube for long time, really since they were acquired by Google...

Honestly, I just lightly touched on my "actual" experience on YouTube in this post. There are many more stories I could share in separate posts in the future!

I can vouch that @alexpmorris is a pretty good dude! As you can see by some of the comments on this post, he's always here to support and help a friend! Truly, someone who is invaluable to Steemit.

I love your Outfit! Looking like a Prinzess Snow White ❄️

Have a lovely day 🍀


Haha! Thanks @kam.ila! I guess the bright yellow polka dots do look a bit like a Snow White-ish outfit!

Why do I always have to be a victim of cuteness...

Followed... :P
giphy (65).gif

yeah, I know the feeling @kid4life, and who doesn't love a trollslayer... upvoted! lol

Mahh man!


Congratulations! It's always great to discover things that bring people happiness. Your story is motivating for those new (like me) and old to the platform as well as those not on Steemit just yet.

Thanks and wishing you continued happiness and success!

Thank you @offoodandart! When I see your delicious food posts I always enjoy them ; )

That's so nice. Thank you @michellectv!

Congratulations on your first 250 followers! While I'm here with 0 :(

I'll be your first with one caveat... you've gotta post awesome original content. I'm sure you will ; )

if you put in as much hard work in creating quality content as @michellectv has the past few months, I'm sure you'll get there sooner than later too! :)

Thank you, will do! :)


wow, check that out, you already got a few more followers, and a few more votes as well! :)

Yes, the support rom the Steemit community is heartwarming!

Nice, a new Steemian, more or less ^^ Hi @Michellectv I hope you have fun on Steemit. feel free to contact or follow me at any time :-) Cheers @chrisx

That beautiful

Thanks... the dessert was beautiful...

welcome! I am sure you will be successfull here! I am happy to be your follower!

Nice to see you're doing so well here.

Thanks @mikej! Aren't we all doing well on Steemit? Compared to any other social media platform?

@mikej and @michellectv .. I've been on here just over a week and it's a great community and lots of info on posts. Love this social media platform!

You're welcome! Yes, everyone is earning something, some more than others.

You'll be at 300 soon ;)

Maybe sooner ... or later ... ; )

Steemit is indeed a breath of fresh air, the maturity level is a contrast from regular social media. So glad to see you are doing awesome and loving it on here!🎀

Thank you @artedellavita ! Yes, civility on social media is refreshing!

Congrats and great introduction @michellectv. All the best on Steemit and your courses at GIA!

Thank you @jkly87 ! And I graduated from my GIA course. It was a tremendous learning experience ; )

Whew.....so glad to hear we aren't the only ones who took a FB hiatus! There's this awkwardness about it that I feel...don't want to go onto to FB at all, but feel like I am leaving some good friends behind. With that being said, the real genuine comments from Steemit are making it all worth the leave and more!!! Thanks for being inspiring to so many today!

Thank you for the genuine comment @soulsavers ! I NEVER post anything "personal" to FB. I've felt the platform has been very invasive in terms of privacy since well.... six or seven years now...

Looking forward to closing mine down soon as possible...

I can totally relate to this post! Thank you for sharing! I may not have been in the social media game as long as you (started my instagram account in 2012) but I truly dislike how much instagram is like Facebook now which was always inevitable since its purchase by them.

I often post activist material and sensitive content and get censored time and time again. So I got very frustrated and give up.

Having nothing but respect for the crypto world I somehow landed here and so far have had nothing but the greatest experience!

Thanks for your thoughtful comment @jenova. As you can see by some of the spam commenting on this post Steemit is not immune to censorship. Nothings perfect! ; )

welcome!! i really like your content and just followed you!! Have a look at my art! maybe i can draw a portrait of you one day! I do realistic drawings :)

Well done, and awesome to hear you are finding this platform useful, and that it allows you do things that might not work or get moderated elsewhere!

Thanks @xaero1! I've only been publishing here for two months now and have enjoyed my time here. The only real censorship I've incurred has been on this post.

Steemit has a lot of potential but it's not perfect... Not yet anyway! ; )

well i cant welcome you because you arrived here earlier than me but i must confess that its a privileged to read your content and i really gained a lot from it keep up the good work thumbs up..

Thanks for taking the time to read a little bit about my story and censorship @toluakintola0. This is the first time I really shared anything personal about my social media journey in the 11+ years that I've been publishing/producing...

Cool! Really cool.... Welcome to you and this video is dedicated to new user..hope you like it!



