Hi, lovely to meet you Sandra. I see you breed one of my favorite hens, cream legbars. They're not officially in Australia, although some have managed to recreate them from golden legbars.
I love Devon. We used to holiday there when we could afford it and lived in the UK.
If you don't mind I would like to invite you to look into our homesteaders group, information is here:
I've found them to be a very supportive community and I'm not sure if I'd be as active on here without their support and encouragement.
Hi, Thanks for the link I will definitely take a look.I need all the help I can get ! The Cream Legbars are super, mine are still laying , although moulting when many of my other heritage breeds have stopped. There is much work to be done on the breed over here so many bad examples.
Where in the UK did you live and which part of Devon did you visit? I'll follow your post with interest
We're from Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire.
I can't actually remember where in Devon we visited. I guess it's been longer than I realised! Lol! Mostly we went for the sea. It's so much clearer there. As a child, Skegness was always the beach were went to. Lovely brown water!