Introduction and verification Post for Quinn Eaker--Author, Father, Speaker, Consultant, and Founder of The Garden of Eden Eco Village

Greetings, my fellow Steemians!

I am so grateful to be a part of this revolutionary platform, STEEMING with cutting edge minds!

In honor of Steemit, I've taken the time to do an artistic validation photo for a proper "introduce yourself" post.

 In truth, I was so inspired by finding and researching Steemit, that the VERY first article I wrote for Steemit was titled Why Steemit Is So Important And Even Revolutionary.  I skipped an "introduce yourself" post, because what I really wanted to do was share with my network why Steemit is such a huge upgrade to say FascistBook or Twatter and inspire them to get STEEMING ASAP.  These corporatocracies not only censor but steal and monetize everyone's valuable content with ZERO consideration, offering nothing to the user. Secondly, every time I sat down to write a proper introduction, I felt like I was going to have to write a novel to give any real scope of who I am and what my life means. 

I am sitting down now to write this proper introduce yourself post because a friend of mine @emancipatedhuman just published a successful post of a video interview he did of me for his show. He has gotten more recognition for that post than I have gotten for ALL of my posts combined. 

I feel I have put together some legitimately valuable content and now feel it is time do a proper "introduce yourself" post so that the Steemit community can get to know me. 

Without going into to much depth and writing a novel, I want to start by saying that the first half of my life sucked. I was weak, sick, angry, and afraid. By the time I was 17 years old, I was so miserable that my one consistent wish was to no longer be alive--for the suffering of life to end and be over. I was hopelessly in despair at the thought of living in this world for another 80 years. 

I had to do something, but I didn't know what to do or where to go. Maybe it was bravery that helped me decide to make something of my life, or maybe it was the lack of bravery that kept me from killing myself, or maybe it was just destiny. What I can say is that in a moment of clarity, I made a choice to devote my entire life to finding/creating a life that I had never seen, one that embodied my ideals. To do so, I had to stop compromising and complying with the sad state of the world. 

I didn't know what the answer was, but I knew that it wasn't on TV or in the movies, I knew it wasn't at church or the mall, I knew it wasn't in my family or my neighbors, I knew I had to find something much bigger--something bigger than myself. I decided to dedicate my life to a spiritual quest, because if there was any hope of finding a life of ideals then I had to find the answers to the ultimate questions: What is life? What is the purpose of life? Does god exist? Right and wrong? Good and bad? What is the meaning and purpose of it all?

To get to the point, I gave up everything and invested my days reading, writing, and meditating every day. I dropped out of high school, even disconnected with all my friends--all I did was ponder the meaning of life and the depths of the universe. 

I had my full life awakening about a year and a half later, which is still the most profound and powerful moment of my life. I actually experienced what it was that I had been looking for, wishing for, and hoping to find. I experienced real purpose, true love, and the infinite nature of the universe.

I then devoted my entire life to integrating this experience and these realizations into my daily existence. I invested still another few years in introspection, living in solitude, traveling the world and reprogramming my entire dysfunctional being. 

Since then, I have traveled to every continent besides Antarctica as a speaker and consultant at public and private events, lived in the wilderness for months on end with nothing but a knife, written books, ran for public office, started a clothing/jewelry line, an epic handmade knife operation and a high vibe health supplements venture, founded a sustainable community which now has the lowest carbon footprint of any organization I have seen, survived a Black Ops SWAT raid on my home, was investigated by the FBI, and fathered 2 precious girls who are shattering almost all the ideas people have about what children are and are capable of. I haven't had a boss, paid taxes, gotten sick, or shopped at stores in 15 years. I'm fully devoted to embodying my ideal version of the world. I'm not a big fan of labels, but I've proven the true concepts of anarchy--when lived responsibly--are successful in a healthy, happy, and prosperous life of self-reliance.

For more on my sustainable community, click here to go to the Garden of Eden's page.

I could go on and on and would LOVE to do so, and that is part of why I am so thrilled to be here on Steemit! Because now--for the first time!--I can share my cutting edge and controversial perspective in an uncensored platform (censoring has always been a major issue for my content) without having to charge anybody for it (giving freely is of great importance to me) and actually be compensated for the value of my contributions!

So in the coming weeks on Steemit I plan on writing extensively about health, parenting, sustainability, consciousness, freedom, politics, and the topics of which are major influences in my life. 