Wow! You put together quite of few videos there!

Hi @michellectv ... yes that's true but seems that nobody like them! Really enjoy video and shooting! Good day to youuuuuuu

did you make that video in unreal? pretty cool! :)

Hi @alexpmorris not in this case, but I work in Unreal a lot but just in Archviz

ah okay, well very cool regardless, good job! :)

Thanks man! Reestem if you want! Now following you



are you for real @correctdrop? sounds like there's some serious jealously going on there. You recently resteemed "Hiii Steemit :) I'm Nina and this is my introduction !". @momdmalek has posted FOUR introduceyourself posts in just over a week! So what exactly do you feel @michellectv has done wrong again?

You can see my full response to your trollish spam attack at the top of this page. I have yet to really flag anyone on STEEMIT, and I am sorry to see that you lost so much money panicking out of your bitcoin position. However, that's no excuse to go around trolling and harassing people, and if you keep up this B.S., I will have no choice but to make you my first.

Great now all the youtubers are going to flood in here, well get ready to make alot of money here, looks like this post is doing great. How can we fight off people like you, its like a wave of unstopable inta whales are coming in to take all our steem, now soon it will be so hard to post on here and have it be seen with people like you here. Im sorry but you are like the 100th youtuber this week to post something like this. You know what, there are so many people like you on here coming from youtube its making me want to throw up on my computer.

Great now all the youtubers are going to flood in here

I think there were some pretty big youtubers already on STEEMIT way before either of us got here! sounds like you've got one pretty big stick stuck up there, 'ole boy, perhaps you'd better have someone look into that for you... lol

Some humans will never learn that you reap what you sow!

Totally true.... I thought that was happening that..

Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by michellectv from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, and someguy123. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows and creating a social network. Please find us in the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.

If you like what we're doing please upvote this comment so we can continue to build the community account that's supporting all members.

take your censorship group and go to hell. your killing steemit

Great you went for steemit and add some fresh quality content here - this is what we need more of.

Thanks @uwelang! My hunch is that STEEMIT's long term success (and STEEM) will be determined by solid contributors who are here to build an online community. Not the pump and dumpers!

This is why I love Steemit! Great post!

Subscribed to you when I was in high school ! Google and Youtube aka Big Social will fall off the deep end in their campaign against user's free speech. This platform and others like it are the future of social media and I'm glad you are onboard @michellectv

I agree wholeheartedly @dubvdave! And thank you for being a long time follower ; )

I was just conceptualizing my #introduceyourself post and I ran into this post. I am glad to hear Steemit re-inspired you to create content. Let's hope the community here flourishes.

Thanks @iawesomatize! We're all looking forward to reading your #introduceyourself post. ; )

Welcome to Steemit. You make the right choice to quit other social media to come here. Wishing you success. I have tips to help newbies to be successful at my profile.

Thank you @positivesteem!

You are welcome. Do check out my profile. I write positive posts and newbie nuggets. Newbie nuggets are tips for success at Steemit.

wow your content really stands out on steemit, youre a pro, followed.

I'm just learning @geomagna, but thank you!

Aloha, @michellectv and welcome to Steemit!! Love what you're about... My hubby and are foodies and love traveling! I just followed you and I'm so happy to connect with you here, you're gonna do great hun! 😉

Thank you @futureyou! As foodies, hopefully you'll enjoy my next post ... dining in the Eiffel Tower!

I remember your youtube channel but never saw any recipes on it like these ones.

Some of these are newer recipes...

However, the Marie Antoinette Cocktails are on my YouTube channel... : )

Interesting to hear your perspective on switching from other social media platforms... I just joined Steemit about a week ago, and I've only used Facebook (in fact, I just also commented on your Facebook page), but I've never been rewarded for all the valuable content (like forage info) in any other way than likes. I believe Steemit may be a much better outlet where we can put detailed info that is more appreciated! Thanks for your input on the switch; makes me even more excited about Steemit!

Thanks @colorado-girl for your comments both here and on my Facebook page... You should be compensated for your investment of time community building and for your content.... beyond just "likes".

That's one point that really burned me with Google / YouTube "partnership" is that there was no real transparency as to what their "cut" was on the YouTube platform. 50/50 could easily have been 99/1. Here, in the Steemit "gift economy" there is transparency!

People need incentives to produce, and with something (dare I say, money!) that can be applied to their quality of life IRL... I think you'll find yourself feeling at home here on Steemit! ; )

There are 4 pages