I've known Quinn since he was a child while his mother was a friend of mine. Her kids were older than mine but nevertheless we shared a passion for freedom in learning. As a result Quinn was exposed, growing up, to many great minds of freedom thought. Today I live with him and am honored to be a part of the free life he has freely offered me. Today, Quinn is the freedom expert, for many years now, holding space for those who want to experience the free life. Most people have no concept of what that is like. This man is compassionate, honorable, has high integrity, loving and I have never seen him out of control with his emotions, always in control of himself. Almost no one is like that. The high standards I have learned from him now makes me a misfit in society. Thanks Quinn, fitting in was not in my best interest.

Thank you for the testament it is greatly appreciated!
I am grateful to hold such space as I dedicated my self to being of exemplified service and am thus fulfilled in the achievement of that if even only for just one!
May our lives continue to get better and better and may we share it together~*~

Great intro and looking forward to more info on the development of your community, I'll follow! All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

Thanks Brother!
I am dedicated to continuesouly evolving and being more successful in everything I do~
I hope to be worthy of the follow and share content worth tuning into!
Bless it be~*~

For all the gifts you have given in consciousness, the people you have fed/housed/educated, the community you have created that is being the example of new paradigm living, the people you have touched all over the globe, the joy you are as a daddy, the awareness you bring to the simplicity and ease of a conscious life, the inspiration you are on a daily basis and the being that you are exemplifying unconditional love--there is truly hope. This short introduction is only the beginning, as Steemians will soon find out. I am incredibly grateful to be a part of your world in every capacity and blessed to witness the magnificence unfolding because of your unwavering dedication to purpose. You're the bomb!!! Thank you for sharing yourself so fully! <3

I am grateful to have such an influence and to have such true support from you. I am grateful you are a part of this and am aware of the great benefit you are to all we have accomplished!
May life continue to get better and better, may we bring forth valuable content to this cutting edge community and may we be acknowledged for it!
Bless it be~*~

Really excited for this new platform. I have followed you on youtube and facebook. Your ideas were part of the inspiration for my family to begin unschooling about 9 years ago. I have learned a lot from your post about sustainability and living a life that is more free. I, also, really enjoy your post on gardening and the awesome meals you prepare. There is still so much to learn and I look forward to your future post and am grateful that you are willing to share your knowledge and experiences . You have an awesome perspective on life. Peace

Great to connect with you here!
I am truly fulfilled knowing that I have helped inspire a healthier and happier life!
I can think of nothing more important!
I will be sharing more public content than ever thanks to this platform which actually deserves it!
Excited for the possibilities~
Hope you tune in daily and that my posts are worth it!

Please accept this double braided goatee as my official welcoming gesture to you, MR. @quinneaker and the rest of the folks at the Garden of Eden. - @papa-pepper

No one welcomes new steemians quite like papa

Well played @papa-pepper! A most honorable gesture, and it looks great on you!

Awesome! Is that a picture of you or just a good one you found for the post???
Great to be connected with you and appreciate the support of @thegardenofeden

Just took it, after I saw your post. Do you need a verification? Papa can do that!

Any other questions??????

Yes I need a verification but dont really know what it is or how to do it?

That's the card I'm holding.
Obviously I couldn't get an online picture of someone else with a double-braided goatee holding a dated and timed card with your username and mine on it off some random website...

HEY! WAIT A MINUTE!!!! I'm replying with this comment on your verification post!

You got me this time funny man!!!

@quinneaker - 1 point
@papa-pepper - 2 points (yeah, cuz I get one for each braid on my chin!)

🎶this is just a tribute! you gotta believe me!🎶

3 Hours earlier than your post, my cousin had her proper validation also :) Looks like validation with bodypaint is the thing now :P

SMILE , KEEP your dreams alive , is what makes you go forward in LIFE.


Guess we tuned into a similar stream of inspiration!

I have only just met and am still getting to know you Quinn... but the more I learn, the more amazed I am. The more I interact with you, the more impressed I am. The more I listen, the more grateful I am. I'm not one for hero worship (on any level), but I have been looking for examples to draw upon my entire life... and I can say with complete honesty that you are the closest to a hero that I've ever come across.

I've lived through and survived darker, suicidal days as well... The state of the world and the level of acceptance (i.e. the mix of apathy and ignorance) about it left me with little hope - for everyone else, but especially for myself...

Thank you Quinn. I am so glad you are alive! You have literally alchemized death into life - something I wouldn't have thought possible until I bore witness that you have PROVEN otherwise... The gift you have given me -just by choosing to stay alive and BE yourself- cannot be assigned numerical value. For who you are and what you've CHOSEN to become... I see you - and I honor you. God-Bless.

He's my hero too, and before I was utterly in love with him, I was just so damn grateful that he existed at all! I am grateful that you too are so inspired and uplifted by his being!

I am grateful to share such love, true love~
We are blessed and hope that we bless many as we live our extraordinary life together~*~

Thank you for the valuable words and support!
I am grateful to be able to provide something of true value to this world and not just be spinning the wheel, paying taxes/bills and consuming as much as possible.
I get great fulfillment from a comment such as this where the honest truth is of such gratitude and benefit!
I hope that you are able to learn much more and evolve leaps and bounds and that I may help facilitate that~

Awesome Quinn!! Glad you found this network and are making some money.. pretty revolutionary and amazing! This is Tamara's friend, Daniel, from many years ago.. Fun to see stories of your farm on my social feeds.. glad you are on steemit.. this one is rockin it!

So thrilled to be here and so awesome to connect with you here! This platform is truly revolutionary and many of us see it! This has only just begun yet it is already awesome!
Bless it be~*~

I am grateful for all the support and heartfelt testament to my being that I have received here with this post!
I am truly grateful to be here now sharing what I feel to be valuable content and receiving feedback that confirms this to be true!
I dedicated my life to being of not just service but life changing value and would not be able to live with my self if that were not true. I am passionate about what I believe and express that honestly and know there are many who disagree or even judge me/my opinions, but to be able to help just one person as I have done according to some of these testaments is life fulfilling for my purpose!
I am grateful and hope that I will be able to continue to be of real value to your lives and be held accountable to that standard~*~

Quinn, as one who has known you intimately for over 5 years, I can agree that it would indeed take a novel to describe who and what you are. Volumes, I think. This summary is short and sweet and lets people get to see a glimpse of how and why you made yourself into the man you now are - the man who most supports, guides, and inspires me, and so many others. I am honored to be a part of your powerful and revolutionary life! I am thankful for this platform that allows you to do what you do so well- share the TRUTH, for FREE, and even to get compensated for it!

Welcome to Steemit! I think I have seen some posts from other members of your community. It sounds like some very exciting things are going on there.

Thank you!
I am super stoked to be here if you can't tell from my Artistic validation post and my Why Steemit Is Revolutionary article!
I really appreciate the support and hope you tune in from time to time as what we are doing is also cutting edge and revolutionary!
Best Regards~*~

You demonstrate more love, patience, and generosity on a daily basis than I ever knew existed. You are my greatest inspiration! Thank you for creating the Garden of Eden, for sharing the abundance, and for your unwavering example of honor and integrity.

Great post! Got me hyped up. Apartment complex where I was checking a place out for rent was called "Garden of Eden". Interesting :)

Welcome and catch another follower here on Steemit - me!

The Synchronicity abounds!

Super awesome and pretty much unbelievable to most. However, I'm a witness. This is the real deal.

Thank you for the testament. I hope that I may be of value to this community!

I'm really looking forward to reading more. What an interesting life so far, I wonder what lies ahead?!
Following with great excitement.

I am excited about what the future holds for our exchanges here in this community and hope that I will be able to continue to provide valuable content worth paying attention to!
Bless it be~*~

Inspiring story you have. Followed and I look forward to seeing more of your posts.

Thank you!
I hope to provide content worthy of your time!
Excited for the exchanges to come!

You are an inspiration sir, let's all keep making this world a better place.

That is an agreement I can make!
May it be so~*~

I LOVE your post. Love your verification photo. Love your intro. Love your story. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you so much!
I am so happy to be here and really try very hard to bring exciting, creative, and BENEFICIAL content to the community!
I hope I am able to continue to bring posts that have value for you!
Steem ON!

Hey Quinn, have a look at and if you wish, setup Garden of Eden there as community page.
Blessings and Greetings from Berlin

What is your connection there? Or are you simply sharing a web site you are aware of that you feel is beneficial to me?

I am in the core team since the beginning.